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Everything posted by kendar

  1. i agree with that, but they didn't do different sounds for weapons and it breaks all for me (Kar48 shot isn't it different from garand ?)
  2. don't ask do it !!! Of course, your scenarios always occupy me a lot The more to come, the more i want
  3. Downloading at the moment... Many thanks to mod CMSF, hope you have CMA
  4. What i need is a combat plane sim with wego turn concept... would love to see a game with the graphics of say IL2, but with turns... I knew BF did it in the past (Big time Software) a would love to see an upgrade to fit nowadays technology... but it's only a dream.
  5. Always looking for my ultimate sound mod (despite good stuff already done, none catch my desires)... So being rude in asking if it still on the work ?
  6. Watching all these mods taking form and like it Keep the good work coming and Thx if you shared
  7. It dépends of the scenario's contextual atmosphere. they're great in intensive urban combat, but (on my taste) not suited on open skirmish. I love to change background, it's always cool to hear a new one, an break the feeling of playing always the same war.
  8. Yep, definitively the one i prefer, less intrusive and seems to me the more "it should sound like this"
  9. Downloaded, Thanks for sharing, will play it next week
  10. lol, i've no luck, that's the way it is seriously, no drop box alternative... keep the good work of upgrading your packs, i can wait
  11. I missed it ? Seems i don't find this one on GAJ's
  12. this link seems dead, did i miss an update ?
  13. thanks Saferight for sharing these stuff, really cool sounds and voice in your mods. The "I also have much bigger mod with many of the sounds from RO-DH in the works at the moment" sentence made me happy and eager to discover more of your compilations.
  14. Erf, tried to import in CMA but not certain if i all manage to do well... could someone share his result in screenshot ? (and perhaps if everyone agree the files )
  15. Hum some nice sounds too here, made difficult to choose from
  16. Thanks for sharing, i'll certainly take some of these sounds.
  17. Good to know Waclaw, will trying tonight. @ SeinfeldRules : many thanks for sharing, hope a CMBN version now
  18. Certainly too impatient, but looking for them with great anticipation
  19. Waclaw, thanks for all your work. i 'm especially grateful for the CMA one, love this game.:cool:
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