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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by danfrodo

  1. Some people have ignored this warning and wandered from the path into the dark woods and have seen things they cannot unsee. And then they comment about the content that is NOT what I linked to. So I keep putting this warning.
  2. DailyKos UKR war summary for today. Nothing particularly new. Fighting up & down Svatove front. RU keeps attacking and allegedly losing lots of men and material, as per earlier posts here today. Kherson now looking like siege of a town filled w hapless conscripts. Hopefully they'll shoot their masters and surrender en masse under pressure from UKR, poor supplies, and weather. LIBERAL SITE, ENTER AT YOUR OWN PERIL. Strayeth not off thine UKR summary path. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/27/2131612/-Ukraine-update-The-idea-that-Ukraine-has-no-choice-but-to-take-Kherson-in-a-great-battle-is-wrong
  3. Plus the barrel damage. We've all seen complaints that CM barrel damage isn't realistic. This photo begs to differ. Are those 30mm autocannon hits? 50 cal AP?
  4. Some may actually care about oversight. Some are clearly and demonstrably using 'oversight' to try to aid Putin. Senator Rand Paul, for example, was so pro-Putin leading up to and into this war that he would've been banned from this forum as a RU troll. But when he delayed a UKR aid bill he said it was about oversight, which was utter bulls--t given his uber pro Putin public words on the senate floor -- like saying Ukraine was part of Russia and Russia had every right to recover its own territory. Some anti-UKR are just simply uber-naive pacifists who think that because war is always bad that it's also always unnecessary (and they are often right, oddly enough) -- easy to say in a free country. But some are, for whatever reason, pro-Putin/pro-autocracy -- I am guessing they are paid for that support through 'campaign contributions' via some lobbyist cut-out organization.
  5. As I stated 1000 or more pages ago, I think Putin's plan was excellent on paper, like Steve's gravel plan. But it wasn't about the BTGs alone. It was about internal treason/assassination squads cutting the head off UKR in Kyiv and many provinces. This was in conjunction w the SOF forces coming in via air & sea to secure vital facilities -- the critical one was Hostemel airport, which allow RU to move in large numbers of infantry very quickly into the Kyiv. Then the BTGs come in to suppress whatever disjointed, leaderless resistance starts to form. Of course we all know how this went. Maybe with surprise it would've gone better but that was rather impossible once US was screaming to the world that Putin was going to attack. He had no surprise, his assassination squads failed, treason seems to have only made a significant difference in Kherson. Hostemel turned out to be a disaster, along w multiple other SOF attempts (WHEN IS HOSTEMEL GONNA BE IN CMBS??!!! ). And the BTGs, well, turns out Putin attacked when it was muddy and the roadbound columns were ambushed everywhere, along with all the other hundreds of local RU tactical disasters.
  6. I don't know art but I know what I like. Thanks for sharing this AKD, I was worried RU was having too easy of a time w the ferries. Hopefully there's a bunch of supply trucks & troops that got hit.
  7. I bet there's often a lovely traffic jam heading into the ferry. What's range of artillery? Of excalibur? Once UKR arty is in range of ferry & dam even the small amount of traffic will be doomed. An excalibur round would be quick enough to hit upon intel that ferry was on right bank.
  8. Great news. And hopefully there will soon be sanctions on Iran if it keeps sending weapons to a terrorist state. I suspect there's a lot of lobbying and threatening going on. And I suspect after the US election Biden admin will be taking a more public hard line against both RU and Iran.
  9. I remember that battle, it felt very real relative to the books I'd read -- infantry infiltrating through the thinly held lines. And it's almost december, when I go on my annual pilgrimage to CMFB.
  10. The rosters include a McCormick, a McCullers, and a Brogdon. So some scottish representation I suppose.
  11. What Iran is doing is despicable. Is it because it needs the money? Or just to poke the US in the eye via proxy war? It's straight up terrorism. Hasn't been much said about this by world leaders yet, maybe there's hope for some behind the scenes negotiation hoping Iran will stop? -- note I don't think this likely. Also I think Biden is waiting until after the Nov 8 elections before speaking out more forcefully about the war.
  12. well, players from all the baseball playing world at least are there, mostly Japan and Korea would stand out. But a huge number of players are from Caribbean countries. And I can safely safe that this is a world championship since no one outside US can field a better team than these two. And I can safely say that almost no one in the world would care to. Back on task: Why the heck would we make any comparisons b/w US in Afghanistan and current war in Ukraine???? These two things have almost nothing in common.
