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Posts posted by Falaise

  1. 55 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Looks very attractive.  Can it be tagged for different months/seasons?  Or one has to manually install the desired mod based on the date of the scenario/campaign?

    no !
    but you can do it, you have to tag each scenario according to the month and tag each bmp by folder
    I prefer to put and remove the file each time

  2. 200203041959777373.jpg

    Here is a series of mod that changes the vegetation as the months of June, July and August- September

    This mod was made by looking at the evolution of nature during these 3 months.

    Part, are stock textures that I reworked in color and saturation

    I also modified the Ramblers mod for trees by modifying the colors and mixing it with the ones in stock to break the repetition effect.

    You will also find the plowed fields of Kieme and Aris modified so that the colors correspond to the Norman soil which is brown. Finally herbs come from a super mod without an owner's name and which is no longer available.

    You will also find a multitude of small details insignificant but which to assemble gives a true impression of the Norman campaign.

    We can in passing admire the textures of the basic game whose colors correspond very well to the real colors of Normandy. The mods that I propose to you, support and combine in large part with these original textures, I advise you to remove all the other mods of vegetation and terrain to obtain the best result.

    There are 4 files: one called terrain de Normandie

    This is to installed permanently in the z folder

    Then three other files called June July and August which must be installed in the choice in z

    It is necessary to choose according to the scenario which one you will install in z. As soon as you take a scenario that changes months, just put the corresponding "month" folder, thinking that you have removed the previous "month" folder.

    You have the possibility of tagging your scenario by month it will suffice to tag each bmp

    I didn't do it because I like playing the same scenario with different month


    come soon
    when Bootie have the time to put it on his website

  3. it's great
    just one request
    if you put only german equipment it will work with all CM ww2
    but the pm berretta and the italian cartridge belt prevents it from being used with the other CM
    which is a shame because it really gives a good touch of realism  and i need it to CM Normandy
    great job Bravo

  4. 8 hours ago, Erwin said:

    Mk 2, Mk 3... All the WW2 Brit helmets look the same to me as they did in WW1. :(   What is the difference?

    They are very distinct
    Here with net the MK3 and without net the MK2

    In Normandy only the units having taken by landing on the beaches have it.
    The 3rd British ID the 3rd Canadian ID.
    The 50th ID, it has only the MK2, but it should not initially landed on the beach, it replaces at the last moment the 49th which is therefore also equipped with the MK3
    For an unknown reason (from me) the 53rd also perceives some MK3
    The mixing is done as the reinforcements arrive because they are generally equipped with the MK2

  5. Here is a mod for the 1st Polish Armored Division.


    The 1st Polish Armored Division was engaged in Normandy from August 1944.

    She fought in the plain of Caen Falaise before becoming famous during the battle of the Falaise pocket, then she continued her journey through the north of France, Belgium, Holland and finished her race at Wilhelmshaven in May 45.

    Each regiment is distinguished by its collar badge.

    The basic game offers us the 10th dragon which is the motorized infantry regiment of the division.

    However there is a small problem
 the 10th Dragon to show that  its was a motorized unit wears in combat the cotton outfit without any badge other than that of rank.

    In addition to the 10th dragon in cotton uniform, I added the 3 infantry battalions and the reconnaissance unit

    The 3 infantry battalions: Podhale, 8th, 9th Chasseur and the 10th PSK( reconnaissance unit), wear the wool battledress with distinctive collar badge.

    These units also carry a black epaulet on the left shoulder

    This epaulette specific to the 1st Polish DB is a historical reminder.

    The 1st DB was born in Scotland during the war of the 10th armored brigade which is the 1st Polish mechanized formation. During the Polish campaign this unit wore a black leather jacket. Commanded by General Maczek, it inflicted heavy losses on the Germans, despite its weakness, which soon nicknamed it the schwarze brigade. It is to preserve this memory that the wearing of the black epaulette will become generalized throughout the division.

    I also removed the MK3 helmet which was not worn by the division during the conflict

    (Aragorn will not like it

    10th Dragoon


    10th PSK



    8th bataillon




    9th batallion


  6. HonnĂȘtement CMBN a Ă©tĂ© un choc pour moi
    je suis né en Normandie et j'y habite et cette histoire, cette bataille c'est ma vie car ma famille était là en 44 et mon boulot c'est de l'expliquer.
    Je suis toujours impressionné par la proximité du jeu avec la réalité
    J'adore me battre dans le bocage, ma nation préférée y a joué les Américains avec leur puissance de feu et j'aime jouer avec l'infanterie Greene
    juste un reproche dans le bocage (ce qui est souvent critiqué au contraire) les champs sont trop grands. en réalité la visibilité à plus de 50 m est un luxe en 1944
    souvent les concepteurs de cartes s'appuient sur google map mais depuis les champs ont été considérablement agrandis

    but apart from that what foot
    a great game

  7. On 21/01/2020 at 17:17, Erwin said:

    excellent movie
    Schoendoerffern also carried out an excellent report or it follows a US platoon during the second war of Vietnam, the lieutenant Anderson one of the 1st officer of color lcome from West Point


  8. umlaut c'est formidable !!

    by the biggest coincidence, I finished last night less than 24 hours ago a modification of the building 103 to dress your "Cembienne" masterpiece


    and this morning I discovered that you posted a whole series of wonders !!!
    thank it's beautifful

    I started to take a photos of the commercial Buildings that we has still  to meet in the northwest of France in order to have material (data base) to modify
    Even if you do not have time, I will send you and to whomever them want all the photos that I can take as a basis.
    some of the best examples found in Paimpol in Bretagne




  9. thanks guys !
    I tried the 4 scenarios with a new PC opening
    nothing it charges up to 78% then freezes and comes back to the desktop after 5 minutes without my touching anything
    I will try without Z folder maybe
    I am in 4.00, but I have the scenario of the pack battles bought in 4.00
    I had never tested them before

  10. I provided the mod to Mirek, he will attach it to his send to bootie

    I finished the 2nd battle and there was fur torn off

    (Those who have already seen 2 cats fighting will understand what I mean)

    I ended up with a total victory but I paid the price!!

    A problem I couldn't call the 4.2 inch

    There is no artillery observer and all HQs are refused

  11. On 1/12/2020 at 1:25 AM, MikeyD said:

    Close hedgerow terrain where the enemy may be one field over is not exactly conducive to clambering onto the back of a tank and riding around. Tank-mounted infantry wasn't close to being warfighting doctrine in Normandy. War's end after we've already crossed the Rhine, that's another matter. By war's end some units were welding grab rails and step ladders to their Shermans to assist troops in mounting-up.

    It was during the Battle of Normandy and in particular during Operation Cobra that the Americans successfully applied the tactic of getting on the tanks.

    Here is an excerpt from "Busting the Bocage" of Michael Dale Doubler


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