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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. 9 hours ago, Xorg_Xalargsky said:

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm stuck in a time loop : a personal hell of my own where I wait for the new Fortress Italy module while life just keeps going on around me, but I'm too paralyzed by anticipation to take part in it.

    You're stuck in a time loop? You should stop moaning and think yourself lucky. I've been waiting for CM English Civil War for the last 400 years

  2. Unhide your HQ's and FO's once the spotting commences and give them target arcs as a general rule. 

    In the case of this particular mission I would count one AA Gun and maybe some gun crew casualties as a reasonable return from one strafing attack, and possibly the same from one mortar. Count anything else as a bonus. One airborne platoon firing from the flank will make light work of anything left in those gun pits.

  3. Firstly, it is always best to name the actual campaign when asking for help. It will save your fellow forumites the trouble of having to guess, and therefore be in a better position to help you.

    I suspect that you are describing the first mission from "The Road to Nijmegen" campaign. And the answer is "No", there isn't a problem with the way the game handles indirect fire or it's accuracy in that particular mission, if that is what you are implying.

    You have to remember that the fighter boys are not mind readers. Give them an area target and they will look for targets, and normally try to hit whatever they can see. It might be the trucks, the gun pits, or the guns themselves. I've never flown a Spit on a cloudy Sunday afternoon, but I should imagine being able to tell the difference between a knocked out AA gun and a functioning one from x amount of feet when they are so closely packed together might just be a tad on the difficult side.

    As for the mortars, I've played that campaign a couple of times and in that first mission both the Company CO and the FO have gotten their stonks on target without any problem.

  4. 1 hour ago, MikeyD said:

     Neville Chamberlain had made the correct move in avoiding direct confrontation with Germany before Britain had build up sufficient military strength.

    He sold the only democracy in central Europe down the river. Allowed Mad Addy to walk in without having to fight through it's defences. And gave him all their tanks, which he then used to invade Poland, France et al. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

    Actually, I am not at all convinced that his reputation as a great war leader is entirely deserved. For instance, he had a bad habit of committing the Army into operations it had no reasonable hope of winning when the shrewder strategy would have been to husband his forces and commit them when they had a reasonable hope of victory. Greece and BATTLEAXE come immediately to mind and SHINGLE might also be mentioned along with come other actions. As a consequence, the Army lost thousands of men fruitlessly thrown away and not available when a genuine opportunity arose.


    I was just suggesting why he would have had a tank named after him.

  6. 8 hours ago, Erwin said:

    That's an interesting proposition.  Where is the evidence for that (or maybe it was a joke - wasn't sure)?

    This is a game forum, so let's keep it both simple and relevant. The answer can be found in tank names.

    Cromwell - Great war leader, useless as Lord Protector, and loathed by his own comrades such as the Diggers and the Levellers.

    Churchill - Great war leader, the worst occupant of No. 11 ever, and as a floor crosser loathed by many in both the Liberal, and Conservative parties.

    We don't have a tank called the ....

    Atlee - Christian cadet corps leader, coalition builder, defeater of Halifax's attempts to bring down Churchill in 1940, and as Lord Privy Seal and de facto Leader of the House of Commons he "ran" the country, leaving Churchill free to run the M.O.D. and boost the morale of the people.

  7. The wall thing can be a bit of a pain in the 'arris. I think that it happens because walls, fences, etc are placed running down the middle of an AS, or diagonally across them. Whereas movement paths go from AS to AS. Perhaps someone with map editing skills can offer a fuller explanation in due course.

    As for Stuarts, in my book the only good Stuart, is a dead Stuart.


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