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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. A bit of a confusing video. I'm sure it would help if I understood Hebrew.


    The Flotilla 13 elite unit was deployed to the area surrounding the Gaza security fence in a joint effort to regain control of the Sufa military post on October 7th. 

    The soldiers rescued around 250 hostages alive. 

    60+ Hamas terrorists were neutralized and 26 were apprehended—including Muhammad Abu A'ali the Deputy Commander of the Hamas southern Naval Division.


  2. https://www.fmn.dk/da/nyheder/2023/danmark-og-tjekkiet-gar-sammen-om-markant-donation-til-ukraine2/
    Denmark and the Czech Republic join forces on a significant donation to Ukraine
    In the coming months, Denmark and the Czech Republic will supply Ukraine's armed forces with infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, heavy weapons and other types of weapons from production lines and warehouses in the Czech Republic.


    Denmark and the Czech Republic have agreed on a donation of modern weapons systems, which will support Ukraine's fight for freedom and democracy against Russia's aggression in both the short and long term.

    As the first part of the donation to Ukraine, the two countries expect to deliver the following from the production lines and warehouses of Czech manufacturers:

    • Approximately 50 infantry fighting vehicles and tanks
    • 2,500 pistols
    • 7,000 rifles
    • 500 light machine guns
    • 500 sniper rifles
    • Equipment for Electronic Warfare and Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance
    • And in addition artillery ammunition.

    "This is a substantial donation of equipment for which there is great demand in Ukraine, and which has been made possible on the basis of exemplary cooperation between Denmark and the Czech Republic," says Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen.

    The Czech Deputy Defense Minister Daniel Blažkovec points out that this kind of cooperation means that the military support for Ukraine can continue not only in the coming months, but also in 2024 and in the long run, if necessary.

    The donation includes both modern Czech weapons systems and refurbished equipment that Ukrainian troops are already used to using on the battlefield. The list of donations is aligned with the wishes and needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and will contribute substantially to their combat power.

    Denmark and the Czech Republic expect to donate additional equipment, including:

    • 500 heavy machine guns
    • 280 nozzle guns
    • 7,000 anti-tank weapons
    • 10,000 hand grenades
    • And 60 mortar systems.

    In addition, a significant number of anti-drone systems will be donated.


  3. The Ukrainian Mashovets on the Avdiivka  battle:



    1️⃣As of the evening of 10/11/2023, in addition to the Kupyansky direction, the enemy switched to active offensive actions in most areas of the Avdiivka defense region of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and in general in the Donetsk operational direction. In particular, in tactical directions:

    - Krasnogorovka - Novokalinovo (114th separate motorized rifle brigade\omsbr 1st army corps\AK) - had no success;

    - Krasnogorovka - Stepnoe (114th Omsbr of the 1st AK) - has promotion;

    - Spartak - southern outskirts of Avdeevka (1st Omsbr of the 1st AK) - had no success;

    - Vodyanoye - Severnoye (9th Omsbr 1st AK) - has promotion;

    - Sands - Pervomaiskoye (9th Omsbr of the 1st AK) - has promotion;

    - Aleksandrovka - Novomikhailovka (33rd Motorized Rifle Regiment/MSR, 20th Motorized Rifle Division/MSD) - had no success;

    - Kamenka - the northern outskirts of Avdeevka (114th Omsbr of the 1st AK) - had no success;

    - Krutaya Balka - eastern outskirts of Avdeevka (114th Omsbr of the 1st AK) - was not successful;

    - Poprosnoe – Severnoye (1st Omsbr of the 1st AK) – was not successful;

    - Staromikhailovka - Krasnogorovka (lower) (5th Omsbr of the 1st AK) - had no success;

    - Aleksandrovka - Pobeda (255th Motorized Rifle Division, 20th Motorized Rifle Division) - had no success;

    - Slavnoye - Novomikhailovka (39th Motorized Rifle Brigade, 68th AK) - has progress, I wrote about it yesterday;

    - in the northern and central part of the village of Maryinka (5th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 1st AK and 103rd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 150th Motorized Rifle Division) - had no success.

