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Ivanov, never tell a programer that something is simple, it's never simple... Stacking units give enormous considerations to balance the game to make thing work out. It's not simple, but if it's on huberts mind, he will make it, with the perfection he has done so far, at least I thrust him. :)

As a wargammer, you should know that the potential difficulties are here only to overcome them and that they cannot stop you from achieving the final goal :)

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It's all a question of adding as many meaningful improvements and upgrades without overly increasing playtime.

Naturally, the aforementioned simplicity is something that the developer needs to take into account (at least marketing wise) for the strategy game-buying semi-casual crowd that never shows up on the forums, but I'm not too worried about that myself, as I don't belong into that crowd. I'm just saying that I don't think SC3 will ever become even a third as complicated as GGWIR or even TOAW, so we should be safe even if a lot of cool stuff is implemented which gives us a better simulation and game.

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Ahhh... the wisdom of Glabro! It has always been a trade off, trading some simplification for accuracy and this is SC3, it has to have more. You want simplification to the nth SC degree, there is SC1, the original, but for a greater degree of realism you step up W&W SC2 and then on to Global, so SC3 has to be more.

For the AI, there are the default mechanisms, the basics from the past SCs, the AI can manage them, you give the AI some additional feature cheats. Yes, they have to be advantageous if you want a competitive AI, don't fool yourself, the technology is not there yet for a learning AI.

So, for SC3 you have the underlying LoC and the single icon/hex container that allows a certain accumulation of units. They move and fight as one or the player detaches organizations at his whim. He can choose the defaults arrangements as the AI does, or he can create his own task groups for the missions at hand. It doesn't have to be complicated, it just presents the players with the freedom to choose. After all isn't that what the Creator has allowed us, nothing more, nothing less, what all free men covet.

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I think stacking is rather dull, mostly for people who don't play the game strategically and just wants to mass units instead. As PzGndr said, the scale of the game makes this unnecessary. I like to keep the simplistic feel of sc1 with the add ons of later versions combined with great graphics and some brand new innovations. For instance more politics in a simplistic form maybe?

The difficult part is not to make a game complex, but make the complex simplistic and user friendly. Focus should be the game not on mechanics.

Same goes with air. It's fine an airunit occupies a whole hex without other units stacking or enter the hex. It makes the overview so much better.

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I guess that most of the players, fully appreciate the fact that one of the main merits of the SC system is it's simplicity. From the other hand, I don't think it's possible to improve the game without adding some slight layer of complexity to it. Still, even with stacking ( or whatever name you want to give to it ), SC would be one of the simplest strategic games on the market.

The idea behind stacking, originates from the fact, that currently the neighbouring, friendly units don't interact with each other in any way and that makes some smaller units ( like AT or AA ) too vulnerable or even useless. Stacking seems to be the simplest solution to it ( but certainly not the only one ).

Equally important as stacking would be a possibility to divide the units into smaller ones ( eg. one army into three corps ). That feature would certainly be a great tool in player's hands, especially while on the defense.

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For myself some of the wishes and suggestions go part too far. :(

If to many and/or too far-reaching changes are made to the Strategic Command System - then it is no longer Strategic Command, right?

And - Strategic Command plays with squares.

I needed some time to get used to it. But now, for me, no big deal.

So squares are fine now. Hexes will also be good. :)

What are the advantages and drawbacks on squares vs. hexes? :confused:

Myself would like to see faster AI - calculation, and I realy would like to see the geography of a realistic map (size ratio, geographic location and distances of the continents and islands)!!! :cool:

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What are the advantages and drawbacks on squares vs. hexes? :confused:

You have to be more careful to watch out for units slipping through the "joints" between squares. Laying out a defensive line with a hex grid is more intuitive, especially for us old guys.:rolleyes:

Myself would like to see faster AI - calculation, and I realy would like to see the geography of a realistic map (size ratio, geographic location and distances of the continents and islands)!!! :cool:

All good things but will need multithreading to execute in a reasonable amount of time. Multiple cpu's have been with us for around 6 years now and multithreaded processors even longer.:cool:

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I want a endless working "L" hotkey feature, including the historic images.

All we need is a container where all game messages gets saved into, free to the player to open and read whenever he wants to.

Shouldn't be to trickery to achieve.

Just like a timetable, parted between combat messages, DE, political messages, hints, and achievements.

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And I wish much faster reactions,

For example, if I change the zoom level or click from a unit to another unit.

Strategic Command is not a perfect game.

One don't like this - the other don't like that.

I can life very good with the most of those "flaws".

But what bothers me very much are those very slow reaction. :mad:

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I don't really need much to be changed for a 3rd game as i am compleetly enjoying this one, but I did have a few ideas which would be nice to see added.

My main advice is to add some more scripts which come into affect if the war does not go as it went historically.

If Russia for example destroys the Ottoman empire they should gain lands in the caucasus. If Ottoman capture a lot of Russian land consider giving them more then those 3 or 4 tiles worth of land.(I had once gone all the way up to the oil fields just for my uints to be scattered everywhere)

Same with Austria and Russia.(and Itally and Austria but I have not had total victory with one over the other so I can't really say anything yet)

In general what I am getting at is, if possible have multiple "peace" scrips which take into consideration who actully did all the work. It feels weird to have Germany gain Polish territory if Austria marched all the way to the far right industries.

There are some other things alike this which would be nice to see, stuff like the Greece thing I mentioned in an earlier topic(which I know you said is not possible in the current game, which is why I added it here. But I also would find it nice if Greece would NOT force a coup(and ruin deplomacy) when the country is at 80% toward Entente. In general, some more reactions from the game toward what the player does should help give the player even more options to try out new things.

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It's curious about that "slow reactions" thing as SC2 is the ONLY 2d wargame I've ever seen where you literally have to wait for seconds for anything to happen after clicking on a unit / submenu etc. It makes playing the game much, much more of a chore than it really should be.

But I'm sure this will be taken care of in the next iteration, that goes without saying.

Somehow the SC2 engine is just borked (disclaimer: at least on a great variety of computers)

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I use the last update, and sorry to say that I also was surprised by the slow reaction if I select units and sometimes am a bit annoyed.

Also, the zoom takes an eternity to me. :mad:

I hope Hubert Cater can improve here a bit.

I suffer from these slow reactions in both, SCGCG as well as SCTGW.

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This is a very odd error as it runs very smoothly on all the systems we've tested on outside of those initial release issues related to National Morale.

We'll be using a slightly different graphics rendering engine in the future and hopefully this will resolve the issue entirely for those rare systems where this occurs.

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I would't say it's really a mistake.

The game is therefore still well playable. :)

Only during a long season you would like to: click reaction click attack click reaction click movement.

One obtains: Click.. Reaction.. Click.. Attack.. Click.. Reaction.. Click.. Movement.

The switch from the standard view with zoom in the world overview map takes measured 2.1 s for me.

And as I said, if you sit for hours the game "slow reactions" feels subjective as a burden.

We merely indicate that we , due to the rather simple 2-D graphics, wonder why the reactions "address so slow". :confused:

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