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Everything posted by Saferight

  1. i'd love to but that's currently way outside my area of expertise. I might give a car or something small a try.
  2. New Blurred Edge pattern Waffen SS Helmet Cover Luftwaffe Field Division Helmets soon to be uploaded as well
  3. Some new wire and burlap New version with a bunch of wire/burlap and another splinter cover uploaded to GaJ's site. O and there's a Read Me now to explain things a bit. Stahlhelme der Luftwaffe Feld Divisonen sind neben..
  4. Cold and dismal that sucks John its a nice humid 81 where i'm at. Going to be the hottest Christmas i can remember.
  5. Your probably right Quintus a separate download sounds like the best route. Personally I've stopped using the shaders i prefer to see the lighting and fog effects more. I'm putting my time off to use so I've started working on something for the Luftwaffe field division helmets. Here is one of the Luftwaffe decal helmets and a plain. Even though i don't have Fortress Italy and Gustav Line yet I'm toying around with some tropical helmets for those who do have it.
  6. I cant wipe this stupid grin off my face, Battleftont you guys are awesome!!
  7. Ive uploaded a updated Waffen SS version to green as jade's site. Its there along with Heer one as well. I'm taking a break from this for bit. Still no normal maps ill get to that after my little hiatus. Oh an thanks Quintus
  8. Entertaining? Oh you mean the part where Jude Law and Rachel Weisz get it on surrounded by their tired and sweaty comrades yes yes very entertaining. Ohh wait how could i forget these two scenes as well.
  9. Never took out two tanks with one shot before so this was pretty cool. Sorry for quality something wrong with the video converting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63mqDZaLoSc
  10. I think the armor skirts are there to hide the inaccuracies. judging by the reviews out on this one i wouldn't expect much from it. seems like its in the same league as "Pearl Harbor" and "Enemy at the Gates"
  11. I'm going upload a preview of the Heer helmet combo I'm currently using its still WIP some aren't completely even with the line between the 2 sides being very noticeable. The helmets kind of match the stock helmet variety with a few extra thrown in.
  12. Waffen SS helmet Covers updated 2 Spring Oak a, 2 fall oak a covers and a Spring Palm Forest added.
  13. @Mord thanks for the reference. i kinda was doubting myself on that. I've uploaded the 12 painted helmets i have done as of now along with updated Splinter helmet covers. I'm just going to release some of them as i go along and later will compile them into a single mod. No normal maps for now but i plan to have those for the final release.
  14. I've got some free time to spend on this so here's some progress with the SS decal helmets. i wanted to know if the proportions look correct on these decals I've shown. The stock ones just seem so small to me.
  15. This is why i really look forward to the early war stuff in the future. Little tanks beating the tar out of each other is very entertaining. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqyYj_i3iCE
  16. thanks for the heads up ill give it a try this weekend when i really have some more free time to work on this.
  17. im going to do this when im not ripped off my ass thanks Regiment0
  18. I agree with you but BFC has their own artistic direction an generally their work is damn good. They are a small company and many factors come into play determining the look of their games we all have to consider that. These helmets though remind me of the 1st or 2nd Call of Duty i think they were first with that specularity on the helmets at least in my memory. I have to figure out normal maps for these possibly. the vent holes and bolts don't match up with the stock ones on most. Or i can stretch more or move an make it match up?
  19. Last teaser for next few days lots of work to do on this and in real life.
  20. More teasers this time some close ups of the painted camo
  21. These are still very WIP but just to show the difference "Shiney" "Matte"
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