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Posts posted by Rinaldi

  1. The idea that information cannot be sent to and acted upon in any significant way by lower level leaders is simply preposterous. Emrys summed up my thoughts on the entire debate wonderfully. Further; you play every leader in a CM scenario, from the ASL to the Bn CO; humans aren't automatons. A Cpl is going to react as he sees fit if he's operating in an information vacuum. 

  2. Do you have any particular evidence to show that this is too-quick for wireless communications in WWII?

    13 hours ago, JoMc67 said:


    ...The only info we as players should have is the info that's giving to us at beginning of scenario...


    I'm going to take the liberty of speaking for @Battlefront.com here and say no one would actually play this game - no matter how many of you are about to lie and say quite the contrary.

  3. No waffenfarbe are the white braids on the collars with the colorings, Mord. These are Bundeswehr waffenfarbe but it'll suffice for an example:




    Think of them as being analogous to the crossed sabers, rifles or cannons, etc. of the US branches. The piping color of shoulder-boards also helped identify their branch of service. 

  4. 18 hours ago, sburke said:

    That is possible as it is the ToE for CMBN that was pushed to the other two. Not saying it is a bug, just that there is a single origination source. 

    In my experience in the WWII titles Senior NCOs for the Germans and Commonwealth countries cannot call in fire missions. @MOS:96B2P I've never had trouble calling in FFEs with a US Army XO or Commonwealth 2IC . Senior NCOs usually can only call in with the US Army, if my memory serves. Which is historical even for 1944, I always believed. If you have a moment could you try and call in a FFE with a tank platoon sergeant? I remember being able to do that only with the US Army.

    Not sure it's really a bug; just a bit of flexibility advantage for one faction. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Lei. is short for Leicht (or Light). The only lei division I can find doing a quick google is the 5th who were part of the Afrika Corps in '41. And it later became the 21st Panzer Division.

    Yeah there were a few more but they quickly fell by the wayside for the Germans. They were too light and too independent to get anything done; and were in reality over-grown mechanized regiments. 

    @akd I'm really surprised to see a Jaeger TO&E as late as Feburary 44. I thought that all infantry divisions had the honorific Grenadier (or Volksgrenadier later on) save for "specialist" divisions. It's so rare to hear mention of them in histories after Stalingrad.

  6. 19 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

      I noticed I was finishing battles with most of my artillery leftover.  So I started plotting fire during setup phase -- I assume this was registered by spotter plane?  


    Don't over think the why; this could be for any number of reasons. Pre-planned fire is perfectly legitimate on the offensive and is what's called a fires plan. You should get into the habit of making one for terrain like you described, complex with limited LOS. In other games with less flexible militaries, or as the Germans (who are less flexible with heavier artillery), such a plan might be the only way to get your artillery into the battle.

    The easiest way to describe how best to form a pre-planned bombardment is to look at the map and go "If I was the defender, where would I be?" Then, strike these areas with what you feel is best. If you want to keep them suppressed and their heads down so you can move, try a light/long or harassing barrage. If you're absolutely certain someone will be in that area (or are capable of moving fast), go heavy and quick/short to either kill units in the bombardment or induce shock. If you want a middle ground or are keen to preserve ammo, try a medium barrage.

    19 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

    This is an aspect of the game that definitely takes some learning.  In Normandy battles there's not much high ground and short LOS due to hedgerows.  I noticed I was finishing battles with most of my artillery leftover.  So I started plotting fire during setup phase -- I assume this was registered by spotter plane?   I set for light or harrass and maximum for rear areas so I don't burn up all the ammo right away.  That way if I do get LOS/observation on solid target, I can cancel the original fires and make new ones.  If I never get a good LOS, at least I am pounding the rearward defenders that I will face sooner or later.


    Sounds like you're on the right track to me.

    There's another advantage to a fires plan in WWII: The ability to use airbursting munitions, which in Normandy you won't be able to ask for once the battle is on, unless it's hitting a pre-registered point.

    None of this is hard and fast and should be molded by your own experience, which means you might have some frustrating miscalculations early on until you live and learn. You'll eventually get a grasp for what type of Artillery mission and caliber is capable of what. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Very sound advice from our Canadian cousin. I've often seen videos on youtube where the video maker is ranting and raving at his FOs or HQs but, is not bothering to to pay attention to .. 1. How much of his target area the spotter can see. And 2. Not actually bothering to see where the spotting rounds are falling.

    Hopefully not me!

    I always thought the game manual explained it quite thoroughly, but kudos to @IanL for explaining it so easily. Your FO has to see the splash to adjust; so avoid getting cheeky with area fire looking for that single point of clear line of sight unless you're very confident in your FO!

  8. On 11/29/2017 at 5:03 AM, HerrTom said:

    Sorry for the big long wait - my buddy is anything but reliable.  3 turns into the new, larger game now and I'll try to post an introduction tomorrow and start going through the backlog of turns to keep you guys updated!

    Haha you have to hound them man! My usual PBEM partners have resigned themselves to receiving menacing variations of "do turn" sent to them at all hours of the day. Sometimes people need a kick in the behind :^)

  9. 45 minutes ago, Gamma said:


    The pause command is a terrible work around. 

    I never said it was perfect. That's why it's called a work around. As for reloading; nah, sorry you're bulldusting or speaking too generally. I've just finished filming a series of PBEMs in 4.0 and reloading works perfectly fine for anyone in a battle position. The only time they don't reload is when there's a series of movement waypoints - but that's how Pause always worked. 

    Your complaints are legitimate, and well known. Beating a dead horse in the shrillest way possible is just tiring. 

