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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Maryinka - Krasnohorivka section UKR troops slighlly pushed bask Russian troops in western part of the town (previous UKR positions marked with black dotted line). The battle for this small town, ruined to the ground on 99 % have been lasting already 1,5 years. Also UKR troops have small success south from this town But on other habd, DPR forces have success north from Maryinka near Krasnohorivka. Recently about a month or more ago they managed to retake own lost strongpoint, which they held since 2014 and lost to UKR forces about two months ago. In previous days 5th motor-rifle brigade of DPR could take some UKR froward positions in grey zone south and SE from Krasnohorivka
  2. Ukrainian forces conducted some actions on Russian territory: - SBU hit with a drone Russian modern surviellance 3-coordinate radar 39N6 Kasta 2E2, capable to detect targets on extreme low altitudes. The strike was conducted near Giryi village (Kursk oblast, 11 km from UKR border) - Also SBU unit dropped the bombs from a drone on power substation in Kursk oblast, setting on fire a transformer. Five villages were cutt off electricity. - Units of "Freedom for Russia Legion" conducted two diversion raids in Bryansk oblast, objectives unknown, there were clashes with Russian border guards.
  3. +Spetsnaz brigade, + two airfields, + supply unit
  4. Day 1,. The scheme, depicting all missile and airstrikes in first day of war was shown on UKR TV in interview with Oleksiy Danylov, chief of National Security Council Yellow - aviation, red - missiles
  5. For addition - action in support of Russian soldiers in the kindergarden "Svyetlyachok" (eng. "Little firefly") with participation of "Youth Army" in Pskov oblast. This is even beyond of militarism in usual sense of this word. Even Japaneese militarism had own grim aesthetic - this is just ugly crazy cosplay. There are two main cathegories of Russians - those who still to live in the world of rose unicorns and lavander latte, but much bigger other part are just obsessed with a war, revanchism and wishes to see how Russia will rule the world and humilitate "anglo-saxons"
  6. Video of 47th mech.brigade - Leo2 shells enemy positon, Bardley delivers infantry to hold a trench UKR TG about curernt situation: Not all simply near Verbove - we have big losses, mostly wounded. Orcs slightly pushed us back on outskirts of this village. On other (new) direction in the "pocket" we have some success, our forces gained foothold there, pidor's rears in this place almost completely beaten up by our artillery Reportedly Russians are going to send 41st CAA from Lyman direction to the south. Now this army is substituting on strategical reserve - new formed 25th CAA UKR soldiers walk almost free thgrough "dragon teath" line in 2,5 km west from Verbove
  7. Evacuation bus of volunteer medical unit "Hospitaliers". Usual passenger bus redone in medical, equipped for donations. It carries wounded from stabilization points in frontline rear to hospitals, usually it's a Dnipro city.
  8. They really do hard work, but their "PR service" is on high level too. Brigade, which creates cool picture is more popular, more known, it risies more money for short time and have more potential volunteer recruits. Each brigade can make such footage, but onlly small number do this with such quality. And all they are former volunteer units, having roots in 2014. About rotations. If brigade is on frontline it's not means all staff 24/7 in the battle. Their units also have own micro-roattions. Today company A holds a trenche, company B prepares to assault in battalion rear, company C have a rest in brigade rear. Since some time they are change each other. Russians do the same. So, if you hear that in some sector UKR brigade X agaist Russian brigade Z, it's not means whole brigades fight each other in full composition.
  9. I was always annoyed by the lack of cellears in CM, when your infantry hides in the house and artillery begins own barrage. Though, this in some extent compensated by weak effect of HE on houses.
  10. Russians already three days conduct heavy bombardments of Kherson and right bank of Dnipro south and north of the city. Each day about 25 guided bombs not counting artillery and MLRS. Either our General Staff made some false demonstration or misinformation to distract part of Russians airstrikes from Zaporizhzhia oblast, or something really prepare itself
  11. UKR troops completely push off Russians behind railway line on southern flank of Bakhmut from Andriivka to Klishchhivka. Also in Kurdiumivka and near Andriivka areas UKR forces have taken Russian forward positions beyond railroad According to Russian TG in last attempt to regain positions near Andriivka, Shorm Z convicts could gain foothold on Andrrivka outskirt, but VDV troops, which have to arrive to develop success were dispersed by UKR artillery fire, so all convicts were eliminated. Russians also write part of Wagners, who detached from new Wagner command already transferring to MoD units and soon will be moved to Bakhmut. Looks like Russian command has a lack of capable troops there, so MoD actively agitate Wagnerites to sign contarcts. Recently there was information Rosgvardiya is going to establish special units of former Wagnerites. New PMC Wagner commander "Lotos" summoned unpleasnatr of part of Wagner fighters, so they seek new places. Reportedly large number of former Wagnerites now in MoD PMC "Redut" and also prepare to new Bakhmut campaign.
