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Posts posted by waclaw

  1. Outlaw 16 knew he was in trouble.  He could hear the engine noises ahead of him, whining and roaring as the Russians moved up on him.  His quick instructions to SSG Svendson were to get forward into position and put a Jav on a tank or BMP up on 347 to give them something to think about.  That wouldn’t be enough.  He had to get some fires of his own going. 

    “Driver, ramp up - back up.”  He usually called his crew by name, but in times of stress, training kicked in and he reverted to their duty positions. 

    “Okay, now forward right.  Head down the draw a bit, then ease us up for a look.  Gunner, missile up as soon as we crest, and scan the hill only.  I’ll cover everywhere else.”

    As they moved up, Upham looked carfully around trying to see everywhere but up on the hill, but a sudden burst of fire ripped his eyes back.  The last 3d Platoon BMP-2 was backing desperately and was spiked on bursts of 30mm fire from two completely different directions.  The steel vehicle shuddered under the impacts and Upham watched in momentary awe as hunks of steel flew into the air, the armor plate buckling and shattering as the heavy armor piercing rounds ripped through both sides.  Then the hatches burst open, not from the occupants trying to escape, but from pressure as something inside exploded. Fire and smoke built quickly and the LT knew that none of the Ukrainian crew had escaped.

    “Identify PC!” his gunner screamed, tearing Upham’s attention back to his mission.

    “Fire!” he shouted back, not even bothering to check what they were shooting.

    “On the way!”  the gunner replied, but in their excitement, neither had checked their weapon selector.  The TOWII leapt from its launcher and streaked towards the BMP-3 that was now clearly visible on the hill haloed in the dust from its fire on the Ukrainian vehicle.  The missile sped straight and true, detonating in midair several meters short of the BMP, blown from the sky by the ARENA APS system.  Upham dropped down inside the turret.

    “Holy ****, why’d you shoot the TOW?  Quick, go to AP!”   

    “I can’t see him now through the dust.” His gunner replied.

    Upham popped his head back up, rapidly scanning the hillside, his excitement warring with his training, verging on panic.  He had seen fire from at least two directions hit the Ukrainian vehicle, but could not find the second enemy vehicle. 




    At that instant, Upham’s concern melted into fear.  To his right he could actually see one of his scout HMMWVs – it took him a second to realize it was Outlaw 12, SFC Bagby’s truck.  The truck was backing up fast, 30mm fire peppering the ground around it.  As the LT watched, the deadly autocannon rounds found their mark, blasting into the front of the lightly armored vehicle, powdering the armored glass windshield.  He saw PFC Purtle slump down over his spade grips, an instant before a final round detonated the Mk19’s ammo box.




    “Popping smoke, driver back up.  Too much heat up here, too close.  We need to get some space.” 

    Keying his mike:  “Outlaw 23, you find a target for that Jav yet?”

    “16 this is 23, nothing yet.  We’re looking.  Gonna keep creeping up.  Hard to see out of this orchard.” 

    Suddenly, another voice broke in on the net, speaking low.  “16 this is 13 delta.  My actual is down.  They rolled right up on us.  I’m back down in the gully.  I’m gonna wait here to see if I can get back up to him.”

    SSG Venar was one of the LT’s better scouts, and he had learned a lot from him.

    “Roger, is he KIA?”

    “Sir, I don’t know.  I couldn’t stick around to check.  I know I have to find out, but you have to give me a minute.”

    “Roger that, keep your head down. Plenty busy here.  Keep me informed.  16 out.”




    Ukrainian infantry and SSG Venar fall to Russian fire as artillery pounding Krichek causes casualties in the background..  The last Ukrainian 3rd Platoon BMP-2 is blasted from two directions simultaneously, as LT Upham's TOW shot whips towards a Russian BMP-3.

    what is this annoying sound in these films?

  2. Forget the limeys we need some poles in the east!!!!

    in my country to seriously take into account the possibility of war with russia, intensified training of reserve soldiers, we bought from the Germans another 120 leopards version of the A5, buy 70 helicopters and missile systems, part of the forces transferred to the eastern border, is planning to create a dedicated volunteer battalions to guerrilla warfare.

    generally the atmosphere is such that there is the possibility of war with russia, nato will help us symbolically, we will have to fight alone.