  13. Dang, that feller sound edgeekated fer sher. I prefer to get knowledge from Facebook U, of course. Seriously though, that is a very interesting look at the ways Russia is spinning things, and what lies work for that culture. Definitely. Houston Astros are a push-over. I like underdogs, so hopefully the Phillies will do it. My team tied for third worst in baseball. Quite an achievement, I suppose. Steve mentioned Mobiks being sick due to lack of proper facilities (shelter/food/clothing/heat I guess). The weather in Ukraine hasn't even turned bad yet. Kherson & Kharkiv forecasts still have lows above freezing for the coming week. What's it gonna look like when they are basically abandoned in trenches over the next month or so? Also, there was some talk about why doesn't UKR recruit more men above the ~500k currently active? I'd say that beyond the gear and training issues there's also the economic issues. Dragging huge number of prime age workers out of the economy has a lot of knock-on effects. RU mobilization, while a small % of it's male population, is bigger than that economically, with hundreds of thousands fleeing the country or going into hiding on top of the many thousands of educated, skilled people that fled over that previous 6 months. It's got to be having an impact.
  14. Yeah, I get why they might want to let them leave. I just don't want to see those guys later in the war.
  15. In the world of pre-crazy, GOPers would be the more hawkish. So good to see some of the hawks pushing back. What point is there in being a tough guy if you look the other way when the damsel is in distress?
  16. hang on ChuckDyke, you can disparage carbonated sugar bombs & fast food, but fried chicken is a gift from Gawd that is one of the few things making life worth living Any news on the RU ferry operation? How many vehicles per hour/day I wonder? It's a risk to hit it because of the human shields but letting all those troops escape to fight another day is not good either. It's also important to have large bunch of prisoners & loot to broadcast to RU populace to get the water hotter for Putler.
  17. I am hoping he dies a very bad death in some power struggle. Soon. This is disgusting. I wonder how much the sons had to pay to buy those two poor UKR soldiers? If they even are UKR soldiers. They certainly didn't take prisoners themselves.
  18. Let us not besmirch the Durin's line w comparisons to these monsters. What is that video showing? who are the prisoners? This is so totally staged but what is going on?
  19. Interesting 'what if' for the nova kahovka damn. Shows flooding effect, at various water levels. Most of the flooding would be on left (RU) side. Kherson on higher ground so would mostly not flood. LIBERAL SITE, ENTER AT OWN RISK https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/10/20/2130299/-A-3D-Look-at-Nova-Kakhovka-Flood-Effect
  20. That is the most succinct yet insightful post I've seen in a while. Well done!
  21. Wouldn't that be great? UKR recruits all those pilots that show up at airshows w vintage planes every year and uses them to down drones. That would be amazingly cool! Heck, Tom Cruise is a pilot and I think he owns a P51?
  22. He's watching Eagles highlights over & over in a stained bathrobe w a tallboy in his hand a cigarette dangling from his mouth. I thought we were safe for a while, but turns out Steve has super powers also, dang it. So to TheCapt. Excellent points once again on Kherson & the value of time. I have been saying for a long time that UKR needs to end the kessel sooner rather than later. And while Kherson may show that RU can do something competent, it also shows how stupid they can be to put so much of their best men and material in what is 99% likely to fall, losing most of the troops & material there. Is morale good there, as was mentioned above somewhere? -- seems unlikely to me. It's good enough to hold for now, but as food & ammo get thinner & thinner? They could pull those troops out and within a week they'd be able to capture the Bakhmut garbage dump, over which they seem to be obsessed. So to me it still seems incredibly stupid. Classic dictator wishful thinking that is backed up every day he holds on ("see comrade, it's working!"), masking the inevitable reality of the situation. By the way, is there a washing machine factory in Bakhmut?? That's the only way this 'offensive' makes sense.
  23. Some house republicans are doing this. The vast majority have not done anything like this. As I've stated before, I recognize and honor the vast majority of GOP congressman and senators for doing the right thing, every time, for Ukraine. And hopefully they'll take their small number of dictator-loving friends out back and teach them about right & wrong. I am feeling optimistic that GOP & dems will continue to support Ukraine. There's plenty of other places to play politics, I don't think they'll do it w UKR.
  24. New video from my favorite young Russian lad. He fled to Istanbul and is very glad to have escaped, especially considering what mobilization looks like now. Basically kidnapping young men all over Moscow & Petersburg. Allegedly the mobilization is over but he says they are still grabbing men.
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