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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. WarGonzo reports Ukraine making a bit of progress in the south:


    In the Zaporozhye direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to expand the bridgehead in the main attack zone. With artillery support, they advance towards Kopani. There is progress. Northeast and southeast of this village is the fortified defense line of the Russian Armed Forces. The Ukrainian command sets the task of stopping the threat of attacks on the flank west of the village of Rabotino and reaching the rear of the Russian fortified area in Nesteryanka. After powerful artillery shelling, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attack on the outskirts of Novprokopovka and on the approaches to Verbovoy. No success here.


  2. ISW has an Iran update today focusing on the attack from Gaza:

    Iran Update Special Edition, October 7, 2023



    One of the most dangerous courses of action Iran could pursue would be to exploit Israeli focus on the Gaza Strip in some way in the coming days and weeks. Iranian leaders will almost certainly look for opportunities to take advantage of the conflict even if they did not direct it. Iran could exploit Israeli distraction by moving advanced military systems into Lebanon and Syria or making significant advances in its nuclear program. This scenario is less likely than others at the moment, but it warrants consideration because it could set conditions for even more significant escalations or geopolitical changes. Incidents like Hamas’ attack no longer remain confined to the immediate area in which they occur. Each now carries the potential to grow into a larger phenomenon with ripple effects throughout the Middle East and even beyond.


  3. 2 hours ago, Letter from Prague said:

    I wonder which way the politics will swing. Will this destroy Netanyahu or will this make him ruler for life?

    I would hesitate to speculate on Israeli politics, but I can foresee this event being spun both ways by both the American proponents and opponents of more aid to Ukraine.

  4. 2 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    Yes, already alot of such footage, which consequences can be compared with Russian breakthrough in Crimea..

    @Battlefront.com Maybe better to create new thread for Israel? Albeit it obviously fits in Russian-Ukrainian war as a part of global confrontation between conditional "democracies" and conditional "authocraties"

    I agree with the idea of another thread for this. But then, I've thought that about a lot of off-topic discussions that end up getting talked to death on this current thread.

  5. 3 hours ago, Haiduk said:

    And attack of Hamas in Putin's birthday - I think this is not coincidence.

    While I don't doubt that Russia via it's relationship with Iran has friendly ties with Hamas, more likely, it's 50 years plus a day since the start of the 1973 October (Yom Kippur) War.

  6. Some thoughts from members of Congress:



    A staunch supporter of Ukraine, he expressed concern in the interview that whoever becomes Speaker next will have to yield to hard-liners on “extreme demands,” including no Ukraine aid. 

    “I think it’s important for five or 10 members of the House of the Republicans to refuse to vote for anybody that won’t bring Ukraine to the floor for an up or down vote,” Kinzinger said. “Will they do that? Probably not. They should.”




  7. 2 minutes ago, NamEndedAllen said:

    What will the Senate do with this?
    The House bill attracted strong bipartisan support and includes more domestic disaster relief aid but no money for Ukraine. It must pass the Senate before midnight to avert a shutdown.


    Yeah. The Senate will pass it.

    Maybe, since the House Republican leadership was willing to break from the MAGA Republicans in order to avert a shutdown and opt for a bipartisan continuing resolution bill, a similar bipartisan measure to renew funding for Ukraine has a chance in the near future.

  8. 2 hours ago, Kinophile said:

    Twitter gives a lot of useful posts but holy **** has it become an understudy for Truth Social. Pretty tired of fighting the algorithms to get to pro Ukrainian factual posts,  and not pro-russian fascist garbage. 

    Im 99% done with that platform,  was never a fan but saw its utility. The anti-Ukraine slant is at 89 degrees right now. It's  bastardized, biased and in a death spiral. "X" marks the point of impact,  for sure. What a waste. 

    Create a Twitter list with your favorite sources on Ukraine, then just monitor that list when you want to look at Ukraine stuff. It makes the experience very focused and precise.

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