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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Meanwhile.... Kursk People Republic to be ready %)
  2. TGs Fighterbomber and Helicopterpilot indirectly recognized a loss of Ka-52 in Belgorod oblast. Fighterbomber wrote RVC/LFR had MANPADs and from the border UKR Avengers covered them. Aviation worked and MANPADs launches were spotted. Helicopterpilot also rejected news about Mi-8 crash near Prokhorovka and probably yesterday claiming of UKR about Mi-24 shot down near Toretsk (but maybe this was another rumor about Mi-24 loss over Belgorod oblast). He also added, the pilot of Su-35, which was shot down over sea two days ago, hasn't been found yet Interesting, RVC didn't mean destrtoyed helicopters, only defeating of motor-rifle company
  3. Further in comments were geolocation of these videos. This is not Kozinka and checkpoint - this is Gora-Podol. RVC reportedly still at least on border checkpoing and maybe in Kozinka too.
  4. RVC/LFR claim their forces are five battalions. Though among volunteer units any formation over than reinforced company size often considers like "battalion", so hard to say how much troops they have really.
  5. If we say about fighters, that 29 were lost (MiG-29 and Su-27)
  6. BTR-4 near Bakhmut after ATGM hit. Crew survived, vehicle likeky can be repaired.
  7. I havn't lists of these Russian units, but it's no Kraken obviously. RDK/LSR arn't virtual units, they really were involved, for example, in Bakhmut defense. Yesterday I posted a video with captured BTR-82, filmed by Ilya Bogdanov, former border guard, who defected to Ukraine and fought since 2014 in Right Sector. Here is another video, where Russian opposition account recognized in one of fighters Russian actor Kiril Kanakhin, who left Russia in 2018, when a criminal case was initiated against him for participation in protests. Of course, in these units can be enlisted some part of Ukrainian citizens for "just in case". But this is the same mirrored game "prove that this our trops" About Kraken, their last posts in FB show the unit delivers humanitarian aid to inhabitants of Kharkiv oblast, receives the cars, drones and other supply from donators, single combat footage which was posted in late April is Kraken's artillery work on Soledar direction for February/March.
  8. CV90 in Germany on the way to Ukraine. Withot this toys no any offensive! )
  9. UKR marines counter-attacked on northern flank of Avdiivka and pushed back Russians toward Krasnohorivka village. In previous days Russians after several days of "meat assaults" could slightly advance along railroad to Stepove, but now they lost not only own last gains, but also several positions, captured in recent weeks. Author claims DeepState map of this sector is too pessimistic, real situation was indeed slightly better, and now much more better
  10. Mashovets wrote about Russian troops )
  11. Column of buses from Belgorod was spotted on the way to Graivoron. Probably Russian volunteers will give opportunity to locals to evacuate, but as write local TGs, most of locals, who had a cars already fled on own wheels. Russian aviation made several airstrikes on outskirts of seized villages. Russian milbloggers assess "sabateurs" forces up to batatlion with tank platoon. In Kozinka reportedly 80 of troops with 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles (RVC has Max Pro on video) Crash of Mi-8 near Prokhorovka not confirmed - emenrgency services arrived on place, but didn't found anythiong. Reportedly this information shared teenager %) Some of Russian milbloggers claims that objective of operation is capturing of arsenal in 9 km NE from Graivoron, where allegedly were moved several 203 mm and 240 mm tactical nukes, which Russia though to use during UKR offensive on Kupiansk in 2022, but this plan was rejected. Charges allegedly still in this arsenal and GUR also made a statement today that Russia now is evacuating charges to more safe place. 4 km on the map to arsenal is from Golovchino settlement, next behing Graivoron. Russians claimed Golovchino also was under shelling of UKR arty.