    There are a few things worth noting about this.
    - Obviously, the meaning of these enemy actions is to oust the Ukrainian Armed Forces units from the Avdeevsky defense region under the threat of encirclement.

    - And also, in creating the prerequisites for similar actions in relation to the Ugledar bridgehead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (this is evidenced by the persistent attacks of the enemy - both in the general direction of Maryinko - Kurakhovo, and the active build-up of offensive actions by the forces of the 68th AK in the center and northern section of this bridgehead ).

    - Already from the first days of this operation, the enemy deployed the main forces of the 1st AK (so to speak, its “combat core”), as well as a significant part of the forces and means of the 8th Combined Arms Army (OvA), including its 20th and 150th Motorized Rifle Division.

    – Further expansion of his efforts will clearly occur in those areas where he managed to achieve a certain result. That is, north and south of the city of Avdeevka (9th and 114th Omsbr), directions Vodyanoye - Severnoye and Krasnogorovka - Stepnoye.

    - To provide flank support for these attacks, the enemy will obviously continue active offensive operations in the direction of Pervomaiskoye, Novokalinovo and Keramik.

    - The enemy’s artillery is now very actively working in the area of the Avdeevsky coke plant and in the northern part of the city in general, and also carries out regular massive artillery attacks in the area of the village of Berdich, and this is quite eloquent evidence of his future intentions.



  4. Rybar's description of the Avdiivka battle:


    ❗🇷🇺🇺🇦 Battle for Avdeevka :
    the situation towards the end October 11, 2023

    Near the Avdeevsky fortified area, Russian units continue to storm strong points. After the initial success of the Russian Armed Forces, the enemy regrouped and is now trying to contain the offensive.

    🔻On the northern flank, fighters of the 11th Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces, as a result of fierce battles, were able to completely occupy the most important strong point (the so-called waste heap ) at a commanding height. Its release will make it possible to control the approaches to the northern outskirts of Avdeevka.

    ▪️There are also battles taking place near the northeastern outskirts of Berdychi . Russian motorized rifle units are trying to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The enemy transferred anti-tank reserves to this area to strengthen the position.

    ▪️At the same time, to the east, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces managed to enter the village of Petrovskoye (Stepovoe) . According to preliminary data, fighting is taking place in the populated area itself, and there is no control over it yet.

    ❗️Now the Ukrainian command is trying to stabilize the front. Reinforcements from the 31st mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been deployed to the vicinity of Ocheretino , Novokalinovo and Berdychi . The cannonade does not subside, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are hitting the front line with all means.

    🔻Russian troops are also attacking the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the southern outskirts of Avdeevka. As a result of the assault from the Donetsk ring road, the Russian Armed Forces were able to occupy a section of the railway south of the Tsarskaya Okhota restaurant , which was turned into a stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    The attack of the Russian Army near Avdeevka continues. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is transferring reserves to carry out a counterattack, so now Russian fighters should prepare for this by consolidating themselves on occupied lines. This will save the lives of personnel while aviation and artillery destroy the fortified area in Avdievka, facilitating its cordon.

    High resolution map

    English version



  5. Ukraine offered this summary of new aid:



    "As much as needed" - the allies announced as long as they will support Ukraine

    Ukraine has expanded cooperation programs with partner countries, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Rustem Umyerov said after "Ramstein". According to the results of the 16th meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine (UDCG) allies in Brussels, we can report on some of the agreements reached. Here is an incomplete list of actions of partner countries to support Ukraine:

    🇺🇸USA: 200 million dollars; the new aid package will include ammunition for air defense, artillery ammunition and missiles, strengthening of aviation armament, anti-tank weapons.

    🇬🇧Great Britain: 115 million euros – a complete aid package to finance demining and equipment maintenance.

    🇩🇰Denmark: F-16 transfer in early 2024.

    🇫🇮Finland: a new aid package of 95 million euros.

    🇨🇦Canada: $25 million for warm uniforms for the military and preparation for the winter campaign.

