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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. 39 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    I don't know how they could ajust Storm Shadows



    Enhancements reported in 2005 included the capability to relay target information just before impact and usage of one-way (link back) data link to relay battle damage assessment information back to the host aircraft, under development under a French DGA contract. At the time in-flight re-targeting capability, using a two-way data link, was planned.[20]


  2. https://lenta.ru/news/2023/09/15/back/
    The State Duma announced the deadline for the return of those mobilized from the Northern Military District zone



    He also spoke about the rotation of military personnel at the expense of contract soldiers.

    “They will return home after the completion of a special military operation. No rotation is provided. They are entitled to leave for every six months of service, and they now go on these holidays,” the deputy stated the return date.

    The parliamentarian noted that the vacation period does not include time spent on travel. Kartapolov also named the goal of active recruitment of contract soldiers by the Ministry of Defense.


  3. A somewhat sobering update from the Ukrainian Konstantin Mashovets. Here is an excerpt:


    Thus, it becomes obvious that after breaking through the first position of the main line of their defense between the villages of Novoprokopovka - the village of Verbovoye, the enemy command obviously seeks to “restore the lost position” through preparations. organizing and conducting a whole series of counterattacks on the flanks of the advancing tactical group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    Therefore, the general situation in the offensive zone of Ukrainian troops in the Tokmak direction is quite complex. Both sides suffered significant losses in the battles for the first position of the main line of defense. The level of combat effectiveness of the forward units of both sides decreased significantly.


  4. Rybar posted that they confirmed this other post from Battle Sailor:


    Preliminary: a combined strike on Sevastopol was carried out using M270 MLRS missiles (ground-based complex). And Storm Shadow (air-to-ground) from the territory of the Nikolaev region. At the same time, there was an attempt to strike a detachment of Black Sea Fleet ships at sea using BECs launched from Odessa.

    Against the backdrop of a negative result in the counter-offensive, the Anglo-Saxon pigs decided to significantly increase the stakes, while simultaneously intercepting the Black Sea information initiative about attacks on ports 404... Well, we'll

    see how you bitches squeal this night...


  5. https://t.me/mod_russia/30416

    ⚡ Tonight, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a strike with ten cruise missiles at the ship repair plant named after. S. Ordzhonikidze in the city of Sevastopol and three unmanned boats from a detachment of ships of the Black Sea Fleet on the sea crossing.

    ▫️Air defense systems shot down seven cruise missiles, and the patrol ship Vasily Bykov destroyed all unmanned boats. As a result of being hit by enemy cruise missiles, two ships undergoing repairs were damaged.


  6. Mashovets' update had this to say about Russian artillery:


    3. Well, in conclusion... several current artillery reports... about both mentioned directions...

    - In the Tokmak direction, the enemy command by order prohibited the commanders/chiefs of the relevant formations, units and units from the intensive use of artillery weapons without proper support means of electronic reconnaissance (RTR), electronic warfare (EW) and the availability of relevant data for firing generated by instrumental artillery reconnaissance...

    In short, the times of thoughtless firing “somewhere there” for Russian artillery “sank into oblivion”... It also contained a categorical requirement to maneuver with forces and means (change of positional area) exclusively at night and “to implement effective measures to camouflage fire positions, locations of personnel and replenishment of armored personnel"...

    - In the Berdyansk direction there is more and more objective confirmation of information about the active use by the enemy of 152-mm caliber artillery ammunition for cannon artillery, made in China. Thus, the command of the artillery division of the enemy’s 60th Motorized Rifle Brigade is actively discussing options for “getting Chinese cucumbers.”

    The fact is that the command of the Russian artillery units, realizing the fact that their artillery systems are inferior in range to the Ukrainian ones, when using standard Russian-made ammunition, are trying to overcome this threshold by using Chinese analogues - “we, the Chinese, are getting all this crap out of here... this"...

    However, at present, the desires of Russian artillerymen do not fully coincide with the capabilities of their supply authorities... "Chinese cucumbers" are clearly in short supply...



  7. 9 minutes ago, Teufel said:

    Black Sea becoming crowded NATO pond - duck, duck, goose.

    Hold on, where did I hear about Russian rockets landing in NATO backyard?

    I think those Twitter posts are bit over the top.


    On the part of the United States of America, the quoted source shows that a maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft P-8 Poseidon and EOD divers with boats and specific technique will participate, 


  8. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3518903/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/


    The capabilities in this announcement, which totals up to $600 million, include:

    Equipment to sustain and integrate Ukraine's air defense systems;
    Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
    105mm artillery rounds;
    Electronic warfare and counter-electronic warfare equipment;
    Demolition munitions for obstacle clearing;
    Mine clearing equipment; and
    Support and equipment for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities.


  9. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3516840/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/


    The capabilities in this package, valued at up to $175 million, include:

    Equipment to support Ukraine's air defense systems;
    Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
    155mm and 105mm artillery rounds;
    81mm mortars systems and rounds; 
    120mm depleted uranium tank ammunition for Abrams tanks; 
    Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
    Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems;
    Over 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition; 
    Tactical air navigation systems; 
    Tactical secure communications systems and support equipment;
    Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing; and
    Spare parts, maintenance, and other field equipment.


  10. 9 hours ago, dan/california said:

    Very little, but the real mistake was made in ~1954. When South Korea rebuilt the old capital, instead starting over a couple of hundred miles south and out of any possible tube artillery range. Keep in mind that Seoul was at least as obliterated as Bakmuht is now. It probably cost more to clean it up than it would have to start over somewhere further south, but the South Koreans were attached to the symbology of Seoul. So they built one of the worlds greatest cities in range of an approximate infinity of North Korean artillery. 


    If they hadn't done this I suspect the entire history post 1954 would have been very different.


    In my thinking, the only countries that could apply leverage to try to block more Russian-DPRK cooperation would be South Korea and Japan. They could threaten Russia with more sanctions along with the delivery of weapons to Ukraine if Russia were to transfer more technology to North Korea. I really wish they would be willing to take such steps.

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