  3. usually complain but this time I write, it looks great!;)

    ps. I have already made mods sound (lots of new content, about 1.5 thousand tones, a revolution in the explosions, new sounds for the American and Russian infantry, etc)

  4. Well then fine...

    Let's compare digital products to digital products.

    Here's a pack of 6 ship skins for 1 ship in Elite Dangerous... it's 12.50£

    And here's the Elite Dangerous game. it's 40£ and it will include hundreds of ships that you can travel through the entire milky way with over 100 billion star systems, each with their own planets and stations. Each with their own sort of government and tons of resources.

    Now... that's only for 40£

    That's a ton more content than what's in a CM game.

    So should they start giving the games away for free?

    Or should we just realize that a pack with 27 units takes time and effort to make and that time and effort must be paid somehow, and 20 bucks is not alot of money.

    And don't talk to me about the value of money.

    Have you ever been starving?

    I have.

    Have you ever lived without any income?

    I have.

    I know the value of money.

    And 20 bucks is not alot of money.

    Hell, I could make that much money if I just went out and started begging in the streets.

    probably would not have noticed, but I compares the latest pack for BF products (eg. the Gustav Line) I do not use absurd comparisons to the pizza, or the iPhone app "I'm rich" for $ 1,000, which does nothing. (of course you have to find some ridiculous comparison)

    I do not use emotional arguments and ad absurdum, for me it is a simple relation of price and content - which is why I repeat again - in relation to the product BF, the price is too high in relation to content, or vice versa.

    I spent $ 150 on the game, I really can not imagine spending another 20 bucks just for new models of vehicles whose use in the game is very limited.

  5. The relative costs have been explained. You're just not listening.

    One more time: BFC sell more units of the base game than they do of modules. They sell more modules than they do of packs. Just for the sake of argument, if a module takes half the expenditure of treasure to create that a new game does, it won't sell for half the price of a new game, because fewer people are going to pay for the effort expended. If a pack takes half the effort of a module it won't cost half the price of a module because fewer people will buy it and so the cost has to be spread around amongst fewer people, meaning each person who buys it has to pay more.

    Trying to make some sort of feature-based linear comparison of relative price is an approach which will lead only to tears before bedtime. Becuase it's not based in any sort of actual reality. Neither economic nor on a "fair assessment" of the work involved, since you literally have no idea of how hard it was to make these things work properly. It might be that just getting the Crab to flail and the Croc to bend in the middle took almost as much work as figuring out command lines did for Engine v3. And in the end, all that matters is whether BFC have guessed right about the demand. If $20 means they don't sell enough to cover their costs, you can be pretty sure they wouldn't have at $10 either, since they'd have to sell twice as many, plus enough extra to cover the shortfall at $10 a unit. BFC are the ones that know the market. They know how many of each base game they've sold, how many of each of the modules and upgrades and how many of those were bought by parsimonious tightwads like myself at the best bundle price some time after initial release.

    It is logically fallacious to assert that the pack is absolutely too expensive, since you don't have enough data to know, and these things are all relative anyway.

    It is equally fallacious to attempt to compare pack, module and base game prices for similar reasons, plus economic ones.

    So all you're left with is "I don't think it's worth the money, for my case." If you're not just trolling, that's a perfectly valid opinion that is respected at least by BFC, and the rest of the hounds on here matter not a jot. Keep making false comparisons, though, and you deserve the virtual tarring and feathering.

    I am interested in only two things: price and content - not interested why the product is so expensive - it's not my problem - when it comes to my company's client is not telling him how difficult for us to make our products - customers are only interested in the price and quality / content - because compared to other products BF (no matter what they are called, module, packs, upgrades, etc.), the price of packs is not relevant to the content - or vice versa

  6. Sure, and in the base game you get a gazillion times more than that at only 20$ more.

    You can't compare them like that.

