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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Heh, look who came! DefMon upoloaded Russian video how D-30 howitzers fire at UKR troops on outskirt of Verbove. But most inteersting thing in this who is doing this. 387th motor-rifle regiment. Mashovets wrote about them in January. This is a unit of new-formed 44th airborne division. Division was established in late autumn of 2022 and includes two regiments - 387th and 111th. More interesting, despite division has a status "airborne", it regiments are both motor-rifle. They are usual mobiks and regiments at least on winter of 2023 weren't equipped by VDV "shtat". 387th regiment though got some young officers - graduates of officer military schools as well as some cadre troops from several air-assault and airborne regiments. The second interestimng thing - this division was appointed for Troops Grouping "Crimea" or for reserve of Troops Groupng "Dnepr". So Russians already forced to throw in the battle not only units from Lyman direction, but from Crimea PS. There is an opinion, this is the same battery of D-30, which was hit by UKR arty on other known video.
  2. I think this was occasional encounter and drone operator hadn't task to hit Ka-52. He just spot it and probably thought: "Damn! What a fortune!". But, alas, the speed even of FPV race drone, using for strike purposes is not enough to chase a helicopter, so interception have to be trained. Drone interception is also hard, because drone operators havn't information from radars. This is not their level and nor their tasks. I have a suspicion, even our MANPADs and SHORADs havn't proper radar info and operate on own lucky.
  3. I have huge massive of info (albeit very fragmented), but I havn't enough time to translate it. In own time sevaral years ago I've been writing small artilcles for VK branch of MIL.IN.UA resource about this. I had a time to write from Crimea 2014 to beginning of August 2014. If you interest some special I will try to answer. Write me PM
  4. Some videos from Kreminna sector Russian ammo dump turned to fireball (video and twitter account claims this is Zaporizhzhia ob;ast, but this is not true) 12th National Guard "Azov" brigade in action on Dibrova direction. Assault of Russian positions. "Azov" commader "Redis" told this local operation could push Russians on 400 m in depth and on 500 m of wide. Russian losses 13 kileld, 12 wounded, 2 captured. PS. It's painful to see that glorious brigade uses old BTR-70...
  5. Russian TG Situation in Klishchiivka is lousy, reported from frontline. Details will be further
  6. Russian milblogger "Thirteen" has recorded audio message, where he blamed Russian command that they don't carry on about evecuation or exchange of fallen Russian soldiers from 247th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division. He told only for one day near Staromajorske 49 paratroopers were killed. He also says Russian command became to pursuit him for his activity in this direction, so if somethg happen with him, this will be his foes among HQs
  7. Russian Volunteer Corps issued a video of their raid to Bryansk oblast, which was two days ago. Russian TG claimed during the clash one Russian border guard was killed, several were wounded Intensive shooting, RVC uses NLAW
  8. UKR troops today activated on own left flank of V.Novosilka direction and attacked on line Novodonetske - Novomajorske - Shevchenko. According to Khodakovskiy and "Batatlion Viostok" TG UKR artilelry shelling throughout several days has weaken minefields, so UKR armor quickly and almost without losses delivered infantry, which disembarked and could burst to trenches under cover of armor, shooting out trenches with point blanc shot. Then UKR armor withdrew to avoid artilelry strike. Allegedly after fierce fight UKR troops pushed back Russians/DNR forces (Khodakovskiy didn't say where). He claims UKR lost about four tanks disabled (there was a video with two disabled UKR tanks) and about of platoon of personnel, so UKR were forced to threw in the battle new 38th marines brigade from reserve %) Close to the evening Russian TG wrote there is a battle ongoing for Zavitne Bazhannia village. Just for illustration - situation in this sector on 30th of Aug
  9. Yesterday evening UKR missiles hit large ammo dump near Vesele village, 30 km NW from Melitopol. Locals from Melitopol wrote more than three hours huge detonations were heard Other strike reportedly was near Osypenko village in 15 km north from Berdiansk. As locals told Russian training range and deployment of troops could be hit.
