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Posts posted by cesmonkey

  1. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3463890/biden-administration-announces-additional-security-assistance-for-ukraine/


    The capabilities in this announcement, which totals $1.3 billion, include: 

    Four National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and munitions;
    152mm artillery rounds;
    Mine clearing equipment;
    Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
    Phoenix Ghost and Switchblade Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS);
    Precision aerial munitions;
    Counter-UAS and electronic warfare detection equipment; 
    150 fuel trucks;
    115 tactical vehicles to tow and haul equipment; 
    50 tactical vehicles to recover equipment;
    Port and harbor security equipment; 
    Tactical secure communications systems; 
    Support for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities.


  2. Crimean authorities order the evacuation of four small villages near the site of the exploding ammunition storage:


    🔥 In Crimea, an ammunition depot detonates at a training ground in the Kirovsky district

    ▪️An operational headquarters was created to eliminate emergencies at the training ground, it was headed by the head of the Crimea.
    ▪️From the area adjacent to the landfill in the Kirovsky district, it is planned to temporarily evacuate residents of 4 settlements, this is more than 2 thousand people.
    ▪️Transport is redirected to a detour of the blocked section of "Tavrida".


  3. Comments from General Milley at today's Ramstein press conference on how well Ukraine's counter-offensive is going:


    It started about five or six weeks ago. And the various wargames that were done ahead of time have predicted certain levels of advance. And that has slowed down. Why? Because that's the difference between war on paper and real war. These are real people in real machines that are out there really clearing real minefields and they're really dying.

    So, when that happens units tend to slow down and that's rightly so, in order to survive, in order to get through these minefields. So, they're working their way through it. It is far from a failure, in my view. I think that it's way too early to make that kind of call. I think there's a lot of fighting left to go.

    And I'll stay with the what we've said before, this is going to be long, it's going to be hard, it's going to be bloody. And at the end of the day, we'll see where the Ukrainians end up, vis-a-vis the Russians.


  4. 11 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    Hurray, bridge debate 2.0, was it ATACMS, Storm Shadow, Or another truck bomb? No one has mentioned AA fire yet...

    A train bomb would be a neat bit of variety. Regardless I think this is Russia's very last warning to leave while they still have an army. How much do you want to bet the Ukrainians have special presents for Russian ships in the Black Sea all lined up.

    Here's an early version of the cause from a Russian Telegrammer:


    Crimean bridge:

    Preliminarily, the nature of the incident indicates the use by the enemy of small unmanned swimming facilities to undermine the pillars of the Crimean bridge.

    The explosions sounded around 3 am.


  5. This appears to be the view from the Russian side:


    Traffic was stopped on the Crimean bridge: an emergency occurred in the area of the 145th support from the Krasnodar Territory. Law enforcement agencies and all responsible services are working. I spoke with the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Vitaly Gennadyevich Saveliev, measures are being taken to restore the situation. We keep in touch with colleagues from the Krasnodar Territory. Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Igor Nikolaevich Mikhailichenko left for the place.

    I ask everyone to remain calm and trust only trusted sources of information.

    And then a follow-up:



    Given the current situation, I ask residents and guests of the peninsula to refrain from traveling through the Crimean bridge and, for security reasons, choose an alternative land route through new regions.


  6. Update from Ukrainian deputy defense minister, Hanna Maliar:



    🔵In the East, the situation has somewhat worsened.

    🔹The enemy has been actively advancing in the Kupyan direction in the Kharkiv region for two days in a row. We are on the defensive. There are fierce battles, the positions of the parties change dynamically several times a day.

    🔹We are gradually moving forward in the Bakhmut direction. There is a daily advance on the southern flank around Bakhmut . On the northern flank, we are trying to hold the occupied positions, the enemy is attacking. In Bakhmut itself, we fire at the enemy, the enemy at us.

    🔹The enemy continues offensive actions in the Avdiiv and Marin directions. Our defenders continue to contain them effectively. Fierce battles continue with no change in positions.


