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  1. Upvote
    sttp reacted to SeinfeldRules in SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread   
    Thanks for all the positive comments, guys, especially about the quality of the maps. I really put a lot of my effort in the maps and they are my babies, the scenarios are just a happy byproduct! Please continue with the feedback, it's the only way I can make my scenarios better!
  2. Upvote
    sttp reacted to SeinfeldRules in SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread   
    Thank you for the feedback combatintman and grungar! I'm happy everyone has liked them so far. I'll definitely look into some of the ASL stuff, do they have scenario "stories" like CM, or is it more of a freeform scenario, kind of like a Quick Battle?
    fry30, I've never thought about it that way, but it's very true! I feel there are lots of these little "episodes" in war, you just have to read between the lines when books and such talk about macro level events. Not everything has to be a titanic clash, even the "quiet" periods were full of patrolling and small unit actions.
    And another one:
    Into Lithuania v1.0

    Our tanks drive on into Lithuania. Following the capture of Minsk, our forces are now pushing up the road to Vilnius. Your company of T-34s is currently leading that push, and just as you cross the border of Belarus and Lithuania, your lead vehicle brews up in a mighty explosion. It is clear the Germans have something waiting for you in the village ahead... Allied vs AI only.
  3. Upvote
    sttp reacted to SeinfeldRules in SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread   
    Another scenario...
    Assault Position v1.0

    Our forces are counterattacking. Having detrained merely days ago, your Regiment has been pushing around the flank of the Soviets, looking for an opportunity to halt the Russian juggernaut. Your panzergrenadier company has been tasked with securing the flank of our regiment's counterattack by taking a town overlooking an important road highway. Located on the reverse slope of a ridgeline, you determine that a wooded grove just NW of the town (and SE of your assembly area) would be the perfect place to form up your company before it's final attack on the main Soviet defenses. The morning of your attack, you begin to move your company to take your assault position. Axis vs AI only.
  4. Upvote
    sttp reacted to SeinfeldRules in SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread   
    Hi all,
    I've been working on a whole bunch of scenarios for CMRT, and finally got around to finishing a couple. I'll use this thread to post whatever I manage to finish. I have 4 for today (though one has already been posted before, just tweaked it a little), and hopefully I can put the finishing touches on 1 or 2 for tomorrow. Most of these have had barely any playtesting, beyond what I could do by myself. That's where I need feedback from you guys. These are not 100% tested. Please let me know what I can change to make it better!
    I like small, company sized engagements. All of these have 2 companies or less. These may be suitable for H2H, do not have anyone to test them with though. All my maps are "hand made" originals. They look best with my terrain mod IMO!
    Interlock OP v1.0

    You are in command of a German Grenadier platoon in Estonia. Soviet forces have secured an interlocking tower overlooking our forward positions and are calling artillery on our forces. You have been tasked with securing the tower by force and securing whatever intel you can. Axis vs AI only
    Pastureland v1.0

    The Germans are falling back in confusion. Our tank corps and mehanized infantry have pushed far foward, leaving us, the dismounted infantry, behind to mop up the remnants and widen the corridors. Your company was doing exactly that when you came out of a small copse of trees and immediately started taking machinegun fire. A large, open pastureland sits between you and the incoming fire. On the far side, a group of buildings on the outskirts of a village. You determine that is where the enemy fire is coming from, and you immediately decide to attack. Allied vs AI only.
    Gorbatzewich Roadblock v1.0

    You are in command of a Soviet Cavalry Squadron southwest of Babruysk. After several long days of fighting, we have finally managed to capture the vital city and open the road to Minsk. Remnants of German forces still remain around the city, occupying blocking positions and doing their best to prevent our forces from rushing into Minsk. One of these blocking forces is located in the village to your immediate front. Allied vs AI only
    Amongst the Ruins v1.0

