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Everything posted by Bulletpoint

  1. We're all struggling with it to make maps realistic looking.. especially when re-creating real places. There seem to be two "schools" in CM mapmaking: Either you place everything where it was in real life, using the overlay, and then you get zigs in the zaggiest places.. or you choose to interpret the real map and squeeze it into the CM limits, changing the proportions in order to minimise the wriggles. My own Pierrefitte-en-Cinglais is an example of the latter approch, but both have their merits of course. Anyway, just musing. Didn't mean to go off topic.
  2. Wasn't talking about your mod, but the one that makes the ping sound
  3. Are you able to prevent troops from falling back when rattled by setting an indefinite pause? If so, I'd say that is a bug/exploit that should be fixed.
  4. You're completely right, but just to nuance it: Even if you don't manually give the hide command, your troops will still benefit a lot from being in foxholes as compared to being on open ground. Because they will duck down when the first shells hit, and sometimes stay down while following bombs come in. This is also one of the reasons why rockets are deadly against troops in foxholes, even though they can't airbust - the rocket salvo can hit so massively and quickly that there's not enough time to go prone.
  5. I sure wish they'd work a bit on something like that. Of course it's always easier for me to sit on the sidelines and shout suggestions than it is to actually do the work
  6. I think it would be possible to do curved roads in CM. Just have the scenario designer put down roads as NURBS curves and then have the game engine map those curves to the underlying grid. The player would see a nicely curved road, and the underlying game engine would see the squiggly, jaggy road.
  7. Compared to the sound of tha actual shot, I think it would be heard a much shorter distance, and only in quiet conditions... The mod makes both sounds the same volume and heard at the same distance. But hey, I'm not going to tell anyone to use the mod or not, it was just a reflection
  8. I think such things were only brought ashore much later? In my view as a potential player of your scenario, going ashore on the first wave and finding supplies already landed would seem odd to me. Also: Good old Close Combat. I really liked the way each map would be hand painted so that there would be lots of unique details.. The modular approach of CM also has its merits, but those old maps just looked very atmospheric with their winding trenches and curved roads etc.
  9. In this game, it's very easy to see if a unit is panicked or not. It says "Panic" in the unit's morale status. I'm assuming people are not talking about panicked troops. Because obviously when panic strikes anything can happen.
  10. I don't have any screenshots, but as an example, you could take a look at the first mission in the campaign Road to Montebourg, by @Paper Tiger. There's an objective that says "Suspected minefield". It's made by creating an objective in the editor and setting the type to "touch". In this way, it disappears when the player moves a unit into it, but you can also set the objective to the type "occupy", and then it stays even when there are units occupying it. As long as you set the points value to zero points, it has no impact on the outcome of the battle. So you could use this trick to paint some zones for various companies to occupy, but the game is not able to check if it's actually the right company at the right place.
  11. You can do this in the editor by painting objective zones for the player and giving them a value of zero points. The same trick can be used to paint other zones of interest, for example suspected minefields.
  12. Yes, I often use target light for this reason, but time is of the essence in this game just like in real life..
  13. Wouldn't it be better to start fresh and let the player's actions create their own carnage?
  14. Those landing craft are just really clever and creatively done So simple, I wonder why nobody thought of that before. Isn't that what people call genius?
  15. I don't think landing craft are so important to have, but I'd like to see the allies start in the water and have to wade in. For some reason all the D-day scenarios I played started the allies out on dry sand, but the engine can easily do shallow water.
  16. It makes textures such as the sides of buildings look better when viewed at a shallow angle, like when you look down along the side of a house. With bilinear and trilinear filtering, the textures become blurry at such angles, and anisotropic filtering makes them clearer. I think you only really notice it when you use a high resolution building texture mod though. Not sure the stock textures are detailed enough to make a difference if they blur a bit or not.
  17. On my computer, the only setting that has a real impact is the Vertical sync: on (half refresh rate). The rest of the settings I haven't even bothered to put back where they were, and I see next to no graphical difference. Should probably put anisotrophic filtering back to max though. It has some effect when you look alongside a building for example.
  18. When troops get really close to a halftrack, they are actually able to shoot right through it to hit guys inside (without "penetration" messages). So not only the standing gunner but also the fully protected seated driver can get killed by SMG fire. I'm assuming this is an abstraction to model close assaulting the vehicle, or aiming for vision slits...
  19. I'm not arguing against you, just saying I've seen this discussion go on for years. In a minute somebody will come in here and bring up the old case about the Israeli tanks suffering 50 percent commander casualties. Then somebody will say it's your fault for trying to use the machinegun mounted on the halftrack at all. Apparently the Germans only put it there because they were stupid and/or suicidal. Then somebody will say ok, the gun shield works, but only at 1000m distance. It's your fault for going in too close with the halftrack. Then somebody will start a long discusson about the penetrative effects of rifle bullets at various ranges and angles and steel hardness, without stopping to think that the game never shows a penetration message when your gunner gets killed. Nobody will consider the basic fact that the gunner actually doesn't take proper cover behind the shield. Then this thread will fall asleep for some time before somebody else digs it up again. It's become a tradition
  20. They're not cosmetic, I've seen many shots bounce off them. I think the issue is that the gunner doesn't duck down behind the shield properly, but sits upright like a LEGO soldier, and that many shots are deflected upwards at an angle and then hit the head of the gunner, which is halfway exposed. And of course sometimes the shots don't need to deflect, they just hit. But it seems this discussion will go on till the end of time..
  21. It's a nice punchy sound, but I think the "pling" sound is too loud compared to the crack of the shot. I believe it should only be heard when the camera is very close.
  22. I wonder if he got a medal for bravery, too?
  23. The bullet would probably just get stuck in the zimmerit before it could make any "pling" on the metal..
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