  10. @Gamma this is the AI bug, we sympathize. There's a temporary work around. If you want a unit to stand its ground unless it literally panics (re.: no longer is capable of taking orders) use the "pause" command. If its paused indefinitely, it holds its place indefinitely. That's the only solution until they patch.

    Unfortunately it still makes attacking AI trivial. I haven't played a SP game since 4.0 came out...

  11. 1 hour ago, Jaeger Jonzo said:

    What is this ‘evade’ command you guys keep referring too? Is it a hot key combo as I do not see it in any menu. Confused!

    From the CMBN manual; these three buttons will be above the orders panel:



    The right most one, which looks like an intersection with arrows, is the evade command. Pressing it will give troops a fast command and make them ignore enemy fire (thus, even if they're pinned, they'll move). It's meant to assume risk and try to get out of a kill zone despite heavy fire. You can drag and drop the waypoint to wherever you like, like a normal one - and you can also change it to a 'slow' command without getting rid of the positive effects already mentioned.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    You wish!  ;)

    I guess the Ukraine just stopped making them because they felt like it?  Or perhaps the massive numbers of Oplot being produced would make them redundant?  :lol:



    I'd say the above to an extent for sure; but perhaps more importantly the less complex T-64 (with all its pre-existing facilities and spare parts) was more than sufficient for a military stuck in a frozen conflict of patrols and small dismounted actions. 

    Consider: The real mechanized maneuver petered out late 2014/early 2015 and hasn't really flared up again. Material losses needed to be made good and the reality of the situation is they don't need anything complex on the front lines. Why stretch your facilities ironing out production irregularities for a modern tank that you don't need at present, and when BMP-2s , other intermediate AFVs, and artillery needed to be produced yesterday.

  13. 18 minutes ago, slysniper said:


    Lav-25 is ok, but that is almost a 40 year old platform.


    ...and the BTR is not? 

    Like yes, the LAV is showing its age, as are quite a few other things; that is the happy side effect of a world without a serious conventional conflict in the last 80 years - armed forces tend to stagnate a bit. I'd like to take the bait about all the other little nuggets you threw in from the peanut gallery re: Shermans, the M68 105mm, M256 120mm, etc. but its so off topic that I'd rather not fuel the fire.

    If your overarching point is that NATO and in particular the US is playing catch-up; you're doing a poor job of showing it. 

  14. 1) I haven't made a comment about your English. It's perfectly legible. 

    2) I assure you I am quite aware that it is in my best interest to ignore your tactical opinions

    3) We have taken the liberty to tell you when you are wrong - your reactions to it have been mixed at best. Copy pasting a comment is the type of lazy, fingers-in-ears response you've had to basically any type of constructive or fact-based posts you've seen contrary to your own views.

    2 minutes ago, Oleksandr said:

    All of you can think that you know everything better than me, that my opinion is always wrong and that it isnt based on anything except of my personal and very subjective veiws. I'm ok with that, afterall I'm not a 100 dollar bill (those being loved by everyone lol)." 


  15. On 11/9/2017 at 2:20 AM, Oleksandr said:


    1st rocket position 1 - T-72B3. then cannon - 2 BMP 3 then reposition then going back then - T-72B3. Not bad for a 23 mm and few rockets lol (or maybe last tank was done by a cannon I dont actually remember). The moral of this story - use buildings and terrain to support your angles and always open fire first (positioning). 


    On 11/9/2017 at 2:33 AM, Oleksandr said:

    Short Advice: while playing as NATO forces do not use strykers those are $H&t. We really need a dragoon version of it in this game. I was shocked how terrible it is... when I frist time used it and saw that you only got MG or MK on it I was like... wow thats worse than btr-82A... and only mtlb can be worse than russian btr... I was like Jesus man... BTR-4 remains the most powerful apc in the game. I want dragoon though... 


    You know generally when someone puts themselves in a position of authority and starts doling out advice; they're expected to get basic facts right. Kinda takes away from their advice otherwise. "This vehicle is poor, try to avoid it" isn't advice, its an opinion, and a wholly subjective one ;).

    On 11/9/2017 at 9:14 AM, BTR said:

    I do not agree. Strykers with .50 make a excellent anti light armor platforms such as MTLBs and BTR-82s. Despite the latter having proper IFV weaponry (6MB and A variants) they have worse (and much worse in case of 6MB) optical packages and usually go belly up when engaged by HMG fire. Stryker tactical offensive worth might be overall lower than general 30mm armed AFVs, but they are certainly not a thing to ignore.  

    This is actual useful advice for how to employ a platform re: Identify its strengths and the observed weaknesses of the enemy and play to them. 

  16. 18 hours ago, Swant said:

    Maybe, but I made a quick mission with glider infantry just to check and they wore airborne uniforms

    You have all the modules? Glider infantry begin wearing the same Airborne Uniforms in September, 1944; as they did in reality. Holland QBs and scenarios will depict them as such. In Normandy the GIRs wore the standard infantry battledress. Hence why you see them wearing that in the earlier campaigns.

  17. 1 hour ago, Bolldar said:

    Playing River of Blood in Final Blitzkreig and having to suffer the idiotic names given to units which I not only hate but find remove a lot of the historical flavour from the game. For example some of my units are called Panther for an infantry HQ, Spigot for infantry platoons, Pz35t (Dutch Army) for Panzer IV units. Many of the scenarios contain these kind of stupid names and on both sides. Is there a file which removes these names and replaces them with historical designations? Or failing that is it possible to edit the historical scenarios to remove this kind rubbish? 

    Is FB your only installed game? Do you own other CM games? Are they all in the same Program Files directory? 

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