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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Those are numbers wich i highly doubt. If of the 150.000 - 200.000 opposing forces 90% were merceneries, this would mean 1) someone has to pay 135.000 - 180.000 merceneries. Who should that be? 2) that the question arises from where they are coming from. You cant just spawn 150.000 armed personel out of nowhere. Besisdes that you even contradict youself in your own sentence: even if of the opposition forces only 10% were rebels, it would be incorrect to say that there were no rebels at all.
  2. One crime doesnt make the another one legal. So your arguement is that if the majority in a country is of one specific ethnic alignment a dictatorship is a better/more representative form of government than a democracy? Also the Sunni Al-Nursa Front does not equal the FSA.
  3. Yeah, but if the government lets its forces get away with such stuff, how can they claim the moral highground and call the rebels terrorists? They are terrorists themselves! It is right to rebel against a government that legitimates such atrocities.
  4. assads troops executing civilians/prisioners of war in the streets of homs, syria (graphic): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbA4euT_eYM i cant believe it that some people support this regime.
  5. Werent they supplied with large quantities of Stinger AA missiles by the US, for example?
  6. Not generally true. Take Saudi Arabia for example, they make exclusive use of western military equipment. The Mujahedeen during the first Afgahnistan War in the 80s and 70s also used mainly western equipment. I think you are right - if you look closely, the gun in the video is electrically triggered.
  7. It looks like one of those http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-11_recoilless_rifle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-10_recoilless_rifle put mounted on a homemade trailer.
  8. Remeber the vid with the 2 tanks firing at a building and the cameraman inside keeps filming? Here s another one that shows the perspective from the wrong side of the barrel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJBmHikZroo Two RGP hits on an SAA tank in slow motion (you can see the projectile): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCBXhu1IA5o
  9. I have an interesting anecdote on the cover bodys provide: My uncle hunts wild boars and once he told me he hit 2 with a single shot. The bullet went straight through the first one and became lodged in the second one. He found the second one first and wondered why he couldnt find an exit hole, so he kept searching and later discovered the other one. Seedorf81, I just looked up the Mythbusters episode. The experiment was done at super close range, no wonder the high velocity rounds exploded when they hit the water. At several hundered meters the probably bullets wouldnt explode.
  10. Alright, sounds credible. I didnt think too much when writing that snow has an equal density like water. So how many human bodys do you think one would need to pile up to provide good cover? Wouldnt that be a case for Mythbusters?
  11. I dont know it for sure how the game treats this matter, but i seriously doubt that IRL a human body would provide any cover from a direct hit of a 7,92x57 mm or similar round at distances below several hundered meters. Maybe if you pile up 3-4 bodys and place them in a way that the enemy fire has to pass through all of them that is sufficient, but a single one? never... EDIT: I think since the human body consists to 70% of water, the cover it provides is compareable to snow. If i rember correctly, a 4+ meter thick snowwall is required to provide reliable cover from rifle fire.
  12. Wouldnt it be interesting to give one player all the tanks and one player all the infantry so they have to work togather?
  13. An he is gonna slam it merciless into that Pak40s breech from behind!
  14. I think i remember that as well and it is unlikely that we were both having the same halucinations independent of each other.
  15. No, those are to different things you are confusing, as i did already point out: BFC can only be held responsible for offering you the 365 or 10 times download to wich they agreed with you as means of distribution. Beyond that agreement, it is within your responsibility that you have the necessary files to execute your right to play the game. Your right to play the game lasts as long as you dont violate the terms mentioned within the liscense agreement (so it is in theory possibly to last for an eternal amount of time), your right to use the distribution process to wich you agreed with BFC lasts only for 365 days.
  16. For you, it is. For you, as a sutomer, the link is the only way to get access to the game files. It is clearly stated at the BFC store that the DL link will be the only way for a person who bought the DL only version to acsess the game files located at the BFC servers. Of course there are in theory other means of accessing the files at the servers, but as i said, for you, as a sutomer, the link is the only way to get access to the game files and this is made clear at the store. Those are asumptions you are making. If you conclude from mere asumptions that you have not checked wether they are true or not, you cannot expect the conclusion to be a valid statement.