    🇧🇪Belgium: will train F-16 pilots and mission planners, two Belgian companies (Sabena Engineering and Patria Bec) will provide essential technical support to the F-16 fleet. Belgium will once again receive a detachment of Ukrainian technical specialists for training. From 2025, Belgium will provide Ukraine with F-16 fighters

    🇳🇴Norway: $18.5 million for demining.

    🇪🇸Spain: will provide additional air defense systems, help with warm clothing for soldiers and generators to prepare for winter, and allocate 1.5 million euros for humanitarian demining.

    🇩🇪Germany: strengthening the Ukrainian system with additional missiles, as well as tanks.

    🇧🇬Bulgaria: a memorandum of intent was signed between the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria. The memorandum defines, but does not limit, the main areas of further cooperation between the countries in the field of defense. Among other things, it includes cooperation in the areas of cyber security, strategic communications, as well as the provision of material and technical assistance. Bulgaria will help with language courses for F-16 pilots.

    🇱🇹Lithuania: 2 NASAMS anti-aircraft missile systems, 155 mm artillery ammunition, and for the winter campaign – electric generators, army camping beds and warm uniforms.


  6. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3553644/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/


    The capabilities in this package, valued at up to $200 million, include:

    1.           AIM-9M missiles for air defense; 
    2.           Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (c-UAS) equipment;
    3.           Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
    4.           155mm and 105mm artillery rounds;
    5.           Precision aerial munitions;
    6.           Electronic warfare equipment;
    7.           Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
    8.           AT-4 anti-armor systems;
    9.           Small arms and more than 16 million rounds of small arms ammunition;
    10.        Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing; and
    11.        Spare parts, training munitions, maintenance, and other field equipment.


  7. 4 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    We live in interesting times.


    Below is the auto-translation of the video's description on YouTube:


    Defense Minister Pistorius is a guest on #Nachgefragt for the first time . In this episode, the minister explains his plans to permanently station a German brigade in Lithuania . The permanent stationing of a Bundeswehr brigade in Lithuania means that family members will also have the opportunity to live there for a longer period of time. The minister explains that daycare centers and schools are also necessary for this. The brigade, which is to be stationed in Lithuania, will consist of soldiers from various units from Germany and will be robust, meaning it should be able to act and fight immediately. Click here to go to the Bundeswehr's YouTube channel:

     / armed forces 

    Interesting, but not sure why it is relevant to the Israel thread.

  8. Ukrainian telegrammer on Avdiivka:


    👤Today was one of the most difficult days at the Avdiiv district

    ⚔️The enemy left in several columns, which were also packed with landing forces. As we said in the afternoon, it was all accompanied by artillery, aviation and rockets. Columns advanced from Krasnohorivka, Novoselivka Drugoi, Vodyanyi, Pisky and Vesely. Of course, the poda**m managed to capture certain positions, but considering the number of personnel and equipment that was involved, the results are simply deplorable for the enemy.

    🤷🏻‍♂️Katsap hoped for a blitzkrieg. Losses of equipment are colossal, analysts will soon be counting. Hundreds of infantrymen were disembarked and are still roaming the gray area. The fighting continues. Indeed, everything could have been much worse, but the coordinated work of the Defense Forces produced results. Of course, it was not without losses.

    ⬅️Statements about the entry of katsaps into Berdych were circulating on the Internet - this is just another sick wet fantasy of propagandists. Of course, not everything is rosy near Avdiivka, but the first attack of the real Soviet army was repelled.

    🖼Photos of the Luftwaffe Air Force and our friends from the 53rd OMBr.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    Autonomous drones do exist and can be very long range but they are used against static targets. To the best of my knowledge autonomous drones with search and destroy capability are still in testing. I am not aware of any used in Ukraine.

    There was a video the other day on one such prototype drone, but perhaps not fully-autonomous, competing for the U.S. Air Force's Skyborg program:



  10. 1 hour ago, TheVulture said:

    "Al-Qassam brigade unveils air defence system" - contains no footage of said air defence system, and just shows a few manpad launches and some misses of an Israeli helicopter.

