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Vet 0369

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Everything posted by Vet 0369

  1. I'm sorry, but I couldn't find where "the line was drawn in the thread." As far as I'm concerned, if a vehicle or variant wasn't in service in 2008, it shouldn't be in CMSF2. It would be like creating a vehicle pack of CMFB "Jumbos" or "Easy 8s" for CMFI even though the two timeframes are only a couple of years apart, and they are M4 Sherman's, they didn't exist in Italy until some time in the Rome to Victory timeframe. As far as I'm concerned, it would detract BFC from other work that is much more important, such as MikeyD said, Marines and Shilka in CMBS.
  2. Yes, that's the one I was thinking of. Thank you very much!
  3. I don't remember the name of the one I've used, but I used one to breakout all of the missions from campaigns in CMFI, CMBN, CMRT, and CMBS, but I haven't tried to use it yet on CMFB or CMSF. I'll fire up my Mac in a bit to see what it's called, and to see if it works on CMSF2
  4. Can you use the CM program for splitting up campaigns into individual missions? I don't remember the name of it offhand, but I've used it on my Mac in most of the titles, including CMBS. I downloaded it from the Repository many years ago. It might still be in one of the Misc groups on CMMODS.
  5. Did you buy your original CMSF1 and Marines module separately or as a package? You need to enter your original CMSF1 Marines module activation key and your CMSF2 Marines module activation key, the same as the base CMSF2 game. If that doesn't work, send a ticket to Support. They will help straighten out the problem.
  6. Thank you all for your comments! It was late when I posted this (and probably a wee bit too much Famous Grouse), and I didn't realize there was already an active mine clearing thread. Too bad we don't have the mine clearing detonation rope in this game. Maybe it wasn't issued yet.
  7. OK, the PDF manual doesn't have anything on the specifics of marking mines. I read that you have to have either engineers, pioneers, or blast teams do a slow movement through a mine field to detect the mines, but I have some questions: 1} Does the unit have to stop at each location, or can you give it a number of Slow waypoints? 2} There is a "Mark Mines" command in the movement section, but it's always gray. What does it do, and how do you use it? 3} The encyclopedia states that the M1132 Stryker detects mines, and moves them off hard pavement and debris with a plow, but the in game M1132 doesn't have a plow. 4] Can a mine field be deactivated by anything other than high explosives? Any help is welcome.
  8. Sorry, that should be NAI 01, OP 101. OP 103, and OP 103.
  9. The F-4 was beautiful to watch, and murderous in the hands of Marine Air/Ground Team, but it was a royal b#*^h to work on. I swear they laid out the frame, dipped it in metal, and cut out a few access panels for maintenance. I have more scars from that bird than from any other I ever worked on. The first mission of "Semper Fi seems to be dynamic. I had started the campaign on my Mac because I couldn't get CMSF2 to open on my PC for the first week after release. When I finally identified the conflict on the PC, I started Semper Fi; Syria on the PC, and the initial Red locations setup, were very different. I've occupied OP01, and touched NOE 01 (after leveling the building next to it with 5-inch from the destroyer). I also leveled OP03 and OP04 with F/A-18s in preparation for occupying them, but I lost a Marine to fire from across the ravine as I was moving along the ravine to NOE 01. You need to start doing PBEMs to relieve the boredom. I usually play with a buddy (a Flight Test Engineer) from work before I retired. As a matter of interest, his Manager, a retired Marine and Flight Test Pilot, was the XO of the MV-22 Osprey Evaluation Squadron in New River. Super nice guy. For me, this is like a stroll down memory lane as I was also one of the technical writers of the maintenance manuals for the F404-GE-400 engines that went in the original preliminary flight tests and evailuations of the F/A-18A. Check out "thefewgoodmen.com" for a lot of good gamers. Many of the regulars on this forum are also part of The Few Good Men.
  10. Well then, it looks like it's time for the Bradley's, and Abrams to reduce the complex to rubble. After you reduce the buildings to rubble with the Abrams and Bradley's, call in a 120mm mission with all tubes on maximum with personnel rounds. That should clear out the survivors in the rubble.
  11. Well, let's look at it this way; is this complex an assigned objective, or are the Fanatic Red's in the complex preventing you from taking your objectives? If no to both, then ask yourself why you are risking your pixeltruppen to take a complex that provides no benefit to the outcome of the mission. I don't know what the Red objectives are, but I suspect they relate to slowing you down, while inflicting the maximum number of casualties possible. What better way to do that than to entice you into a meat grinder like this? Maybe you can just bypass the complex. That's what I'm thinking of doing, but of course, when playing human opponents, you can never be certain how they will disposition troops, or what ground they will designate as important.
  12. Want a real treat? Try playing it as an H2H on PBEM as I am. My opponent, with whom I've been playing PBEM H2H since he introduced me to CMBB close to 20-years ago, chose the scenario and the sides. An AI is a piece of cake compaired to a human mind. Assuming you are playing Blue, my advice is don't rush it! You have what, 90 or 120 minutes to complete it. Dismount your pixeltruppen, and advance them forward using cover and concealment, and fire and maneuver. There's absolutely no reason for "Hey diddle diddle, right up the middle." Put your vehicles in hull down in overwatch positions. You WILL LOSE SOME! Just make sure that all your vehicles have a combined good LOS to most, if not all of the town so you can take out immediately, any enemy units that pose a threat. Keep them in overwatch until you can safely move them up. Don't forget that your engineers have demo charges. Use them to breach outer walls and buildings. Most of all, TAKE IT SLOW!