  7. I do like that WarGonzo's daily summaries attempt to capture the successes and failures from both sides, at least from their perspective. The Ukrainians seem to be making incremental progress by outflanking some Russian positions:



    Front-line summary for the morning of 07/16/2023⚡

    In the Zaporizhia direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked from the side of Kamensky just to the east of the M-18 highway and managed to take a number of important positions. The Ukrainian command temporarily abandoned the assault on Zherebyanok. With the support of artillery, the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced near Rabotin. No success. A new active site has also appeared. Ukrainian units advanced in the forest belt along the railway line just west of Dorozhnyanka. Here is a convenient place to reach the rear of the Russian positions in this village and break through from the west to the highway to Pologi. Forest plantations hide the movement of troops. Russian artillery hit the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Malaya Tokmachka, Belogorye, Zheleznodorozhny and Gulyaipole.

    In the Ugledar sector, Ukrainian troops, after artillery strikes, carried out assault operations near Staromayorsky and Urozhayny. No promotion. But here, too, a new direction of attacking efforts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has appeared. They managed to take a number of positions southwest of Pavlovka. The idea is the same - to go to the rear of the Russian troops and cut the road between Pavlovka and Yegorovka. Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation worked on Ukrainian units in Makarovka, Blagodatnoe, Novoukrainka and Bogoyavlenka.

    In the Bakhmut direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with powerful artillery support, are pressing in the Kleshcheevka area. In the northern sector of the RF Armed Forces, they counterattacked from the direction of Berkhovka. And the Ukrainian troops stepped up just north of Orekhovo-Vasilyevka near the M-03 highway. Under shelling, the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Aleksandro-Shultin, Stupochki, Chasovoy Yar, Vasyukovka, Fedorovka, Rozdolovka, Vesel (not to be confused with the settlements of the same name north-west of Donetsk and north of Avdiivka), Sporny and Verkhnekamensky. The Armed Forces of Ukraine hit Ozaryanovka, Kurdyumovka, Andreevka and Bakhmut.

    In the Lugansk direction, the RF Armed Forces managed to advance in the Serebryansky forest from Shipilovka, attacked near Novosadovoe. Russian troops hit the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Belogorovka, Torskoy, Nevsky, Berestovoy, Kotlyarovka, Kislovka, Zapadny, Dvurechnaya, Figolevka, Kamenka and Kolodeznoy.


  8. Fairly big update from Mashovets



    🎯Briefly in directions, without ratings and conclusions

    1️⃣On the Tokmatsky direction, east of the village. Rabotino, units of the 1430th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Enemy's Territorial Forces (SME TRV) were forced to withdraw more than 1.2 km to the south .

    Thus, the units of the 291st SME of the enemy, who are now trying to hold the s. Rabotino, found themselves in a rather difficult situation - they were forced to conduct a tough close combat in its northern part, while at the same time diverting part of their forces and means to the northeast and east.

    In general, the advanced units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this direction had to go about 1 km to the first positions of the enemy’s main line of defense, in the direction of the village. Willow.

    The command of the enemy troops, taking this into account, has already begun to deploy consolidated battalions of the BARS type, in particular BARS-14 "Sarmat" and BARS-1, in the rear of the 1430th MSP TRV.
    Although the 70th SME of the enemy, although it is still holding fortified positions north of the village of Verbovoye, is unlikely to be able to do this for a long time, because the advanced units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already bypassed them from both flanks.

    2️⃣In the Limansky direction, units of the 74th separate motorized rifle brigade (OMSBR) of the enemy, with the support of units of the 331st parachute regiment (PDP) of the 76th airborne division (VDD), attacked in the direction of the village of Dibrova - from the village of Serebryanka .

    At the same time, the 175th separate reconnaissance battalion, with the support of the BARS-8 "Orenburg" battalion, attacked the forward positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the river. Seversky Donets, also in the direction of the village of Serebryanka.

    As a result, enemy attacks from the north ended in vain, but from the northeast direction, he managed to advance a distance of about 1 km.

    3️⃣In the area of the city of Avdiivka, the enemy on the southern face of this defense area of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is trying to break through in two directions at once :
    🔺in the direction of the village of Peski - the village of Pervomayskoye
    🔺and also to restore its position to the north of the boundary of the village of Vodyanoye - the village of Opytnoye, which he lost a few days ago.

    In particular, in the first case, units of the 9th separate motorized rifle regiment (OMSP) of the "marines" of the 1st AK are attacked, with the support of units of the 87th MSP of the mobilization reserve (MR) and the 10th separate tank battalion (otb), the former tank battalion "Diesel".

