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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Hmmmm..... @The_Capt You expected Christmass river crossing, well something suspicious happened today. Reportedly UKR HIMARSed small bridges through canal, heading south from Nova Kakhovka. Russian source wrote about bridge near Tsukury village, locals later claimed there were strikes on more three bridges, particularlly near Chornianka village UKR TG claims UKR drones today destroyed six "masts" on left bank of Dnipro, unclear what was meant cell-comms masts or "Murom" observation complexes, deploying on masts. Konstantin Mashovets recently pointed out Russians are hastley laying additional minefields in Nova Kahovka area. One Russian TG warned locals that because of coming "unknown events" cell-communication will be shut down, so all have to be ready to this. So... Is it prelude for landing or UKR command just want that Russians were ensured that we have intentions to cross the river?
  2. Russians moved to front even old experimental armor, which wasn't in service of Russian army. Near Avdiivka was spotted BTR-90 "Rostok". This is developing of 1994 year armed with 30 mm gun in the turret similar to BMP-2. Despite MoD adopted this APC in 2008, it was never ordered. Later in 2011 MoD finally rejected BTR-90 for the sake of developing of newest platform "Boomerang". Later BTR-82/82A was choosen as wheeled APC Probably only several BTR-90 exists.
  3. UKR TG source writes about Russian tactic of assaults near Avdiivka Katsaps during own attacks on Avdiivka tested updated tactic. Because they managed to assemble quite large grouping of the armor, they decided to divide own troops in attack on two parties. - The first party consists of tanks only. It drives to our positions and begins to shell directly each spotted firing point. After this party rolls back and the second party engages. - The second party consists of mainly with BMPs/APCs. It also can have small group of tanks for covering. They have to arrive immediately afetr first party finished own task and begin assault and capturing of our positions. But in real situation happen, when the second party misses the moment, when it have to engage and this gives opportunity for our soldiers to take positions in trenches after dense tank shelling As you can see by multiple videos of both sides this is not "updated", but usual tactic, when the tank or pair of tanks goes forward and supress infantry in the trench, when light armor with infantry approaches to attack line. But if all what we had seen before were mosty small groups, that in Avdiivka case we can see Russian attempts to scale this on the platoons-companies level
  4. Video of 2nd mech.battalion of Presidental brigade from Avdiivka direction Russians assault their position with two BMPs, one has blown up by mine and second was hit with some AT weapon, both burned directly on UKR positions, but had time to dismount infantry. Likely UKR garrison of trench was outnumbered and decided to withdraw. When Russians seized trenches they were heavy bombed with drones with dropping systems. Suffering losses, Russians retreated. UKR squad again retaken own position and took POWs. It's claimed 20, but on the video is only one.
  5. Video of successfull attack of assault group of 128th mountain-assault brigade on Russian strongpoint in 3 km N from Kopani, which allowed to take this position about 2-3 days ago. The tank shoots out trenches, forcing Russian infantry to hide and later run away when UKR assault squad arrived on BMP. As you can see both UKR and RUS forces had about squad of troops. But Russians had only a squad for enough large trench system
  6. I can't understand why SBU issued this unverified info. Even though there were some attacks, they likely didn't reach own goals. No evidences that any ship was damaged. Here is today's "damaged" ship, after incident, passed as missile corvette "Buyan" - indeed patrol ship pr.22160 "Vasiliy Bykov"-class And here is "blown by mine" two days ago patrol ship of the same pr.22160 "Pavel Derzhavin", reportedly yesterday photo. No damages are visible.
  7. I suppose this was incorrect expression - our GS press-service often makes stupid mistakes as for competent military structure. Today, for example they claimed "Su-25 FIGHTER" was shot down, though Su-25 is assault aircraft.