  13. Well, that's why I was able to go from F-4s in the Regulars and UH-1Es in the reserves to 0331 and 0369 in the reserves. Have you done any of "USMC: A Day at the Beach" or "Semper Fi; Syria" yet? They're AWESOME! Semper Fi!
  14. No wonder my Stryker soldiers have such a hard time hitting anything. Marines might be too dumb to come in out of the rain, but they're smart enough to take off sunglasses before sunrise so they can see to eliminate the enemy!
  15. Nah, we didn't have to. Believe it or not, the WWII SeaBees started out being trained by Marines, wore Marine uniforms, and I believe were actually referred to as Marines until the Navy took them back. That is one of the reasons the Marines have such high respect for the "Construction Battalion" CBs (get it, huh get it? CBs = SeaBees,) It's not just because the SeaBees can build and ice cream factory and a brewery in the middle of the desert.
  16. No, I never got to playing the Brits or NATO in CMSF1. I also tend to let my pixeltruppen choose their own target unless there is a high-value target that I want to put a lot of lead on in a short amount of time. Are you a Jarhead? As far as I know, the Marine Corps is the only U.S. Service that does that.
  17. What I generally do, is to assess what I have, do I have any vehicles from which I can resupply, can I safely position my "resupply" vehicles near my men for "easy" resupply, etc. if I can't do that, I usually take extra ammo, especially for the "high high rate of fire" weapons, and all the AT stuff I can, especially if I'm in a defensive position where I don't have to move and suffer encumbrances from weight. Don't forget that your units will use motar rounds from a vehicle before their own internal supply if it is close enough to the mortar team, and your other units should automatically resupply from any vehicle that's close enough to them. You really need to plan your logistics just as carefully as your tactics.
  18. Aw, come on! Some folks just want to use M1 Abrams against Panzer IIIs. They don't care about authenticity and reality, they just want to blow up stuff. I've seen the same thing in DCS with people using SU-25s and KA-50 Blacksharks in the Normandy Map against Axis or Allied units. Personally, I'm perfectly satisfied with reality, and don't need to have one hugh sandbox game. I'm perfectly happy to buy each family/module and keep them separate. Each to his or her own though. My suggestion to BFC would be "Don't waste your time, give me Marines with M-302s in CMBS instead."
  19. Hmmm, sounds like the NCOs need to enforce fire discipline. I'm currently playing USMC; A Day at the Beach and the first mission of Semper Fi Syria, and the scouts appear to be carrying more than 100 rounds over the basic allotment (BA). If any thing, they should have LESS than a BA to reduce weight. A Recon Scout has a single job:; to scout not to fight. They were to avoid contact at all costs. A Sniper team was a different subject of course. IIRL, Marine commanders in Vietnam were known to threaten to take away the recon patrol's rifles and leave them with just knives to keep squads from trying to take on an NVA company. Some Recon just weren't the brightest bulbs in the circuit.
  20. The basic Marine attitude is "The difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer."
  21. Steve, Semper Fi campaign; Recon Scout/Snipers, the Asst Ldrs are equipped with M-302s that weren't in the inventory in 2008. I haven't been able to check the rest of the Scout/Snipers in the other Semper Fi missions, because I'm still in the first mission. Also, USMC A day at the Beach, the initial landing party of Combat Engineers and FOs are wearing sun glasses at 0550. It's kinda dark for sunglasses unless they're "Hollywood" Marines from Camp Pendelton, CA. But at least they have the correct grenade launchers.
  22. I use A PayPal linked bank account also, but it is a small account with a minimum balance so if myPayPal account is ever hacked, they don't get into my "real" account and can get only a few dollars.
  23. I haven't played Circle the Wagons yet, but I can count on one hand the number of times ANYof my pixeltruppen have run out of ammo, except 40mm grenades, in any CMx1 or CMx2 game mission or campaign I've played. I will stock up on antitank and 40mm grenades though. I mean we generally start every mission with a full basic allotment of ammunition. That will usually last real life infantry for hours, if not days, if they don't waste it.
  24. Yup, I just did it to test for conflicts. I' not suggesting that you delete them, just close or exit any that aren't needed to actually run the system. After I closed Everything except Bluetooth, network, Razar mouse control, etc, I double clicked on my CMSF2 shortcut, and it started right up, so I knew one of the startup files I closed was causing the conflict. I rebooted the computer, looked at the startup files, and they were all back. Just on a whim, because I had read on the forum that RivaTuner was a know suspect in black screens, I closed it. I started up CMSF2. Eureka!!! The conflict was with RivaTuner which is used for benchmarking, so I just removed it from my startup folder. All I'm suggesting is that you give it a try. All your startup files will open again when you reboot, so there's really no danger.
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