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New Fall Weiss 1939 MOD

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Sorry if this was answered elsewhere but I read the top of this thread and didn't find it and also looked on the repository as well as looking for an install or readme doc in either of the downloads but no help anywhere that I can see.

When we DL the Media folder where do we put all of those files or put that Media folder?


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Honch, I'm playing v3 as allies and only comment is that USSR income of 0 seems extreme. If US is at 20% mobilization why is USSR at 0? That doesn't reflect the militarization of Soviet society. Please clarify your rationale. Thanks.

Other than that, I really enjoy your mod. Have you considered modding any other scenarios...a 1941 mod starting with Barbarrosa?


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I have set the USSR at 0% due to the close relations with the Axis at the start of the war. They were even at the point in 1940 were Stalin was making overtures to the Germans to join a new four power pact with them and carve up the British Empire.

I have compensated by increasing the starting OOB upon war with the Axis and adding the Persian convoy and extra resources in Siberia.

In addition, the USSR will never surrender. Their last capital is the Soviet Far East.

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Honch, what does French concern with lack of Brit support depend on? I've kept subsidies at 5% and deployed all 3 corps of BEF plus Gort HQ to Belgium, where there's heavy fighting, but French NM keeps plummeting. It went from 72 in April 1940 to 19 in August and it seems they'll likely surrender even though no German troops have set foot in France. I'd like to know how to stem the NM loss. Thanks. PP

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Ouch, that sucks. The script fires if there are too few units in France starting in January 1940. I will have to add Belgium to the checks. Thanks for the update.

Version 4 will be ready soon.

It includes alot of new stuff including the DEs for creation of the Ukraine, possible early armistice with the USSR, Caucasian separatist partisans and the DE for the USSR to send Joseph Beria and the NKVD, expanded consequences for the USSR to launch the Winter War, increased unit costs for all minors except for Canada, adjusted starting OOBs for the USSR, DE for Italy to consider attacking Greece early, French Madagascar (without scripting yet), possibility of BB Richelieu joining the Allies after conquest of FWA, adjusted Iraqi coup scripts and much more.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Still playing v3 and France finally surrendered on Aug 30, 1940 because of NM=0. I know you will fix the drop in NM because of Brit units in Belgium, but another possible problem surfaced. Since no German units ever occupied a piece of France and since a couple Italian units crossed into the French Alps, France actually surrendered to Italy! Please fix this script, so in case of French NM=0, then default surrender is to Germany.

P.S. Below are the snapshots before/after surrender. Notice the Brits occupy Ypres, so the Belgians have not yet surrendered.



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That's an interesting and definately a rare occurance. Making scripts to account for every possibility is very tough. In a recent game France surrendered while the Belgians and British fought on for several months in Belgium. I will see what can be done.

I have fixed the BEF NM issue and I have also adjusted the French NM scripts so that France will fight longer if the Germans are not as quick to get into France.

Version 4 is finished and will be uploaded tomorrow.

It includes everything previously mentioned plus the following......

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Zionist rebel attacks in Palestine.

DE for assigning O'Connor to lead the WDF.

UK occupying Crete after the surrender of Greece.

Increased the cost of HQs for all nations.

Gave Italy motorization level one.

Reduced the effect of naval units being near Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Expanded the force pool of the British Empire.

Increased the costs for the UK to reinforce East Africa.

Scripts added for the creation of and Allied invasion of French Madagascar.

Made Free Poland a minor of Poland and started an MPP transfer for support from the UK.

Adjusted the Fall Weserubung scripts to account for Norway joining the Axis prior to invasion.

Added a resource to the Free French to represent colonies that go free.

Added a script for Belgium to surrender if France does.

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Thoughts for V5.......

Having a new pro-Axis nation of Egypt created if the Axis occupy Alexandria. It would include a new Egyptian Nationalist Army.

A new DE for Italy to commence offensive operations in East Africa.

A new DE for the UK to invade Madagascar. If they don't, Japanese subs may use the island to reduce convoys from British Empire.

Further balance adjustments to French morale and scripts.

I am also considering transfer of the MOD to Global Gold to take advantage of some engine updates.

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French morale is being ruined by an event that says not enough Brit units in France. I normally don't deal with scripts but this is so frustrating that I tried to look it up.

Here is the line I'm trying to figure out:

; Few British units in France

#CONDITION_POSITION= 221,60 [12,12] [0,1] [2] [1]

The manual says this:

#CONDITION_POSITION= Map positions that will serve to trigger the event as well as distance and number of Axis/Allied unit ranges as specified by 'alignment' flag (format: x,y [min_range, max_range] [min_units, max_units] [alignment] [aligned_country_id])

So that means the hex is 221,60 which is the city Troyes. A max range of 12, and a min range of 12 - so exactly 12 hexes from Troyes. Min units 1, max units 1. So it sounds like I have to have 2+ units exactly 12 hexes from Troyes that are British. Is that how you read that? Seems silly I'd have to be exactly 12 hexes only from Troyes.....is it a bug or am I reading it wrong?

I have 2 British units what I think are exactly 12 hexes from Troyes counting diagonal as 1. 1 is in Normany and the other near Brest. But the FR morale script still keeps firing.

How do I stop this?

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