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Everything posted by Kraft

  1. Its too easy On a more serious note, I doubt a substantial amount of Russians will ever truly know the extent of the devastation inflicted on the country they wish to control, or, that any living soul there will plan to poison or murder them if they came. Even if they did, Im sure a little cognitive dissonance will go a long way. As long as Putin can claim to have captured all this vital wasteland with resources Russia wont be able to sell, then the operation is a victory. Because thats what this humiliated fallen and forgotten empire needs apparently. It is very telling when the Moskva sinking caused 10 times the uproar in Russian Telegram than pesky war crimes being reported, as if nobody cared in the first place about civilians getting bombed. But when every other comment goes along the lines of slaughtering all the khokhols regardless of uniform or not, that kind of answers itself.
  2. Pretty brutal footage, BTR4E again. Not published by Azov this time so probably a different vehicle that the last footage came from.
  3. The green hawkish position has really surprised me. I would have assumed them to be the last ones (based on their pre-invasion stance on anything weapon related) to semi-stand up against what ever redherring, confusion psyops Scholz is running.
  4. God damn that whole wall at 1:05 is littered with Russians not just near the red van.. it would be amazing if this could be geolocated. The Azov guys go about it as if it were just another monday, incredible footage.
  5. I'm surprised the media is not picking up on the use of strategic bombers on urban area. Hiding in a cellar might save a family from Grad strikes but a 3000kg bomb will remove it all the same.
  6. Impressive Russian drone footage from Mariupol.
  7. That does seem more plausible. But if it is just an air shelter, I wonder how they manage to keep attackers at bay for so long. Also, Azov fighters still appear to be working outside so maybe they haven't even reached the entrance yet and it is mostly an explanation to cover up their bad progress? I myself am very surprised at the resiliance that has been put up as the situation appears to be very bad.
  8. Yes, if the bunker complex is real and has been purpose built for this conflict, it will do nothing but move dirt or fall from rusty hinges on DPR conscript. Updates from Azov appear to be from within a bunker if the leadership is in Mariupol which I think it is, because no war sounds in any video but always same underground background. Maybe @Haiduk knows more about preparations in Mariupol, I know it was considered a Fortress already during the fight against Seperatists
  9. They have been pulling these, posted some 200 pages agoOriginal source is Rus Telegram ~2? weeks ago as far as I can remember. I can give no info on modern tech but looking at the state of this, I have doubts. I hope this comment continues to age nicely
  10. Steve you are forgetting the 60.000 Syrian Elite Troops that have surely been deployed by now.
  11. I was talking about the argument brought forward by the vice chancelor as to why heavy equipment should not be sent.
  12. The argument makes no sense. Plenty of countries have sent far more modern tanks and other more impactful stuff already and nothing has happened besides Putin driving his Nukes back and forth. I do not in the slightest think old 60s IFVs and Leo1s will be the thing that changes Putins objective from Kyiv to Berlin. Even if, what will he do, drive through Ukraine and the entire NATO force to get there? I think it's just the SPD applying internal pressure to cool off the rethoric as it makes Scholz look bad because he has not just been dragging his feet, what he does right now is more akin to actively running against the wind. Probably because of imports and how that would absolutely destroy the economy, according to the firms impacted by it, not economists.
  13. They've been claiming the destruction of a lot of shipments but have released exactly 0 evidence on any so far which is why I'd pay 0 thought on it until they actually release a picture or two.
  14. In celebration of the 500th visually confirmed Russian MBT going *pop* in Ukraine *(or being damaged, abandoned, captured) I have a nice calculator to share with which you can predict Russia running out of Tanks assuming an endless stream of conscripts. Features include a nice graph and some funky sliders like Adjustment for losses data Predicted future war intensity Russian tanks at start of war Russian tanks in storage Usable tanks in storage
  15. How would a policy of neutrality towards Ukraine have enabled it to defend against Russia? 2014+ Ukrainian Army was slaughtered by Putin. Western support built what is working today. Without western Intel, all these ambushes would not be happening. Without western financing, no Ukrainian drones would fly, no NVGs, no nothing. Without western leadership the Ukrainian army would still fight with Soviet doctrine and lose. What we are seeing right now is a result NOT of Minsk and Putin appeasement but of US/UK policy to bolster Ukraine in case of evident Russian aggression, despite concern of "worsening relation with Russia". He does not care about economics. He does not care about his or our People. He cares about the past and everyone west of him is an enemy complicit in that "greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century" to quote Putin himself. Neutrality towards Ukraine would have in fact put Putin exactly where he wanted to be.
  16. There are prediction models from economists that say it would not at all result in the catastrophic way this is always painted in. As I remember, SWIFT & Co was also called atomic bomb of finance, that would bring doom to all stocks and cause instant economic recession,.. yet here we are.
  17. If you think this war is just about Ukraine you are mistaken. Listen to Putins hour long ramble about the West and old USSR before he gave the Invasion order. This is not some smart geopolitical game to strenghen Russia that went a little too far. This is about restoring old borders, regardless of the cost, militarily or economically to Russia. Most Analyist thought Putin would not attack, because it makes no sense - from their POV. Putin sees the world from a different lense of the last century and in his mind this mad decision was the way to go and has been planned for a long time.
  18. The claimed destruction of Ukrainian Military equipment from today's Victory briefing has certainly skyrocketed, I have yet to see any increase in visual evidence though
  19. Some people already have their world engulfed in war and are fighting so others don't have to
  20. I am not the collective mind of european leaders but if it were up to me little multicam men would be voluntarily launching Ukraines newly found arsenal of cruise missiles into every command tent being set up by the russians Would they be willing to risk armageddon over a slight increase in the rate of generals being lost in this special operation?
  21. Reports are coming through that Russian forces have used a nerve agent in Mariupol. No evidence provided as of yet but if it is true then we should see proof soon, the new rus commander has a history of using nerve agents in urban areas
  22. Unsure if we are talking about the same video but the one I saw on pro rus channels only showed 4 heavily damaged bodies there
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