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Everything posted by CarlXII

  1. I realized that we are probably talking about the same thing as soon as i had posted previous reply...These dots have nothing to to with RADIO though...thats what got me somewhat confused ...Any type of contact... radio or other will influence these dots to be red or green. The picture is simply a screenshot from the editor showing a mortarteam and...its dots...It has nothing to do with the original question/situation...
  2. I belive that the green dots show this... - That the mortar is in contact with the section HQ - That THE SECTION HQ is in contact with the platoon HQ - That THE PLATONN HQ is not in contact with the company HQ - That THE COMPANY HQ is in contact with the battlion HQ That is...It does not show what the individual team is 'personally' in contact with...Atleast thats the way i understand the green dots...
  3. I have no intrest in scanning though these forums to find quotes that are years old...This one may not be the best one but it is one that is somewhat to the point and fairly recent...
  4. Don't you guys worry ...BFC have repeatedly praised themself for being better then many other gamecompanies when it comes to providing updates and communications... What more could you possibly ask for...
  5. I did some quick testing....Increasing and decreasing the mapsize multiple times...different map sides... The flavoured objects remaine perfectly stable where they where originaly placed...No wierdness at all. Flavoured objects from the removed mapsections are gone... This problem seems to be fixed imo... I'm using the all in one mod pack for CMBN.
  6. This has been a problem in the past but atleast for me...I have not seen this problem with my recent map designs... I can cut and add to the maps as desired without the flavoured objects getting displaced.
  7. I'm guessing that RANDOM plays a part here...Some particular soft factor or other settings might influence the likelyhood of surrender (i don't know what thoose are...) but i doubt that the surrendering enemies will play out in the same way every time you play a scenario...
  8. This game is basically 15 years old...Back when it was released it may have had decent AI and scripting tools for its time but to day... ...Not so much...and that is not likely to change until Battlefront releases an entirely new game (game engine)... Until then i would recomed you play against human opponents...Here the game still shines...well above all competiton !
  9. Yepp... If you set about to try and fix a larger, hilly map with lots of buildings you might end up reshaping the entire look of the map...and if your goal is to design a large, hilly map with lots of buildings from scratch you will be quite limited in what you can do if you want to have no partially sunken buildings on it... It's a game engine limitation...Not a scenario/ map design one imo...
  10. Not supricing...This entire forum is as dead as the progress/updates from BFC...poeple are losing intrest in this game unfortunatelly...
  11. Thanks for making these videos....really nice... To improve on them further it would be nice if the 'rolling text' could be a bit faster and that you instead leave the picture a short while longer after the text has completed before skipping to the next one... Sorry for the nit picking ...The videos are overall great...
  12. I belive that for many the phrase KEY TERRAIN signifies terrain features that are likely to impact the succesful completion of the mission as a whole and not something that relates to each individual squad... Smoke could be helpful if you have it to blind enemy held key terrain or to section of an area you're attacking in to allow you to achive fire supperiority.
  13. I would have to agree with Vergeltungswaffe on this...If we within a few years will be unable to trust pictures, video and recorded speech things could turn really ugly when it comes to things like legal and political matters...
  14. Yes i know ... And that is exactelly my problem. I wish that the game could represent a largish internal space...and the fact that it can't...THAT is my biggest gripe with the modular buildings. The fact that a scenario designer can toggle individual walls off without that having any....or at best....very, very minor impact on actual gameplay is somewhat strange to me... If you toggle a wall off...It should be GONE...not simply invisible...
  15. The walled buildings are NOT the problem...It's the 'unwalled' ones that are... When the buildings has visible walls (damaged or not) the game treats them okish....The problems comes when you as a designer want to add a large building to the map by combining several smaller ones into one...Lets say a factory or warehouse. Take my example above...What if i wanted this to represent a large warehouse...consisting of ONE large room...by removing the internal walls visiually it looks like i have achived this but when it comes to game play functions...I HAVE NOT...The game still treats this space as if it has all 6 individual 1 tile buildings intakt with their walls up... Visually it looks like ONE big room with clear LOS/LOF...But its NOT.... That is not good imo ! At long distance maybe....but close in not all that much...In my example above it made no difference at all if the allied troops where in a tile with all around windowl/door-less walls or an entirely wall-less tile...The result was the same.
  16. I pretty much am I have put 6 one tile modular buildings together and REMOVED the internal walls. Playing in scenario test mode... Nobody sees nobody... The germans moves through the 'room'...Nothing until... The germans reaches the one tile building right next to the enemy... When enetering the house they have LOS/LOF to pretty much nowhere exept the adjacent 1 tile building... I add wall with no windows around the 1 tile buildings with the enemy troops and move in simular fashion. And the result is just the same...
  17. My number one gripe with the modular buildings by far is the fact that the toggeling of walls on and off is for looks only ! It has NO or atleast very, very minor impact on gameplay (LOS/LOF) if the wall is removed or not. I
  18. Hello... This is not a problem for me...anymore . I had a bit of a problem with this building a while back when i was testing one of my own maps...I had used this building in multiple locations thinking that the door would be functional...but when i was playtesting the map i found out that is was not... I can certainly understand two different interpretations of this 'door'...Either that this door is a boarded up one as intended but to me it also kind of looks like a crappy old door planked together...Not an all that uncommon door on such types of buildings...Perhaps giving the false impression that this door is usable... Slightely missleading in my opinion...As i said though...This is not a BIG problem...The 2 versions you pictured above is way more 'readable' i think... Using barn nr 4 would also 'solve' this problem as it only has one door...
  19. Thanks....Downloaded ! Very nice indeed. A very...very minor detail though...If you feel that this is something to pay any attention to....I mentioned in another thread regarding buildings and doors that one of the small barn buildings (the third one in the barn selection iirc) is showing up as having doors on two sides...atleast when using the all in one mod pack...atleast for me ... This building actually only has a 'working' door on one of the sides...The other one is only for looks...This may trick some people if they are not aware of this fact.... I have spotted this barn building at a few locations on your map...Its certainly not a massive problem but i thought i would let you know... This is the bulding i'm talking about... That door does not work... Barn building number 4 is pretty much identical to this one but without the fake door...It might not be worth the hastle to replace something like 5 barnbuildings that probably will never play a big a part in any battle...having to release a V1.1 of the map... I just thought i would mention it ...
  20. Looks outstanding ! Where can we download it ? When ? Thanks for whats looks like brilliant work !
  21. Are you using any mods ? Personally i'm using the 'all in one' mod pack and i have found that one of the BARN buildings (barn building nr 3) is showing up as having a door on two sides. This is not actually the case...Only one side has a working door. I can't remember if this barn has the same problem with stock graphics (no mods). Could this perhaps be what you are experiencing ? These barn buildings (3 and 4) are the smallest buildings in the game. If you issiue is with a larger building then this is obviously not the reason...
  22. PEB14 if you have not experienced any of George MCs scenarios and campaigns you should do a search for them and download them all for the various titles you own. They are easily among the best scenarios/campaigns made for CM...Highly recomended !
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