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Warts 'n' all

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Posts posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I will look into that problem as it was brought to my attention earlier. Tha arty was added after a suggestion from a earlier tester and I thought I had HQ assets in place.


    Thanks for your reply. I assume that the Brummbars are considered an army, or army group unit, and that might be why they are beyond the reach of even regimental HQs. It would be a shame not to be able to make use of them. Being something of a computer dullard I don't know how easy it is for you to switch things around. It looks like you have put in a hell of a lot of hard work into this campaign.

  2. As far as I know at the moment there aren't any user-made campaigns for the Red Army, which seems a shame as I'd love to see more of them.

    As for which I prefer from CMFI and CMRT, I'm not a great fan of having to try to fight my way up a hill with the enemy staring down at me. So Fortress Italy isn't really my cup of tea. Whereas Red Thunder allows us to put our tanks guns to their full use in many of the scenarios, so I certainly enjoy it more. 

  3. I agree that perhaps they should look different. Although it isn't just a question of "wooden construction with gaps between the planks". Barns were constructed in a variety of ways across north-western Europe. From rough stone, to three or four courses of brick base with wooden walls, all wood, or even iron framed. I think the game handles how their construction affected combat well. But, they do look a bit too solid both vanilla and modded. Perhaps some of the modders might try not only making them look weathered, but also less well built. Although I realize that is probably easier said, than done 

  4. Thanks for the explanation Pete. It is a great battle. And to be fair, it does state in your briefing that this battle is best played as the Germans vs the AI. When you're as rubbish at the game as myself you need all the help you can get when attacking, hence my sharing of the OP's bafflement that we were denied the arty support. I enjoyed playing my slightly re-jigged version but, will certainly give your original a go sometime in the future.

  5. @c3k It turns out that the situation that you so perfectly described is from "Crossing the River" the first mission from the Hammers Flank" campaign, so even if it didn't help me with this battle, it will still come in handy when I start that campaign.

    @Splinty The arty in this battle is denied to ALL of the Russian officers at the start, as the OP said. Like him I was baffled because the AI called in artillery against me when I played as the Axis. I opened up the scenario designer and checked, and no FO was listed for the Russians, so I'm not sure how the AI calls it in. Anyway I just added an FO section and renamed the battle. Then gave Jerry a beating.. haha 

  6. Normally they start missions on board a radio equipped jeep. It isn't very often that they don't, although that is down to the individual scenario designer. Even if they dismount from the jeep they should still be able to call in arty if they remain within voice contact of it's driver.

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