    The base games are 55 bucks.

    The modules are 35 bucks.

    The packs are 20 bucks.

    The patches are 10 bucks.

    Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

    20 bucks is not that much money.

    Could you get an entire new game for that?


    But then you could argue that the base game should only be 20 bucks since you can buy another game for that.

    And then the modules would have to be 5 bucks.

    And the packs and patches completely free.

    And BFC would be bankrupt and we wouldn't have any more games.

    20 bucks is what THEY think it is worth for the effort made to make it.

    Don't agree?

    Then don't buy.

    But stop trying to convince the world that it's too much money because it really isn't.

    20 bucks is not alot of money and 27 units is actually quite alot of units.

    Hell, I'm unemployed with no benefits (in other words, I get nothing from the government) and I still think it's worth 20 bucks.

    Just sit down and think about how many hours you have to work to earn 20 bucks.

    Then contemplate how many hours of fun you could get out of this pack.

    You'll notice that 20 bucks isn't much for the amount of fun you can have with the pack.

    Unless, of course, there are no units that interest you in the pack, but in that case you don't get to judge how valuable the pack is since it has no value to you in the first place.

    First, absolutely no you are wrong, every previous game, the modules have content appropriate to its price - here you have over 20 vehicles for 20 bucks that you can just "lick and watch"

    Second, if you can afford to do everything for him everything is cheap - so the argument that it is cheap because it is cheap, it is ... invalid

    thirdly, the product should be compared with other products in this segment - that is, to other digital entertainment (not pizza, tickets to the theater or condoms, etc.) - at that price I can have a new one, or a few old games.

    Fourth, the price for me is not a problem, although the dollar in my country is three times greater purchasing power (purchase the packs for 60 bucks?) problem is the content - too small for the price.

    One more thing, just not interested in how much work has gone into this content - whether that someone is interested in my country, some people have to work on the $ 20 whole day? - Everyone has their problems, etc., BF does not need my favor, and I do not need special treatment, because I live in a poorer country.

  7. Nice hyperbole there.

    But no.

    I count 27 new units (because, yes, things that aren't vehicles count too).

    And there are already scenarios being updated to use the new pack (so far I've counted 4 I think, but more are surely coming) and those cost you nothing at all.

    So no, this is not "a pizza you can not eat, but only lick and watch".

    We get it, you don't think it's worth the money.

    And that's fine.

    You are allowed to think that.

    What you aren't allowed to do is to imply that the price isn't fair or that we are somehow wrong in thinking it's a fair price.

    Because, guess what?

    We think it's worth the money.

    And you can't tell us it isn't.

    In the "Gustav Line" for $ 35 we got new formations, new units, new types of weather (spring, autumn, winter), new nations, Poles, united kingdom, Canadians, New Zealanders, dozens of guns and vehicles, campaigns and scenarios, patches for the game etc.

    Here we have more than 20 models of vehicles whose use in the game is very limited and costs 20 bucks.

    Of course you can write, it's worth the money because it is ......... worth the money - I however compares with other products 'BF' and in relation to them is simply too expensive.

  8. And for 20 bucks I could get several tasty pizzas.

    It's all about what you want more.

    If you want another game (a cheap one tho) instead of these vehicles, then by all means, buy another game.

    But for the amount of content, I think it's worth 20 bucks.

    Someone calculated that it was 79 cents per unit, and that certainly seems fair.

    This is only about 20 models of vehicles for which there is no scenario or campaign, and are only suitable for playing PBM - a pizza that you can not eat - but you can lick and watch it.

  9. Just like Poland ocupied West Ukrainian republic in 1921. After that - polonistation, catolisation, colonisation with former polish militaries.

    In case Poland would have pro-Britain goverment, there would be repressions against pro-Soviet Polish patriots, communist sympathizers. Like in Greece, for example.

    Do you have evidence, that in Soviet zone of ocupation rapes were more often, than in American, French or British? I guess no.