    And in the second direction, the enemy is attacking with the forces of units of the 2nd MSP TrV - 1004th and 1439th ... units of the 1st "Slavyanskaya" Omsbr of the 1st AK and the 80th separate reconnaissance battalion also take part in the attacks " Sparta" and the 13th separate assault battalion "Somalia".

    And there, and there until the enemy was able to achieve something significant, in addition,

    4️⃣South of Bakhmut, after unsuccessful attempts to counterattack in the area of the village of Kleshchievka by the forces of the 83rd separate air assault brigade (odshbr), the enemy was forced to continue fighting in the village itself, losing control of its western part .

    To stabilize the situation in the defense zone of their 72nd and 57th motorized brigade south of the city, the command of the enemy troops continues the process of deploying units of the 68th tank regiment (tp) west of the village of Odradovka, the 80th brigade northeast of the village. Greenfield. In addition, units of the BARS-13 "Russian Legion" battalion and the 374th separate special-purpose battalion (SpN), in addition to units of the 83rd detachment, are already deployed in the second echelon.

    However, despite these measures, the advanced units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their advance south of Bakhmut towards the T-0513 road in several directions at once. In particular, units of the enemy's 57th Motorized Rifle Brigade were forced to withdraw from the area west of the village of Andreevka, almost close to the settlement, and also to start fighting directly behind the village of Kurdyumovka.

    Probably, in the near future, the enemy will be forced to bring into battle in these areas the units of the 4th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps, the 11th Squadron and the 1307th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the TRV. After all, his previous countermeasures have not yet yielded results.


  9. A somewhat interesting insight from Rybar in the update below:



    At the same time, at night, artillerymen of the 72nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as tanks of the 1st brigade, fired at the strongholds of the RF Armed Forces near Priyutnoye , covering the rotation of units of the 36th brigade in landings to the north.

    In the context of ongoing attacks on Priyutnoye and Staromayorskoye, it is interesting that the Armed Forces of Ukraine organized close coordination between firing units. If necessary, the artillerymen of one formation assist the forces in another sector, increasing the capabilities of the Ukrainian group.


  10. https://t.me/aleksandr_skif/2789


    If the enemy continues to advance like this, he will soon have an acute shortage of hospital beds and places in cemeteries, with no practical result. The day was also not easy for us, but the losses are not comparable: yesterday we had one wounded, one did not have time to get to the medical facility - he was seriously injured. The statistics for the neighbors are about the same ...

    Once again, I would like to note our low level of counter-battery combat. Our losses yesterday - not from small arms fire, - from fragments. Enemy crews do not change positions for hours, working with impunity on our front line, and we are not able to suppress them. As I have written more than once, our cannon artillery as a means of destruction, in principle, does not meet modern requirements for a number of reasons - primarily in terms of range. On the other hand, the controlled kamikaze drones of the Lancet class, capable of giving the necessary distances and carrying a decent warhead, showed themselves well.

    The problem is that such products are not enough and they are unreasonably expensive. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that on the frames we see only successful hits - misses will not be shown to us - but meanwhile the statistics are in favor of misses and unsuccessful hits when no defeat was inflicted. This, just, is normal - we use this statistics in calculations - but, I repeat: high cost and shortage. And we are working on it - it was with this priority goal that we created the fund. It turns out that the same Lancet can be ten times cheaper. Maybe the statistics will change a little towards "gaps" due to simpler solutions, but the number of applications will increase by a factor - and there are already ready-made prototypes that will have to go into series. This direction is only developing and in the future will occupy its stable niche.


  11. https://t.me/aleksandr_skif/2788


    After a massive artillery preparation, the enemy went on a breakthrough in the direction of the settlement Harvest to the right of Velikaya Novoselovka. At the moment, he is suffering tangible losses, but he does not stop trying to break through our defenses. Harvest is not the first time attacked: apparently, after unsuccessful attempts to capture Novodonetsk, the enemy determined for himself this direction as the most optimal vector of advance.


  12. 1 hour ago, Kinophile said:

    Interesting thread on Ukrainian experience training with US Rangers in Germany. 

    Really sounds like Drone Warfare hasn't landed within the US army culture yet.  Not surprisingly,  as the guy notes -  US hasn't fought a peer level war in decades,  so the pressure isnt there. 

    @Haiduk what is Nettle? 

    Interesting ... but definitely bring a thread reader to read this. So many very short posts in this thread.

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