  10. Myronivskyi settlement, Donetsk oblast (Svitlodarsk thermal palnt area). UKR HIMARSed Russian ammo dump
  11. Yesterday gains of UKR troops on Robotyne - Verbove line According to Kostiantyn Mashovets, Russians concentrated at least two regiments of 76th air-assault division on right flank of UKR troops (Kopani - Robotyne) and forces of 7th air-assaulr division were redeployed to left flank to Novopokrovka - Verbove. By opinion of Mashovets, Russians decided to conduct classical operation - while huge host of motorized and rifle regiments, BARS battalions and recon units will break advance of UKR troops to south, air-assault units have to attack on flanks. Their minimum objectives can be to attract reserves to counter this attacks in order to exhaust advancing potential of UKR troops. Maximal objectives - to crush flanks of UKR troops and come to their rears in Novodanylivka and Mala Tokmachka. So, today likely happened activation of Russian 76th air-assault division. Russian milbloggers vying with each other have been reporting how VDV with crushing strike has taken back Robotyne. Then they already told about "VDV gained foothold on several streets" and later "Rabotino still in grey zone", UKR artillery makes a trouble for us, UKR Bradleys drive like taxi in the village, we have a lack of firepower to hit the enemy" UKR sources told nothing about Russian counter attack, but maybe this will be later. Something obviously took place.
  12. Company is too much for Bakhmut-sacle operations. Platoon more likely.
  13. New brigade was created in Air-Assault Command structure. This is 148th artillery brigade. It got M777 howitzers
  14. People "in theme" hinted Bayraktars work always. Mostly for recon and targeting, but if it possile for strike missiosns too. Even more - there are special stike drone groups exist, subordinated to Tactical Groupings, which work in their comamnders interests, but their activity is completely not puplic. About both videos of Bayraktars strike - they were geolocated on Kinburn spit
  15. There were videos MiG-29 shoot down Orlans with R-73, close analog of AIM-9, so IR missiles quite suitable for this purpose.
  16. Alas, this is Ukrainin POWs from 77th air-assault brigade. No details how it happened. Some unverified talks I've read, one group advanced too far along narrow forest between Klishchiivka and Bakhmut and were surprisingly counter-attacked there and probably encircled. Some could broke throough, but part was captured. Also no info when it happened. UKR TG "Sniper speaks" also told Russians could push back our positions on 500 m on nothern flank of Bakhmut, but didn't clarify were exsctly. Maybe near Berkhivka, when these "swing" is usual
  17. One more Bayraktar strike - I suppose it could be not "Ural truck", but some more valuable, like EW or communication vehicle. Interesting, some Russian TGs claimed three days ago UKR troops landed on Kinburn spit, no info was from our sourses, but maybe today's videios with Bayraktar strikes can be tied with this
  18. Russia builds "FLAK towers" around Moscow, deploying Pantsyrs S1 on its %)
  19. From SBU. Conspirologists among Poroshenko followers claim Zelenskiy tries to save Kolomoiskiy from NABU investigatin on milliards (NABU as if is under USA control), "handing over" him to SBU (as if under Yermak control) investigation for much less criminal case.
  20. FSB Directorate of Kurchatov city (Kursk oblast) was hit with a drone
  21. UKR TB2 Bayraktar hit Rissian KS-701 Tunets class boat, landing personnel on sea shore in Kherson oblast Reportedly 6 killed, 2 wounded KS-701 is a small patrol or auxiliary boat, using mostly in Coast Guard. Black Sea Coast Guard has 18 KS-701 boats.
  22. Almost each who lives in village can do this ) In Ukraine each rural homested has own small or large market garden, even families, who are farmers except own fields carry on own market garden or even several. In late USSR homesteads could have from 0,15 to 0,6 ha (0,37 - 1,48 acres) of land. This was enough to supply usual family at least with own vegetables (most popular on our market gadens are potato, tomatoes, cucumbers and onion). Also homesteads, having bigger allotments often have own chickens, ducks, rabbits, pigs, sometime a cow. Many those, who live in cities have own old parents in villages, and help them to grow vegetables, which then they can eat and these own vegetables are 100 % eco-natural. Also many citizens buy dachas, which also have small piece of land (0.05-0.07 ha), but often some free space all the same are diverted under beds of vegetables. Yes, this is survival experience of two wars and especailly Holodomor, which hands over from generation to generation. In last years many young people become to forgot from where they get food, thinking it appears in magical way in supermarkets, many people told "its enough to work hard for this potato, when we can buy it in any time in any place". But Russian invasion again showed that own market garden and "house in the village" is always actual thing. During siege of Kyiv in March, there was too few vegetables in city supermarkets, but villagers and farmers were coming to Kyiv on own cars on single free road and traded own vegetables to citizens. Of course, their food costed in 1.5 and sometine in 2 times more, than in supermarkets, but we could buy almost everything ecxept exotic %)
  23. UKR FPV drone of "Aсhilles" UCAV company of 92nd assault brigade has coocked TOS-1, equipped with BBQ cage
  24. He says about this, literally "It's unlike our tanks with HE shells for infantry, no, these [Challengers] tanks were designed to fight Soviet tanks, not infantry, against infantry there are other infantry and artillery" I think, maybe HE/HESH ammo for UKR Challengers are limited, so they use to hunt armor.
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