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Everything posted by Saferight

  1. I used to have a little hang-up when starting CMBN. I would have to give it about 30 seconds or more to get to the intro but not anymore ... I'm not sure if it was a fix in 2.11 but that "double barrel" firing Panther A is fixed.
  2. other man to the left is armed with another beretta.
  3. Wow thanks for the info, I figured most of the photos I had seen of Germans with the modelo 38 could be attested to the disarmament of the Italians.
  4. The G43 seems to be like a modern DMR Designated Marksman Rifle i.e. SVD . Semi auto rifle with a scope and mount put on, not a true snipers weapon but more of a sharpshooters.
  5. Thank you for the advice guys. Definitely going to take a lot longer getting these to line up correctly and not look like alphabet soup.
  6. I thought it was a MP-41 for a second till I looked closer at the barrel. Must of been a leftover from the HG divisions time in Italy.
  7. The Mg42 gunner? Maybe its attached to his holstered pistol but ipod earplugs seems most logical answer at this point.
  8. I've finished the 12th SS here's a sample want to see what you all think. I'm trying to make sure they stay legible. I also might scrap that eagle though for another one. It looks kind of too tall.
  9. I cant find the uniform option I have just Standard, Late, and No camo... Heer troops do have it though an its just infantry wearing the assault gun wrapper. Im just about done with the sleeve eagles im giving enlisted men and officer's/nco's different styles I don't know how accurate that is but I like it.
  10. Well dare I say it perhaps CM requires a "Bullet Time" setting a la Max Payne/Matrix...
  11. I think you could record a video an slow it down with video editing software but I could be wrong.
  12. Another thing, does anyone know if the Waffen SS Armored Engineer skins are used at all? O an I might as well do the sleeve eagles and maybe the shoulder boards too..
  13. Okay thanks for the input gentlemen I'm going to get cracking on these, just need some red bull and metal music to listen to.
  14. Sad thing is more people have seen that pile of crap that is Enemy at the Gates than Stalingrad.
  15. I'm going to say its the only purchase from bfc I regret since 1999. I don't know what happened there I know little of its development. A Vietnam era game from strictly BFC would be awesome from the mainly asymmetrical battles with the US/ARVN VC/NVA to the mainly conventional warfare between NVA an ARVN from '72 to '75.
  16. would probably be much more enjoyable than CM: Afghanistan
  17. I'm going to make new cuff titles for the SS troops in the game. Just beginning to test it out and i need some opinions before I go in any deeper. I want to know if the Hohenstaufen title is too bright white and needs to be colored like the stock LAH title or just fine? I'm planning on making ones for Leibstandarte, Das Reich, Hohenstaufen, Frundsberg, Hitlerjugend, Gotz Von Berlichingen, and Landstorm Nederland.
  18. Switching that once in awhile really keeps that part of the audio from making the game experience feeling monotonous. Keep up the good work.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_1YnAthJas&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  20. Ive thought about this as well. But the idea of someone saying your work is not up to their standards an cant be allowed on their site is kinda messed up. What about someone just learning the ropes an they want to put their work out there. They would be missing out on potential feedback. Having a few privately test things outs wont give you the range of opinions the forums or repository give you.
  21. Charging money for community created scenarios mods etc. would open a whole other can of worms.
  22. Commandos, Rangers, Free French, French Resistance , Stug IV, Captured French tanks and zeltbahn wearing Germans!!!
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