  12. Russian volunteers on captured during operation BTR-82A. Man, who filming is Ilya Bogdanov - Russian citizen, former border guard, who has been fighting for Ukriane since 2014 in Right Sector and passed Donetsk airport defense. After 2016 probably he retired, but now again in the battle
  13. Belgorod, Briansk and Kursk are historical lands of Ancient Rus Chernihiv Duchy and later Great Duchy of Lithuania occupied by Moskovia in 15-16 centuries ) And Belgorod was Ukrianian territory in 1918 (writing on old photo with old spelling - Belgorod (Ukraine) 1918). In this game can play together )
  14. Putin: how 3-day SMO is going? Shoigu: Russians are advancing! Putin: Where? Shoigu: to Belgorod
  15. The bridge over Graivoronka river in NE part of Graivoron is destroyed Local TGs reported about UKR arty strikes in Krasnaya Yaruga and Valuyki districts, also unstable wok of cell phones and mobile internet in Belgorod oblast
  16. UKR GUR officially says this is their operation of "security zone establishemnt", no "false flag". Looks like Budanov didn't joke when told recently about 100-km demilitarized zone on Russian territory %) If this true, this makes sense to protect Kahrkiv from S-300 strikes from Belgorod outskirts. Also Russians in previous week activated on Kupinask direction and even could seize small Masiutivka village. This operation allows to distract some forces or at least to delay its usage if Russians had some plans on Kupiansk
  17. According to Konstantim Mashovets article of 26th of April Operative Group "Belgorod" of Troops Grouping "West" consists of 1 motor-rifle regiment of Territorial troops and 7 different motor-rifle and Territorial Troops batatlions, Border Guard units as well as some artillery units and two helicopter field sites Total it had 7200 of personnel, 41 tanks, 76 armored vehicles, 179 artillery systems, 15 MLRS Helicopter site near Roven'ky village (5 km from UKR border )- 2 Ka-52, 5 Mi-24/35, 8 Mi-8 Helicopter site near Berezhnyi town (13 km from UKR border) - 4 Ka-52, 6 Mi-24/35, 7 Mi-8 Both sites in 230 km east from Graivoron
  18. Prokhorovka (yes, this is the same famous place of great tank battle in 1943) is in 100 km from UKR border from Graivoron direction
  19. Andriy Yusov, spokesman of GUR made a statement, that "operation of security zone establishing for Ukrainian citizens began. Legion "Freedon for Russia" and RVC, which consist of Russian citizens sterted operation of Belgorod oblast liberation from Putin's regime". https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/05/22/7403316/ (in UKR) Meanwhile Russian volunteers claimed they seized Gora-Podol and entered to Graivoron On the map from left to right - the border, border chekpoint "Graivoron", Kozinka, Glotovo, Gora-Podol, Graivoron Also Russian volunteers made the night photo near Bezliudovka village - this is other direction - 8 km in the deep of Russian territory and 24 km south from Belgorod. Probably this is PsyOps, because the village with same name exists near Kharkiv, but it spelled like Безлюдівка, not Безлюдовка, as on the road sign
  20. Fighterbomber TG indirectly confirmed lossing of Su-35. He just says that coordinates of S-300 (on screen) he as if got from Ukrianian informators two days ago and he handed over its to command chain, but... as he writes further, nothing happened - if Russian AD and AF managed to reduce time gap between target detection and reaction in frontline zone, that information about targets in close and deep rear still processed very long time on very bulky command chain of different HQs, so decisions is making with big delay and thus, SEAD missions still mostly ineffective. And in this time happened the same - crew of S-300 did their work and went away for awards
  21. Very heavy missile strike was on Dnipro this night, comparable to Kyiv on 16th of May: - 20 Shakheds (all shot down) - 4 Kh-101/555 (all shot down) - 5 Kh-22 (no interceptions) - 2 Iskander-M (no interceptions) - 5 S-300 (no interceptions) One of targets was State Emergency Service. Were destroyed about 20 vehicles, one servicemen was wounded. We need at least two Patriot PAC-3 more, because as I assume, now we have one PAC-3 from USA and one PAC-2 from Germany.
  22. Reportedly new strike in Mariupol area. Nikolske town was hit with three missiles. Impacts in area of refueling station and former military enlistment office.
  23. Unconfirmed news for now, but already several sources wrote Su-35 was shot down and fell into the sea near Zaliznyi Port town, when approached to right bank of Dnipro to drop guided bombs. Some people say they heared our jets sound over Mykolaiv around this time Some unclear video of this incident
  24. Two UKR soldiers went at the night to no man land in 50 m from enemy positions to take a body of fallen comrade. During this task they engaged enemy patrol or next shift, coming to position and likely having advantage in NV optic killed 2 Russians and 3 wounded.
  25. Until attacker begin to collaspse house by house with thousands of artillery shells and heavy bombs
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