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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I recently tried reading Antony Beevor´s "Ardennens 1944" - but got stuck in the snow. I've really enjoyed many of his earlier books on WWII, but this one isn't up to par, in my view.

    In my opinion the main problem of the book was the lack of good overview maps. There are a lot of different locations that you as a reader have to keep track of - unless you're very familiar the geography of the Ardennes. There are perhaps 15 maps in the book, but I spent a lot of time paging from one map to the other - trying to locate Trois Ponts, Houffalize or whatever.

    In the end, I got so confused and frustrated I gave it up.


    I got this book for Christmas and am getting through it fairly quickly. That might not be an indication of it's quality, it could just be an indication of the amount of alcohol in my system over the festive period. Once I finish it I'll certainly be dusting off Charles MacDonald's "Definitive Account", which I haven't read in well over 20 years.

  2. No one's made a mod for that yet? If not I could volunteer. Of course it wouldn't distinguish between Wehrmacht and SS vehicles in the same scenario but I bet there are hardly any such scenarios anyway.

    As far as I know, no one has yet. Obviously I could have overlooked it in the Repository and during my visits to greenasjade, but I don't think so. 

  3. There is also an alternative method if you are playing WEGO. If you give your Engineers a 45 second pause, they will blast through right at the end of that minute. Then during the next Command phase you can just cancel their movement so that they don't run through the gap. But, be careful if you try the same method with Paratroopers. They take longer to set their charges, so give them a 30 second pause.

  4. Having been accused of being abusive, both by someone in a previous post, and by someone else in private. All I say is, you should have seen the way me and the boys dealt with Charles Stuart back in 1649. Now, that was abuse!

    Exits stage right ------------------------------------------------------------------------>      Tongue stuck firmly in cheek.

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