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Everything posted by FancyCat

  1. 10 twitter posts on May 9th, Russian discourse around it and how it shapes their perception, posting vital parts, tho look at them all!
  2. Reminder about the Russian artillery…they gotta hit the Ukrainians to be useful. Their massed artillery ain’t worth **** if they can’t kill Ukrainian artillery.
  3. Turns out their cooperation between artillery, airpower and everything else ain't great. What we are seeing now is, unless someone can correct me, is the extent of their ability to coordinate, something that won't be fixed anytime soon or even long term.
  4. Russian logistics ain't great....so let's assume Russia can stack the bodies on the front lines, can they handle the additional personnel incurring more strain on the supply chain? Replacement ammo, vehicles, food, medicine, fuel.... Their supply lines are shorter but I'm not sure their logistics can handle it if they are giving soldiers old near useless equipment. I can't believe there aren't semi-modern stuff laying around. It's impossible. What the hell happened to the Soviet supply dumps?
  5. They do want to stamp out Ukrainian culture, anti-Russian activists and the political class.
  6. So i wonder if it's deliberate that these new conscripts are equipped with crap or nothing useful. Especially if they may or may not be coming from recently conquered areas. I mean i find it unbelievable, they can't even be given a AK, they don't have any AKs to be given out? As horrible (tho not surprising) could they be hoarding weapons and equipment for Russian conscripts and just letting a form of population control/culling occur of the male population in the occupied regions?
  7. The supply base attack was geolocated to: notably to see Ukraine being able to strike targets north of Iyzum consistently.
  8. Adam Tooze argued that the Ruhr bombing campaign severely disrupted the German war economy, and had it been maintained instead of switching for other targets, cause a quicker end to the war. Most of the Luftwaffe and air defense was forced to defend Germany rather than being used on the eastern or western fronts. Sorry for bringing in something not directly related to the discussion but I find it mighty interesting how scholarship can shift how we see historical events, and how a idea that strategic bombing was useless is being revised once again.
  9. Corregidor is way bigger than Snake Island, the island is only useful if you can contest or control the naval waters around it.
  10. I hope Ukraine can manage to threaten Russian territory until Russia repatriates all the Ukrainians they have kidnapped. Also thank you God for those Russians who are helping them live and escape in Russia. https://inews.co.uk/news/putin-mariupol-survivors-remote-corners-russia-investigation-network-camps-1615516
  11. Anything 155mm is useful, even if old as **** I would venture to say. Who knows if there's any 152mm ammo laying around in a friendly or neutral country to be purchased anymore at this point.
  12. Uhh if what Ruser is looking at is correct, Izyum where the Russians put in a dense amount of personnel and BTGs, it's about to become a deathtrap now....now let me ask you this, two units were withdrawn from Izyum, 4th tank division and something else, does that mean Russia is already pulling troops out of Izyum and this is Ukraine pushing in or do you suppose that dense grouping of BTGs is still getting hammered?
  13. Russia is making moves, one would assume the pro-Russian accounts would be excited. Also, goddamn if this is current and actually in the Donbas, the amount of audacity to operate...
  14. Actually, the video makes a pretty good point I think is being ignored in this discussion. Ukrainians took part in the defense of the Soviet Union, Ukraine as a successor state to the Soviet Union took part in the destruction of the Nazi regime. Why shouldn't Ukraine take back her heritage, her tanks to be used once more in a battle against the same sort of opressors Nazi Germany was? She shares the same Soviet victory heritage as Russia, so implying Ukraine is desecrating it is washing away the Ukrainian contribution to victory over Nazi Germany. Considering how Russia heavily distorts history to make it seem like Ukraine was alongside Hitler, makes it very important for pushback. All the successor states of the Soviet Union can rightfully claim their heritage of Nazi defeat, not just Russia.