  17. jesus christ...i have rarely met people that resistant to rational thought.
  18. Alright, i will talk you through this slowly and try to point out my arguements explicitly. I dont want to appear arrogant or something, you just litteraly asked for this and i want to prevent misunderstanding. During the purchasing process when a customer buys the DL only version of the game, the customer gets the following information at the BFC store interface: 1) The game is distributed via download and only via download. This done by giving a download link to the customer wich directs his browser to the files wich is then able to transfer them to the sutomers computer. 2) The downloadlink will expire after 365 days or 10 downloads and will then automatically be disabled. The only valid conclusion from this information would be that after the download expired, there is no further possibility to access the game files at the BFC servers after the expiration date. It would not be justified to assume that you will be able to download the files again after the link is deactivated. You however conclude from the following assumptions: 1) The game is distributed via download and only via download. This done by giving a download link to the customer wich directs his browser to the files wich is then able to transfer them to the sutomers computer. 2) The downloadlink will expire after 365 days or 10 downloads and will then automatically be disabled. 3) The downloadlink however is only the meaning of distribution. The customer owns the BFC software he bought, no matter if it is located on his computer or on the BFC servers And 3) is not a valid statement. If i remember the user agreement correctly, the contract you have with BFC states that you dont own the game but only the rights to play it. This has nothing to do with the distribution process. The contract however does include your right to use the distribution process offered by BFC, wich would be the 365 days or 10 times download in that case. It is not within BFCs responsbility to make sure you have acsess to the game files beyond the distributin agreement you had with them. So although your conclusion is logically correct, your asssumptions were wrong. And thus your conclusion is not a valid statement about reality.
  19. Your conclsion is incorrect. It has been stated multiple times why this is so.
  20. You are are right on that one! Saying the downloadlink expires implys that you will not be able to download the product at all after it expired.
  21. So you are saying that your expiriences with other digital distribution services led you to the misbelieve that you can redownload your BFC purchases for free even if the DL link expired. On the first hand this looks like a valid speculation on BFCs distribution services, but you cannot assume that speculation to be a true statement about BFCs distribution services without further information retrieval on your side. The information is there. I personally have used several online distribution services from several different companys in my life and i did not misunderstand BFCs distribution policy. While i do not agree with you on that BFC is trying to grab peoples money by charging them 5$ for reactivating an expired DL link, i agree with you on your suggestion that they should offer that information in the 'how it works', just in order to prevent further misunderstandings of their distribution policy in the future. EDIT: BTW i also doubt that BFC gets lots of money from the 5$ ppl have to pay for additional downloads. I dont think that many customers use that service.
  22. They would not have to offer you the possibility to redownload the game at all. Judging from what it says at 'how t works', this would IMO be a more meaningful asumption to make than to believe that you can redownload it as often as you want for free. Also, you do not have to pay an additional 5 dollars for a downloadlink to your game if you download it within the 365 days and store the files properly.
  23. brianfairservice@gmail.co, Just to proove you that BFC is not misleading you:
  24. I just went to the battlefront.com store and checked what it sys there. It is cleaerly stated before you pay for your product that 1) you purchase a downloadlink. You have to select "Download Only" as delivery method. 2) your download link is going to expire after 365 days or 10 downloads. That is why they recommend you to backup your files. Do you want me to make a screenshot and add it to this thread? Well, what else would one expect? Besides you will not have to purchase a fully priced 55$ download again, only 5$. I consider it as a service that BFC offers me in case i wasnt able to store my files properly. Obviously you do, otherwise you would not have mentioned it twice. Besides that i didnt call you a whiney baby, just to make that clear.
  25. If the company i purchased the installer from told me before the purchase that the installer will cease to function after 365 days, that would be totally okay. I decided that i will purchase the product anyways. But that is not the case here. The case is about buying an installer that works for an infinite amount of time but 'ceased funtion' due to inproper storage by the customer.
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