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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I'm pretty sure that WP was in fact what the Sherman was armed with. The animation for it in the game isn't right. On the other hand, the smoke mortars mounted on the tanks are correct.


    I'm currently playing "Bloody Dawn". I've noticed that all of my Shermans except one are carrying "Smoke" rounds. But, the M4A3(75)W is armed with "WP". I don't if this reflects history or not. I suspect someone on the forum might know.

  2. I have it happen a lot. Particularly with British 3-man mortar teams. It happens in hedge gaps, orchards, railway lines and, even once in an open field. If you don't pay attention then the guy who is stuck will just keep going around in a circle turn after turn. Sometimes there is a clue, his status will switch back and forth between "Moving" and "Turning". But of course, if you are keeping an eye on the whole battlefield then it can be too late before you pick it up. Then you have to give the unit a Halt command and wait for him and his mates to merge over two or three turns.

    I've found the only solution is to micro-manage my mortar team's movement. Use "Move" rather than "Quick" when they go through hedgerows, orchards etc. Give them slightly shorter "Quick" commands when they are moving in the open. And ALWAYS check that they are all still together at the end of EACH turn. It is a bit of a pain and makes the command phase a little bit more time consuming, but I haven't found any other way around it.

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