  8. Authorities of Crimea warned people if they upload any video of strikes, AD work etc, they could be procecuted or at least have a long talks with FSB. But many people anyway want likes and followers (and many of them also wait Ukraine), so they haste to upload something hot, sometime just blurring some places in order "nobody can geolocate" %)
  9. Russian or DPR milblogger Our guys suffer losses, there is a catastrophical lack of surgeons in Horlivka and Donetsk
  10. Russian milblogger "13th" yesterday sharply criticized all statements that Russian troops captured Avdiivka coke plant waste heap (in UKR and RUS these artifiacal industrial hills name "terrikon") on northern outskirt of the city. Then at the evening he posted a message that waste heap was taken at 18-00 of Moscow time. But today he posted that UKR forces recaptured waste heap in fierce counter-attack. UKR unofficial sources didn't report about any losses of such strategical position (or just decided do not demoralize with such news), so more likely for Russians this was suitable reason to justify their wrong claims - "we captured it, but alas couldn't hold". As it has happened more than once, like with "recapturing" of Staromajorske or Robotyne %)
  11. Yesterday UKR forces destroyed railroad overpass between Donetsk and Horlivka. Even more correctly between Yasynuvata, settlement NE from Donetsk and Horlivka. Yasynuvata is important defense node of DPR forces, located close to Avdiivka SE outskirt and "promka" - large industrial zone, became famous since 2016. This strike will complicate logistics of Russians during Avdiivka battle. On the video you can see remains of tank under collapsed bridge. Some people claim also Z-STS "Akhmat" armored car and Msta-B howitzer can be seen destroyed under the bridge,but I see only the tank
  12. Alas, all ok with this ship. This was not missile corvette, but pr.22160 patrol ship. It's just coincided - likely technical issue (oil went to engine, causing a dense smoke from the stack) + underwater explosion during anti-sabateur training
  13. Russian "victories" in TG and reality - On southerm flank of Avdiivka RU assaulters captured UKR strongpoint Almaz-1 (known position since ATO times) - Dick-az-1 they captured. One and half of battalions are "200" (dead)
  14. UKR troops reportedly slightly advanced NE from Kopani on Zaporizhzhia front
  15. Shortage is everywhere. Jeeps, pick-ups, mini-buses and even usual civil cars are just the same consumables, like civil Mavic drones. Without these vehicles all logistic of forward lines and close rear would be paralized and combat capabilities of many units in maneuver would be limited. Russian for these purpose uses multiple UAZ-452 "Bukhanka" and UAZ-469/ UAZ "Patriot", because their capabilities to buy western-market jeeps in so huge number as it do UKR volunteers is limited.
  16. Interesting... On this video of Hamas attack on Israeli base at 0:14 Russian "davayte, davayte!" ("go, come on [you all]"! ) is heard. And a shout "Allakhu Akbar" before with accent very similar to Russian...
  17. Now we have a video of this Unit of 39th motor-rifle brigade, using this hmmm.... armored doghouses, came under fire near Novomykhailivka (10-12 km south from Maryinka)
  18. I think this is "Punisher", maybe single UKR fixed-wing UAV, appointed for bomb dropping. There was many polemic about it effectiveness. Experimental models of "Punisher" are known since 2016, but small serial production started only since 2022. This bomber uses 2 kg UB-75 bombs, having HE, HEAT or incendiary warhead. Despite many attempts of UA Dynamics company to promote own UAVs, including "aggressive marketing", effectiveness of their bombers was doubted by many UAV combat teams and developers, so R18 and similar still use with much more popularity as bombers, than "Punisher". But for example famous "Birds of Magyar" use these drones.
  19. Russian armored advance from Pisky to Nevelske - Pervomaiske (not to Avdiivka, as claimed) was repelled
  20. https://twitter.com/Pouletvolant3 His maps pretty nice, though can have some inaccuracies in small details. But of course 100 % precise situation maps have only HQs. Maybe %)
  21. Likely they were inspired by M113 :). But this is not Avdiivka. These vehicles belonged to 39th motor-rifle brigade of 68th Army corps from Sakhalin. Brigade operates on Novomykhailivka direction (between Maryinka and Vuhledar). Russians activated offensive action on whole Donbas sector, not only near Avdiivka. This is from there - Russians had some advance several days ago
  22. Situation around Avdiivka UKR TGs wrote today Russians continued hevay bombardments of the city and our posiotions with artillery and aviation, but amout of artilelry/MLRS fire is less than day ago. About 10 airstrikes. Russian asaults today also not so intencive and mass as yesterday. If yesterday Russians operated mostly with company-sized units, that today are mostly platoon-sized. UKR TG source said we have also many damaged and destroyed vehicles because of massive artilery fire, airstrikes and drone atatcks. Russians from the south try to breakthrough from Vodiane to Lastochkyne to cut off a road to Avdiivka. Despite they could yesterday to seize several our positions they couldn'r reach own objectives and lost many armor and infantry there. This is reflected on the map above. On the northern flank map of Poulet Volant has some inaccuracy - in area of height 230 (waste heap of coke plant) Russians had advanced much closer to this artifical hill than on the map of French OSINTer. Just example of the scale of yesterday Russian assault groups Some videos of yesterday Russian armor hits Video of 116th TDF brigade of Poltava oblast - northern flank, west from Krasnohorivka. Russian tank with "tankodesantniki" has blown up by mine Russian drone observes destroyed armor of 114th motor-rifle brigade of DPR and their infantry Javelin of 53rd mech.brigade hit Russian armor (southern flank) Continuing of this episode - two Russian BMPs damged in tree-line, third disembarked troops and had time to flee as HE and DPCIM artillery shell impact near infantry Likely continuing - simalar to the same location - Russians inspired by Hamas attack, decided to breakthrough on two bykes, but... Logo of 53rd mech.brigade
  23. It's claimed a work of Leopard at Russian tank on Zaporizhzhia front
  24. Emmm... First time I hear about them %) But maybe because this is company from Dnipro and their production wasn't represented in Kyiv. All what I can say UKR craft beer is really good. About wines... Some intersting craft wineries have appeared, but quality of wine of usual "industrial" wineries, existing from Soviet times is avarage (but enough suitable for usual daily drinking with evening series ) with some exceptions to both signs - from "pigwash" to "amazing!"
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