    You are in command of a German Pioneer Company somewhere within a large city inside Belarus. We have been fighting with the Soviets for control of this vital city for several days now. Your company has been tasked with taking back a bombed out industrial area. Axis vs AI only
  5. Upvote
    sttp reacted to womble in Are distant shooters spotted too easily?   
    This is simply untrue. LOS is reciprocal, yes: as soon as you might see the enemy, they might see you. If they're both the same number of high quality troops in poor concealment, then there's a high chance that the two elements will see each other at the same time. But there are many occasions when one side or the other has a spotting advantage and will succeed their "roll to acquire" sooner (on average) than their reciprocate. An obvious example is a two man Elite sniper team with binos in a church tower at 600m from a green rifle team with no binos in an open field: the poor grunts will get picked off one by one without ever seeing the sniper. In the last campaign turn I played, an element of mine stumbled upon a lone straggler and it was a good quarter minute before they were spotted back, and they were Quicking across an open field (it's KG Engel, and the player Germans are quality troops, against piss poor Amis).
    If the AI always spots you at the same moment you spot them, then you need to work on your cover exploitation. If it's not "always" then what's the problem? It's plain to see that "sometimes" two units will spot each other simultaneously.
    Then you need to work on your movement drills and understanding of how concealment works. It is entirely possible to generate lopsided spotting situations where you can see and spot the enemy well before they see and spot you. The AI sometimes even manages to reverse the tables. But you have to generate them, they won't just happen. Both sides use exactly the same LOS and spotting algorithms; there's no "AI spot you when you spot them" rule (I know that for sure, because I constantly get situations where my troops shoot first, against the AI).
    So, some advice to help you get on the right side of the spotting algorithms (in no particular order): 
    Small teams are harder to spot (because there's less of them to spot, and they fit more easily behind concealing terrain features What's between the target and the spotter (every metre of it) matters more than what terrain the target is in. Example: Light Woods tiles give a concealment advantage; if you are in the "last" tile before open ground, your element has an average of 4m (anywhere from 0-8m, depending on where the individual troopers position themselves in their AS) of "Light Woods tile level concealment", whereas if you're in the next row back into the Light Woods patch, you'll still be able to see out, but you will have, on average 12m  (a guaranteed 8m, for the complete AS, plus the 0-8 for the AS the unit is in) worth of Light Woods between you and the observer, or three times the concealment advantage. Often, you'll be able to be even further back and still see out. Tree models do not give a good indication of the concealment they provide. The tree trunks block LOS, but if they're planted in "short grass", the concealment offered versus eyes on the same level by being underneath them will be minimal; if the canopy is high enough, so that the foliage doesn't preclude spotting, fire can completely ignore a "well-kept orchard" if it's aimed down the rows. Shooting teams are much easier to spot than teams which hold their fire. If your intention is "looking, not reaching out to touch", give your unit a short Target Arc, either circular or oriented the way you want them to bias their cover and shooting opportunity seeking. That way, they won't open fire the instant they see an enemy inside their effective range, giving away their position and attracting attention, causing an instant recipro-spot and return fire. If you're coming up to the "last piece of cover" between you and potential eyes (a bocage line, or clump of bushes at a crest, say) use Slow to move the last AS or two into the cover. This will minimise the chance of your arriving team being spotted by the observing enemy on the other side, because you're moving slowly and keeping low. If you want to spot without being spotted, give the moving unit a short covered arc as above so your scout team doesn't instantly engage the platoon they spot forming up in the field they just got eyes onto. Barns are poor concealment (and negligible cover, but that's a different issue). If you're moving about inside a building the enemy can see, you'll be spotted unless you Slow (or maybe Hunt). If you take this advice in consideration, you might find that you can ambush the enemy a little bit* more than 2-5% of the time.
    * If there's such a thing as hypobole, this is an example of it...
  6. Upvote
    sttp reacted to womble in Are distant shooters spotted too easily?   
    That's an approach I've suggested before. Experience affects the chances of infantry being spotted (Elite being "one with their terrain", Conscript being "sore thumbs"), so simply allowing the "Experience" of a fortification to have a similar effect on concealment, and maybe even "terrain saves", to represent better siting (at a lesser cost factor; the pill box's experience won't affect its weapon skills, spotting ability and the other things that experience would modify for an infantry element) seems like it might be a step in the right direction.
  7. Upvote
    sttp reacted to waclaw in HQS 2.0 CMBN.CMRT.CMFI   
    g43, and new rain
  8. Upvote
    sttp reacted to waclaw in HQS 2.0 CMBN.CMRT.CMFI   
    optional sound for MG42 - It seems to me that much better   https://www.dropbox.com/s/huxplxeuuyws2lt/gun%20mp40.rar?dl=0     improved sound for MP40 - was too loud
  9. Upvote
    sttp reacted to waclaw in HQS 2.0 CMBN.CMRT.CMFI   
    just working on this, but it may take some time)
  10. Upvote
    sttp reacted to waclaw in HQS 2.0 CMBN.CMRT.CMFI   
    I have the pleasure to present you  HQS 2.0  -   huge modification for CM Battle for Normandy/ CM Red Thunder/ CM Fortress Italy - adds or replaces almost all the sounds in the game. That's more than 2,100 sounds, a lot of improvements and modifications really improve immersion in the game.
    Changelog 2.0
    1187 additional sounds
    - Italian voice
    - Americans voice
    - Russian voice
    - improved Poland voice
    - new air support
    - new background
    - new explosion
    - improved soldier movement
    - new incoming artillery
    - new bullets and shells/impact/penetrations/ricochets/zips
    - new air weapons
    and of course lots of other fixes and improvements
  11. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bootie in Having to pay for bug fix!   
    Yes initially the games are expensive to purchase but its a game that lasts a lifetime... its not like you complete it and put it on eBay.  I have clocked thousands of hours playing the CM games and in my opinion money well spent and well worth supporting the company financially if need be.
  12. Upvote
    sttp reacted to noob in Why can't 88mm Flak or AT be limbered/towed?   
    My advice for using an 88 is to place a false nose, false moustache and fake glasses on it after it has fired, if that doesn't work then thats tough !!! you shouldn't have started the war in the first place !!!
  13. Upvote
    sttp reacted to A Canadian Cat in How to get regular US inf in quick battles?   
    One thing you can do to still keep the computer selects the forces but you get some influence is choose human selected forces but instead of manually choosing use the suggestion button.  Have a look at what you got and if you like what you see hit suggest again.  Repeat as needed.
    Mind you I have no idea if the rotation of choices will include regular infantry or not but worth a try.
  14. Upvote
    sttp reacted to kch001 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Any chance of adding a hull down / turret down indicator (i.e. you indicate the facing at a waypoint and then the indicator could show red/red or green/red or green/green)? Also an arc indicating the LOS would also be great when planning waypoints so that you can better plan routes that we are hidden.
    If we could have temporary camouflage in the game, then it would be great too. Ideally I would like to be able to camouflage vehicles and troops further during the set up. It should not be something that you could do during the battle due to the time it takes, but I think that a heavily camouflaged StuG or machine gun team should be much harder to locate than it is now.  
    Similarly if we could have prepared positions for vehicles then it would be great too. 
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