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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Wow, someone has been busy. Just a quick question from the committee before they dish out any points. No.s 1 and 5 don't look like they fit geographically, and No. 4 looks like it falls outside of the time frame. Perhaps you could tell us when and where.
  2. @Falaise Technically I can only give you two points for the top picture. But, you have to get a bonus for great taste and the other pictures. So it is four points for you, mate.
  3. There is something great about seeing a potato masher sailing through the air.
  4. And so at the drawing of stumps on the first day. Current standings Warts 'n' all - 4 Points LongLeftFlank - 2 Points Vergeltunswaffe - 2 Points altipueri - Minus 5 Points
  5. @LongLeftFlankAnyone who listens to Lucille Bogan is welcome in this thread. One would like to think that some of the bordellos liberated in Paris had this amongst their record collections. Two points there. @Vergeltungswaffe My comp has been playing me about for the last two hours and I've been in need of a smile, so I shall bend the rules and pretend that the railway sleepers are Norman trees. Two points to you as well.
  6. Hahahahaha. You're really not getting the hang of this one. But, I admire you for trying.
  7. Ah no! You poor guy. You fell foul of the rules straight away. And also fell into one of our quality pratfalls. Tunes can be anytime from the earliest piano rolls up to the end of 1944 to allow for the Operation Clipper campaign which was made for CMBN with the later modules CW, MG VP etc. But cannot include FB or FI. Pictures must be of US Troops and contain trees, or hedges. And located in the area covered by CMBN and it's various modules. There are three quality pratfalls which incur a five point penalty and Crosby is one of them. To help you and other players one of the others is a solo artist, the other a group. There are also three bonus tracks which are used in my own "Yanks across the Ocean" music mod. Intro = 5 points. Splash = 10 Points. End of Battle = 15. It goes pretty much without saying that Warts 'n' all cannot use those tunes. I won't dock you points for the out of time frame picture, but I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about the pratfall. Current standings Warts 'n' all - 2 Points altipueri - Minus 5 Points
  8. Hopefully the rules should be self-explanatory if players take their lead from entry No.1. The Committee of 100 have told me that they will be willing to guide the uncertain player should the need arise.
  9. Time for a new competition. See that tune It will be played according to Mornington Crescent rules, using the Eisenhowerplatz variant. No.1 - "Jumpin' at the Woodside" by Count Basie
  10. @altipueri I wish I could give you bonus points for that. Although Part 3 contains my favourite bit, "names on the windscreen Jean-Paul and Satre". Sayle could sometimes be a bit hit and miss, but to this day I still use his "Shorty and the Weird One" from "Northern Songs" when speaking about a certain folk duo.
  11. I don't wish to quibble, but "Endeavour" cannot be taken seriously, they called Double Diamond a lager in one episode. Pass the sick bag, Elizabeth.
  12. Never mind the emoji. I can't read the writing. Too small for my old eyes.
  13. I think the reason was CMFI's starting date in 1943 when it was felt that "tank riding" wasn't a common practice. And although I'm no expert I assume to have introduced it in Gustav Line, or Rome to Victory would have created problems.
  14. I feel your pain, but rules are rules. Hopefully you'll have better luck next time. At the moment The Committee of 100 have yet to decide on the format of the next competition, although the word on the hopvine is that it will focus on the USatians, rather than the Limeys, and the Canucks.
  15. Anyone who actually had to "win" a scholarship deserves respect. About the only thing I ever won in the '60's was "Pass the parcel".
  16. @altipueriA great photo. A shame it came too late for you to win.
  17. In the "uk". When you were "a school". Ah, that sums up life in Murdoch's Dictatorship of the Semi-Literate.
  18. John Martin's Guinness Gold Cup So as the competition closes without anyone grabbing automatic victory by posting a picture of a vehicle belong to the Inns of Court Regiment, we shall have to check the table to find a winner. Warts 'n' all - 15 Points Wicky - 0 Points Vacillator - 0 Points Falaise - Minus 15 Points John Inman - Minus 5 Points PiatPunk - Minus 5 Points DerKommissar - 4 Points altipeuri - 2 Points Erwin - Minus 5 Points Field Oggy - Minus 5 Points 3j2m7 - Minus 5 Poinst Of course having won our previous competition Noddle Head is not allowed to win this one, so our winner is @DerKommissar. And his prize is a hogshead of Elizabeth's St. James Infirmary Stout.
  19. Entering the last day of competition. No, 8. - A Vickers MMG Carrier in Deurne, Belgium.
  20. Looking at the last two posts the plight of Sweet Fanny Adams comes to mind. And as we all know, she met her end a long time before WW2.
  21. As for the "Commonwealth" that came to an end in 1660, when that idiot son of mine tumbled down.
  22. I didn't think you'd been there, but I thought you'd be the person to ask given your "Lions" campaign. I did a bit more digging, and there had been an operation called Ottawa postponed earlier. So probably a staff officer from the state of Ontario sticking pins in a map
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