    What about Katyn - I don't understand a sense of doing that. Germans had reasons - not to feed so many people. And for Soviets? Also different "small" details like German shells. (yes, NKVD used German weapons to confuse... Germans?) And soviets never did it before and after, while nazis did it many times. Ok, I don't know - if this was done by soviets - it's a crime.

    Sure. The thing is that there were no goverment in case of occupied by nazis Eastern Europe counties.

    nonsense , Ukrainians have complete freedom , no one not forced to do anything - they could practice their religion , to learn their language , etc. they even had their deputies in parliament , and the army were Orthodox chaplains (as Jews or Armenians , Tatars)

    the facts are such that murdered and imprisoned our patriots ( O.5 million killed) , robbed , raped our women - that someone somewhere else was doing it too - does not justify the Soviets

    besides, we are talking about facts, not about what would happen if, in Poland say "if grandma had a beard, it would be a grandfather"

  10. DMS

    history is interpreted from the causes to the effects - in conflict with Zaolzie this Czechs were the aggressors

    Historian Richard M. Watt writes, "On 5 November 1918, the Poles and the Czechs in the region disarmed the Austrian garrison (...) The Poles took over the areas that appeared to be theirs, just as the Czechs had assumed administration of theirs. Nobody objected to this friendly arrangement (...) Then came second thoughts in Prague. It was observed that under the agreement of 5 November, the Poles controlled about a third of the duchy's coal mines. The Czechs realized that they had given away rather a lot (...) It was recognized that any takeover in Teschen would have to be accomplished in a manner acceptable by the victorious Allies (...), so the Czechs cooked up a tale that the Teschen area was becoming Bolshevik (...) The Czechs put together a substantial body of infantry – about 15,000 men – and on 23 January 1919, they invaded the Polish-held areas. To confuse the Poles, the Czechs recruited some Allied officers of Czech background and put these men in their respective wartime uniforms at the head of the invasion forces. After a little skirmishing, the tiny Polish defense force was nearly driven out."[31]

    Besides this "liberation" is 05.mln victims of Stalinist terror, officers murdered in Katyn, the Soviet soldiers raped about 100 thousand Polish women, looting, prison Polish patriots, introduced by force communism.

    Poland was a bone by which fought two dogs

  11. Womble

    I perfectly know this argument (it is the third discussion in the "cost" and patches)

    and of course, formally everything is correct, but from my perspective is not.

    1 This is not just a question of money, I buy regularly all modules and games in the series - although often I know that there will not play! - I support my favorite series - in my national forum, many think the same - we will treat CM as a dying species that should be special treatment. (This upgrade is treated very badly)

    2 in order to have a complete game (CMBN), which is the closest to CMBO content you need to spend $ 135 - this is a lot of money - from my point of view, such a regular customer that seems such a large amount to be awarded a discount on any amendments / improvements - so we do in my company, regular customers get discounts, or "free" merchandise.

    as I said before, I am associated with the series, I support it (although I know I do not have time to play) spending a lot of money - unfortunately I do not feel it would be appreciated - or rather discourages me to the series.

  12. It would be new content. It is not a bug. No offense but bug is a very specific word in software. That you don't like the fact they don't have distinct sounds doesn't make it a bug. What would make it a bug is if it is supposed to and wasn't working. My understanding (and I could be out of date on this) is the decision about sounds has more to do with performance. It is a trade off in design, that means no it is not a bug.


    This isn't semantics. Definitions are very important in defining the terms of a conversation so both parties know they are discussing the same thing. Obviously for you this is an item that you would like them to address. For others it is likely less so especially if it comes with a hit in performance. If you carry the thought through, there are a LOT of sound adjustments they could make. Engine noises individually by vehicle type for example. I am sure there are folks that would like more distinctive sounds. As those start adding up, the performance hit grows. Where do you draw the line?

    Here there is no regulation (eg. in patches BF add new textures, improved the fog, improved shaders - that is not repaired errors, this is a new content) for me is the fact that two different guns have the same sound is an error / bug (if Hetzer use the model of a tiger would be all right?) - often, it is impossible to fix game bugs without adding new content!


    I did not save my 10$, because I've spent nearly 300$ you know what I mean?

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