  15. I'm rolling my eyes right now, it's not like they blew up the Tiergarten memorial or melted down the Russian soldier on top for bullets, all they did was take the tanks to use them since the West won't supply any. Hardly desecrating a memorial, and maybe making a decent point if the idea of tearing down a memorial to be used as a weapon for war offends you instead of the idea that Ukraine needs to think of using a T-34 to defend for the 5th Battle of Kharkov.
  16. What's the timeline for when a monument becomes legitimate? Does the Lenin statue raised in Kherson automatically get to stay as virtue of it being a monument? Is it 5 years, 10 years, 50 years? Remember history by all means, but if you consider the raising of the Lenin statue by Russia in Kherson to be fine to be torn down once Ukraine retakes it, ask yourself if it was remembance that caused the statue to be raised in the first place or victory?
  17. On one hand, had the full scale invasion been successful, the world would be getting a reminder at how brilliant Putin was for undertaking a action no one in the West expected to occur. On the other hand, his gamble has taken the other route, the destruction of his military, the loss of immense amount of prestige and he looks more closer to his fear of a broken Russia than ever before. What makes me think he lost his touch, his ability to come out on top is the fact that once the gamble failed he didn't immediately recover and regroup and cut his losses. I also think had he done the middle option of merely invading he Donbas, the Western backlash, the Ukrainian unity, and the glaring Russian miscalculations would have been minimized. That he opted into pushing into a action that mauled some of the most elite units of the Russian military and now forces him to consider mobilization is undoubtedly a huge mistake. One he could have backed away after beginning it.
  18. Come now, I hate to wade into this, but Trump literally requested Zelensky to give him political dirt or threatened future cooperation with the United States, he stated many times NATO isn't useful and the U.S should withdraw from NATO. I strongly fail to see how Putin would react to Trump vs Biden concerning Ukraine in any difference concerning the recent invasion. Are you saying Putin would have been warned away from invading Ukraine? By what, pray tell would have Trump done differently than Biden? Anyway, I'm sure Imperial Russia looks great to Russia but to Ukrainians, maybe not?
  19. It's astounding how much they treat their personnel like crap. Imagine how bad morale might be on the rest of the Black Sea Fleet, knowing even if you die, the money that can never replace your loss to your loved ones won't show up.
  20. COVID and his cancer and his impending morality probably hit him during trump's period, likely he was counting on him being reelected and with that security for trump to undertake more chaos domestically and foreign policy wise, Putin would would do the same invasion only Biden got elected instead. The unfortunate part about of this destruction of Russian imperialism and colonialism is that it could have been avoided had Russia been able to look inward and recognize the agency of her colonized and imperial ruled peoples and therefore with the reset of the fall of the Soviet Union undertake a more cooperative framework that may well have led to joining NATO and the EU in the future. DMS really does not give much consideration to Ukrainians asking for agency or the Baltics, seems to consider the Russian sphere of influence to be the only important factor in the relations with Eastern Europe. Does he believe the bombings of Belgrade to be legitimate? Seems no, he seems to think the genocide of Kosovo is fake or maybe not a justification for the intervention of NATO. Ultimately, accepting the genocide attempt occurred in Kosovo means accepting the bombing of Belgrade was legitimate, which means the attempted wiping of Ukraine by Russia is the same sort of action that brings about the bombing of Moscow. I still want him to answer whether he thinks the rhetoric calling for the erasure of Ukrainian culture is justified, just overblown rhetoric or if he considers it a overstep. ^ If nothing else, the shock of Russia being defeated by Ukraine is going to hit Russians hard, NATO assistance regardless, DMS is right, it will be utterly humiliating. What Russia, many pro-Russians argue is that allowing the humiliation to take place is going to unleash even worse outcomes from Russia and the Russian people. As others have stated, Russia is acting like a abusive ex-, trying their best to threaten and beat their partner back into their world. This cannot occur anymore. I'm sorry but the West cannot let Russia brutalize it's former colonies to retain their sense of being. Like many abusive people, part of the framework for their justification for their actions rests on being the victim, and being the maligned party.
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