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Never enough RAM, or is there?

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Hi all,

I was struggling to get some of the larger scenarios to run smoothly with the meager spec i have which is:- win7 64, 3gig ram, dual core 2.5 celeron, 1 gig nvidia graphics card. after tweaking a little with the graphics card settings & game menu settings set to fastest rather than quality i found i could still only scrape through the bigger battles with 'trees off' and anything else which made it easier on the system.

Then i found this little program down at cnet.com


Its free and there is a little tutorial on youtube to follow which i found useful, after installing and trying it out i found it greatly improved the game performance, especially on larger scenarios. If anyone else is suffering from sluggish gameplay on larger battles give it a try and see if it helps.


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If it helps, and it doesn't alter the game's files, then cool.

A Celeron is plenty wimpy, sadly. If I had to guess it would either be your CPU or drivers that were letting you down.

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I am running 16 GB RAM. Back in January I bought a new rig with a 3960X Hex core that runs @3.3 ghz ,with a turbo frequency of 3.9 ghz. Video: Evga GTX 580 with 3 ghz. memory. A cooler master 1200 watt power supply and an H-100 corsair liquid cooler for the cpu. I also wanted a rig that would handle the latest Combat flight simulators[Rise of Flight,DCS A-10, Blackshark2,Cliffs of Dover, etc] and race car sims.[project CARS,R factor 2 ]

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