    Here is a related post from Russian telegrammer Rybar:


    🇮🇱🇵🇸The Palestinians are slowly pulling out new items from the Iranian military-industrial complex (and its derivatives). We have already written about Mutabar-1 - the remote-controlled version turned out to be a newer version.

    They just reported on the use of certain Mutabar-3 air defense systems, which fired at two Israeli F-16Is from a distance of 35 km. "Mutabar-3" is an improved version of the "Mutabar-1" MANPADS . In addition, Badr-3

    missiles have just launched strikes on Netivot : one missile is capable of carrying up to 350 kg of payload over a distance of up to 160 km . #Israel #Palestine @rybar Support us

    🇮🇱🇵🇸Hamas media resources published footage of Palestinian formations using surface-to-air missiles from Mutabar-1 single-shot remote-controlled launchers of their own production.

    Several questions immediately arise about the video. For example…


  11. I'm guessing that when Ukraine says they successfully repelled X number of attacks by the Russians, they may have omitted Y number of attacks that they didn't repel?

    Notice how they describe the Bakhmut  and Adviivka sectors differently from other sectors.



    📌In the Kupyan direction, our defenders repelled 3 enemy attacks near Synkivka and Ivanivka, Kharkiv region.

    📌In the Lyman direction, the Defense Forces repelled 4 enemy attacks in the Makiivka area of the Luhansk region.

    📌In the Bakhmut direction, during the day, Ukrainian soldiers successfully repelled all enemy attacks north of Bohdanivka, Klishchiivka, and Andriivka.

    📌In the Avdiivka direction, the Defense Forces repelled all enemy attacks in the Avdiivka area of the Donetsk region.


  12. Russia knows how to milk the conflict in Israel for their own gain:


    Russian propagandists are using the tragedy in Israel to produce yet another fake. One of the narratives they throw into the information space is the alleged use by Hamas militants of Western weapons, allegedly sold by Ukraine.



    Russian propagandists are using the tragedy in Israel to produce yet another fake.

    One of the narratives that they throw into the information space is the alleged use by Hamas militants of Western weapons, allegedly sold by Ukraine.

    In fact, the video presented as evidence was most likely produced anywhere on the territory of the Russian Federation with the addition of the necessary soundtrack. And the propagandist Solovyov, in his usual manner of lying, refers to a non-existent source that no search engine knows about.

    Trust only verified official channels of information. And remember — the terrorist state of Russia, at any cost, seeks to stop the support of Western partners and the provision of weapons, which brings our victory closer. The Russians use the slightest opportunity to sow discord between allies. The unity of the civilized world, which together will stop bloodshed and terrorism, is unshakable.

    ❗️We also draw attention to the fact that terrorists from the Russian Federation may be behind the Hamas attack on Israel.



  13. 24 minutes ago, Letter from Prague said:

    Isn't there a (significant) part of US far right who care about Israel because "Jews living in their promised land" is one of the requirements for Apocalypse, and that's what they want?

    I think that's true, but to fair to them in characterizing their motives, they want the End Times not principally for the Apocalypse, which they see as inevitable, but for the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven that follows it.

    Very likely, this should be taken to the Israel thread and not debated here.

  14. 1 hour ago, Letter from Prague said:

    The hypothesis I heard is that the inteligence failure is because Netanyahu in his quest to become dictator replaced a lot of competent people in various agencies with loyal people. Might be just a spin to throw it on him, but this is truly historic failure. Especially since it happened on anniversary of when it happened last time.

    Don't forget there was a lot of dissent by certain members of the armed forces and intelligence agencies against the politics of Netanyahu's coalition. In that context, I can see a lot of turnover and desire by Netanyahu to replace those opposing him.

    Former leaders of Israel’s security services are speaking out against Netanyahu’s policies

    Turmoil over Netanyahu's judicial overhaul reaches into Israel's cherished military


    Israel's Netanyahu cools censure of protesting reservists as judicial crisis simmers


    I'm not going to venture into the the reasons for the political divisions in Israel.  But I can see the effects of this "political civil war" not being good for the functioning of the country's intelligence gathering and military preparedness.

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