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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. 50 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

    DeepState TG reported the battle for Urozhaine was hard and as example told about UKR vehicle losses during liberation of Staromajorske and repelling of Russian counter-atatcks on this village - 19 differnent combat vehicles. 

    Rybar claims there were 28 vehicles in his count from this video:


  2. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3491937/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/


    The capabilities in this package, valued at up to $200 million, include:

    1. Additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems;
    2. Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
    3. Mine clearing equipment and systems;
    4. 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds;
    5. 120mm tank ammunition;
    6. Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
    7. Javelin and other anti-armor systems and rockets;
    8. 37 tactical vehicles to tow and haul equipment;
    9. 58 water trailers;
    10. Over 12 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades;
    11. Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing; and
    12. Spare parts, maintenance, and other field equipment.


  3. Russian telegrammer says decision to evacuate Urozhaine (Harvest) was completed successfully:



    So, last night the news came that our forces were withdrawing from Harvest. Marines of the Pacific Fleet covered the retreat. In particular, the guardsmen from the 40th Marine Brigade report that they shattered the enemy reconnaissance group, which decided to check whether the village was already empty or not. Losses during the withdrawal are reported to be minimal. Information is being clarified on the units of the 155th, which closed the process and began to be delayed in the last line, already in the morning.



    We were able to talk in more detail with the participants in the defense of Urozhaynoye from the 40th Marine Brigade, who had just established a more or less stable connection, and restore the chronology of the last days in Urozhaynoye.

    The units of the brigade pulled out of the village after Storm-Z on the night of August 12-13, and in the morning the task was to prepare to return back and reinforce the positions held by the 155th brigade (there is no information on other units, but not because they was not there, but because the source itself literally says that he does not see the whole picture). By the afternoon of August 13, the command, apparently, decided to start an organized withdrawal, and in the evening the 40th brigade covered the exit of the 155th, which then replaced its Pacific colleagues and retreated to the last line.

    None"we don’t see the gypsy cunning in the words of our colleagues, because from our positions we don’t know the whole plan and goals. Let’s leave this topic for discussion by experts from evening TV shows.

    We continue to monitor the situation


  4. Russian telegrammer:


    🇺🇦⚔️🇷🇺“The enemy outplayed us - we are losing Harvest”
    The soldiers of the Vostok battalion report a difficult situation on the Vremevsky ledge at the junction of Zaporozhye and the DPR.
    ➨"The enemy outplayed us - we are losing the crop. For several days we withstood its onslaught, but somewhere there was a failure. We are still fighting back, but the situation is not in our favor. ➨ The enemy today already tried to hoist the flag
    at the village council, but one armor was blown up ➨ And although the
    capture of this village will cost the enemy a great price, its loss after such heroic resistance is painful for us.
    ➨ It does not console, but slightly reconciles with the situation, that if he takes each village in the same way as Harvest, it will end soon. We hope that we will somehow dodge and push the enemy back - but you have to be realistic."


  5. Ukraine's Anna Mailar says:



    The expert excitement around the left bank in the Kherson region has started again.

    There is no cause for excitement.
    I just came back from those places.
    In order to land there, not to be destroyed and also to gain a foothold, you need to clear the territory and repel the enemy. We protect people, that's why we work as a counter-battery.
    Yes, certain units performed a certain task there.

    This is predictable, because our goal is to return all temporarily occupied territories, so we are working on this possibility everywhere.


  6. Quote

    Easterly said the United States had learned as much from Ukraine in terms of dealing with an active cyberwar as Ukraine had learned from America. Zhora said the ability to learn from and train with US and EU infosecurity professionals had been crucial in protecting core systems and ensuring that Ukrainian citizens could live a normal-enough existence without losing the technology that makes civil life function. It has also shown how private companies can work effectively with governments to augment online defenses.


  7. WarGonzo says Ukraine is noticeably pulling back near Kupyansk:



    ⚡️Important⚡️The forces of the Russian Armed Forces advanced to Kupyansk⚡

    Our sources on the ground confirm reports that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have left some of their oporniks in the Kupyansk direction. The military formations of the western group are carefully advancing after the retreating enemy.

    The retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may be part of a plan to lure our group from their positions in order to organize subsequent flank attacks.

    However, we can really talk about the decision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to change the front line and transfer the enemy's defense lines to a natural barrier - the Oskol River. In any case, the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the result of the active work of our soldiers and their commanders in this direction.


  8. Something cryptic from Mashovets:



    Zvizdets Mongoose
    ‼️In the Berdyansk direction ... interesting events

    It seems that on the border of the village of Priyutnoye - the village of Cherished Desire, the enemy is again planning some kind of "incident". The same as in the area of the village of Urozhaynoye.

    More details - on Monday...

    Unfortunately, during Saturday - Sunday, due to objective circumstances, I will not be able to write a review. But on Monday we'll try to figure it out in more detail ...


  9. I like this snippet from the below article:


        The question is which side can sustain the current rate of attrition. On the southern front, Russia’s 58th Combined Arms Army has borne the brunt of the fighting. About a quarter of the force is in the fighting positions at any one time and the Russians have had to rotate troops. They have few reserves. Ukraine, meanwhile, has fed additional units from the 10th Corps into the fight, keeping up the pressure. At some point, Russia’s infantry might be spread too thin and, with insufficient artillery and armoured support the defence could crumble. Dry weather will allow Ukraine to continue its push until the beginning of November. This will be a critical point: from then on, progress will depend on which side has made better preparations for winter fighting.


  10. 15 minutes ago, Butschi said:

    And whether you call that victory or defeat, it would still be bad for Ukraine and possibly good for the Putin regime.

    How about defining victory or defeat somewhat narrowly as whether Putin's Russia will be more likely or less likely in the future to move against its neighbors or intervene where it has no right to do so?

    A second condition might be whether China or other aggressive nations might also behave this way.

  11. https://t.me/robert_magyar/573


    The worm army has already obtained the technology that allows you to jam Starlink at "zero". They are testing and preparing for industrial use.
    For the competent:
    we are talking about Ku. Not about Ka.
    But we understand that it is a matter of time.

    Additional information and methods of possible countermeasures by fighters will be shared later by other sources.
    Of course, transferred to the competent authorities.
    But considering their number, by the way. You know how to contact me.

    Why is it here?
    So that more specialists with rivets wrinkle their brains over unified countermeasures. The front without Starlink is significantly more difficult than even the front without F-16.
    Blind and deaf.



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