  12. Russian troops form the place refute claims about huge assault of UKR forces Callsign OSETIN There are no any surges. There was a skirmish near 6th regiment [LNR forces] positions and it already ended. No any huge artillery bombardment, no any assaults. From where it all came I don't know. Artillery and mortars are working, but they work every day from both sides. Do not panic, friends and do not make a "victory"
  13. Some info from UKR TGs For Sep 25th from unofficial TG of 46th air-assault brigade: Novoprokopivka is under enemy control. Clashes in grey zone between this village and Robptyne. Advancing here is problematic because we to this time couldn't take heights on east and south-east from the village, there are fierce clashes there. In present time we coudn't find a key to these positions. Verbove is under enemy control too. The fighting is ongoing on western outskirt of the village in lowland. We can take small part of Russian defense line west from the village, but without taking of heights south from Verbove this is just tactical success and it's impossible to take a foothold here. Orcs at the moment strike this area with aviation and artillery. We can't take heights because they are heavy fortified. So we are expanding bridgehead in lowlands near Verbove. Enemy aviation expanded strike zone on all wide of section and now has been strike as well actively near Verbove as near Robotyne. FPV drones are working continuously. Already even battles between drones took place. All combat actions had been reduced to small assault groups works with small usage of armored vehicles - this is due to continous work of aerial recon of both sides. Any movement - even a single armor movement is unvealed at once and being struck of artillery, FPV drones, aviation with both sides. If large armored group is spotted - there is maximum concentration of fire support assets on it. The enemy didn't reject from counter-attacks, wherein conducts its pointwise and in limited scale, groping our weak places. From Sep 26th form Officer+ TG: Novoprokopivka and Verbove - we have small advance in village limits. Their liberation is a question of time, after this new opportunities will open. Special thanks to 82nd air-assault and 71st jager air-assault brigades
  14. Yesterday I mentioned Eric Hartmann, whose callsign Karaya has taken UKR pilot (clear sign he is hidden nazi! %) ). After 10 years of camps in USSR he became commander of FRG (already NATO-country) aviation unit and several times visited USA, where he was instructor of US pilots and tester of some types of US jet aircraft. Many of military strengts and technologies West got after the war from former Nazi scientists, engineers etc. Many of those, who fought against USSR and received a shelter in Westren countries, where used by CIA, Mi6 in those fight against communism as agents, influencers and diversants. And likley most of them should be mobilized to fight USSR in case of big war. And I doubt many journalists in that time rised a wave "Nazi! Nazi! We invite nazi! What a shame!" Russian propaganda maybe will shout some time and shut up soon (who interested in their blah-blah-blah?), but this gift for them made not so Canadian Speaker, but local journalists.
  15. Yes, I already deleted it, when have seen flags on last cadre
  16. 3rd comany of 1st battalion of 71st jager brigade in action near Verbove in trench fight. Soldier, who filmed this was wounded by this grenade explosion
  17. Today with UKR missile strike was destroyed large ammo dump in Sorokyne (Krasnodon) in Luhansk oblast - it's about 155-160 km from frontline
  18. Last night Russians have conducted "revenge" strike for Sevastopol and destroyed abandoned 10 years ago hotel over sea passenger terminal in Odesa. Terminal also was badly damaged. Russians claimed UKR Naval HQ was placed in this building (idiots). Also grain storage was destroyed in the port, two people were killed and one wounded. Total Odesa was attacked by 19 Shakeds (all shot down), 12 Kalibrs (11 shot down) and 2 Onix (can't be intercepted) This is what a hotel (tall buiding) and terminal looked before a war And after attack The hotel was bad business-idea for this place (it was built in 2001), also it had technical problems, so it functionated as a hotel only ten years - it was closed and abandoned since 2011. City powers even thought to remove it (it also ruined the view of terminal, which became a one of "visit cards" of Odesa). Looks like Russians resolve a problem with removing
  19. Don't work ) Here longer video with drone attack over these nets
  20. I think, 30-40 years ago it would be normal and reporters would be wrote stories how he fought against "Empire of Evil". I know in UK and Canada legally exist societies of former "Halychyna" division combatants.
  21. As popular joke in post-USSR space says: "it's not my moped, I just posted advertisment" I just read this opinion of one of our milutary in twitter )
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