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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 30 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

    UUmmm....No, that is not even close to what to you said. I'll quote the OP and your reply to remind you......


    As you can see....there was no mention of CMBN, hedgerows,, gaps in hedgerows or that you have seen seen signs that it had changed from 4.01 to 4.02. As a matter of fact your response is the polar opposite  having said "I have never said that the problem has not been worked on, or addressed.". You may not even be aware that in all of the games breaking infantry was running out of all manner of cover (buildings, foxholes, trees, you name it) and running toward fire. That behavior has 100% been fixed...whether you have seen evidence of it or not....with the exception of 1 game (CMBN) and 1 specific type of cover in that single game (I forget offhand whether it was low hedgerows or high hedgerows but one of them....not both) , period.


    Lowery is still up by 5 after a shaky first hole.

    I'm sorry, but this is getting daft. Given the fact that you know full well that all of my comments about this problem have only ever applied to the gap charging problem in CMBN I find your comments over the last week or so confusing, at best, if not downright disingenuous. And I would prefer it if you add me to you ignore list, at least that way I will no longer have to suffer your blatant misinterpretations of my posts.

  2. 23 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

    I quoted you because, contrary to what you say, there is tons and tons and tons and tons of evidence that the issue was addressed. You continuing to falsely repeating that it hasn't changed doesn't change that. Repeating the same misinformation over and over won't make it true.

    Now, I'm gonna go watch Shane Lowery with The Open Championship.

    I have never said that the problem has not been worked on, or addressed. What I have said is that with regards to CMBN it has not been "fixed", i.e. people are still running into the problem when they have 4.02 installed. So that either means that 4.02 didn't fix the gap charging problem. Or, that a number of us have made a mistake when installing 4.02 that we are unaware of.

    Therefore may I suggest that you, or someone else, provide some screenshots of 4.02 in action working properly in CMBN especially with regards to the campaigns that people have reported having problems with e.g. Montebourg, The Scottish Corridor, and Niijmegen. I think also a shot of how the CMBN folder should look post a successful installation of 4.02 would be very helpful.

    In the meantime despite Granddad Fitz being a Meathman,  I am off to the telly to cheer on the boy from across the Offaly border.

  3. Erm.

    1. I'm not a "brit", I'm a Limey.

    2. I didn't call Declan "Johnny Underpants", I said that he was beginning to sound like a member of that person's cabinet.

    3. My comment in post no.4 was an honest reply to the OP and post no. 2.

    4. I have never once complained about how BFC communicate with us, and was quite happy with "the old method". In fact my support for how BFC do things got me labelled a "fanboi" on more than one occasion.

  4. 26 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

    There was a whole thread about it. So, I won't rehash that here.

    There is a still an issue with a specific type of bocage that will show this behavior.  Of the 6 games that means that only CMBN is affected and, in that,  only with that bocage. Other than that it is gone with the 4.02 patch. So, make sure that you have that patch.

    Give over, Declan. You know full well that I am aware of the fact that "There was a whole thread about it", and that I have the 4.02 patch, I've commented on it often enough.  And you also know that my comment was specifically about CMBN, and that that is what we need fixing. You are beginning to sound like a member of Johnny Underpants last cabinet (obscure Limey political reference for our USAtian readers). 

  5. 1 hour ago, transporter said:

    ... if one man is tasked to fire the rest of the squad cannot fire at anything else.  

    It doesn't quite work like that. Individual troops can select their own Targets if the need, or opportunity, arises at any time during a minute of action. Go down to Level 1 or 2 and you will sometimes see members of the same squad firing off to the left or right.

    In the meantime I quite like the idea of a 71 year old being a "Junior Member". Happy Gaming!

  6. 5 hours ago, Frenchy56 said:

    I played a bit of "Facade Troops" before "jumping into" the scenario editor as well and looking at the formation, as I always do when something seems fishy.

    I see what you mean. Although there is only one Kriegsmarine company. That guy is commanding a Kampfgruppe containing Security and SS reinforcements. So you would expect someone of higher rank. 

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