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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Local Sevastopol TG claims, refering to sources in administration and Black Sea Fleet, that according last information there were 2 maritime drones and 8 missiles. UKR aviation resource hints there was airstrike, so Storm Shadow/SCALP were used. Russians initially reported about combined strike of converted S-200 and Storm Shadows. According to last info (unofficial for now) only two drones and two missiles were intercepted. Number of victims of workers raised to 11 killed and 31 wounded. Landing ship and submarine allegedly destroyed, two more ships damaged, but level of damage is unknown. More, after the strike, there was information about UKR diversion group operates in Sevastopol,so police and Army patrols were directed to find them. Police passed one of army patrols as sabateurs and opened fire. In result of skirmish 3 soldiers and 1 policeman were killed.
  2. Again? Ps. Starlink claims it was global issue, but... very strange coincidence
  3. "Olenegorskiy gornyak" stands in the dock of Novorossiysk - she would't survive sailing to Sevastopol with such damages Reportedly large landing ship "Minsk" and B-237 "Rostov-on-Don" submarine were hit. Also reportedly two workers were killed and 26 were wounded during the strike
  4. UKR BTR-4 survived after first ATGM hit from Ka-52, what happened after second hit is unclear, Russians cut the video.
  5. As I know, 82nd air-assault has a battalion on Marders. Leopard 2 were spotted in 33rd mech., 47th mech. and 21st mech.brigades. Latter is "Sweden", using StrV 122 version of Leo2 and CV90 Also 44th mech.brigade is receiving Leopard 1A5.
  6. This is official informatin of GUR. How accurate these estimations it's other question.
  7. Probably the shield, changing trajectory of bullets, to protect legs of infantry, who follow behind IFV during attack. This feature has been using since ATO times. Often in front of BTR/BMP were mounted multiple chains.
  8. Russian TG claims, during retreating of Russian troops from Opytne toward Donetsk airport, Russian artillery mistakingly hit them, because spotters thought this is Ukrainian forces advance. As claimed 27 killed, 34 wounded, several vehicles destroyed. Repeating of 2014 situation, when battalion "Vostok" eliminated almost whole detachment of Russian volunteers "Iskra", retreating from Donetsk airport, passing them as Ukrianian troops, which brokethrough to the city
  9. Imagination of UKR officer (I think platoon-level) from Zaporizhzhia front My imagimation from Zaporizhzhia - infantry forgot what is to respect a shovel and dig until sh...t out. Fast growing of units and people on duties, caused absence of combat control skills. Battalion comamnder, who personally controls over dozen of men and AGS this is strong, of cousrse. I didn't see some fu...g hell enemy line. Shellins on the level less, than I сaught in own time. Only KABs impressed, but this weapon is croocked [in mean "not properly working"] and not super-accurate. Separately what is missing - for most of people these are their first combat and it's need not only to poke in the map with words "go fu..k here", but to chew [explain in details] everything In comments he told most of soldiers, about what he told had training in Britain.
  10. SItuation on Tokmak direction Unofficial TG of 46th air-assault brigade told UKR troops had success west from Robotyne and seized several new Russian position toward Kopani. Russians unsuccessfully counter-attacked with small forces. UKR advanced deeper east from Novoprokopivka to "Surovikin line", but height 163.9 under Russian control interferes more fast progress. In Verbove area UKR forces try to push enemt west and south-west. But without control of heights on south and north/north-west attacking and seizing of Verbove hasn't any sense, because the village lays in lawlands. Since Deepstate today issued a map with clarifying of contact line on the line Novopokrovka - Verbove, turning most of Russian-controlled zone back, Russian TG shared info about "successfull counter-attack of Russian troops in heavy strenght, which allowed to fight back previously lost positions". But UKR twitters don't confirm any significant Russian attacks from western direction
  11. @akd New upgrades for old T-80BVs: Russia is going to renew producing of T-80 tanks "from zero". https://www.interfax.ru/amp/919914 Recently Russian MoD considered refurbished tanks from storages as "new produced", so numbers of production in "1600 tanks for year" in this sense can considered as correct. But now it's talks exactly about restart of T-80 production. Intersting that this can turn out about next refurbishing of mathballed T-80 fleet, which will be passed off as "new". I doubt Russian production capabilities can replenish so scale losses timely. Resource of appropriate stored T-72 for modernization is exhausted, now Russia is unpacking T-80B/BV fleet. By assessments about of 3000 T-80B/BV tanks in relative good conditins can be raised from storages. Total number of T-80 of all models in USSR was about 5500. It's be interesting if Russian is goiing to make T-80 tank as main tank for army, considering current fuel crisis. Gas turbine engines of T-80 consume much more fuel than diesel of T-72/T-90. And here on that photo could be probably first example of "new produced" T-80. This is T-80BVM obr.2022 "Obnovlyonnyi" ("Upgraded") under testing. The tank got cope cage with ERA, designers claimed it protects against top-attack HEAT ammunition like Javelins/NLAWs FPV drones and dropped ammunition. Also tank got EW devices "Volnorez" (these round things on top-front turret), having purpose to supress contol channels of FPV drones.
  12. Russian TG writes UKR recaptured Opytne village north from Donetsk airport. But there are and bad news. Opytnoye [ukr. Opytne], what is near Avdeevka, was shamefully surrendered and now is under khokol. Military rats as usual hide this. Though, reportedly units of 53rd mech. brigade with support of elements of 36th marines brigade and elements of Natinal Guard special force brigade "Omega" for now control only part of village and mop-up is continuing. Soldiers say units of the enemy 1439th motor-rifle regiment of Territorial Troops is almost lost own combat capabilities, so yesaterday they mostly abandoned positions after first shellings and contact, but today they or their reinforcement tried to hook in the village.
  13. Pair of UKR tanks of 116th mech brigade ride in grey zone NE of Novoprokopivka, Khorne Group UAV team of this brigade tracks their movement Tanks are shooting on move almost point blanc at any suspicious places, where Russian positions can be. At 0:30 several AP mines have exploded under leading tank tracks. At 2:15 enemy ATGM missed the leading tank from side direction. Drone operator exclaims: "Men! You have skipped ATGM!" Then drone operator calls fire: "Come on! At the mid of "Tenneesee" [likely position name] near a ravine!" At 2:46 drone operator has spotted Lancet, strifing on leading tank, and shout "Lancet! Fu...g Lancet! Transmit to tankrers!". But leading tank crew had lucky day - enemy Lancet missed too (2:54) Geolocation:
  14. Meanwhile new war on Caucasus is coming. Probably Azerbaijan will try to take whole territory of Nagornyi Karabakh and esatblish land corridor between Karabakh and Nakhichevan authonomy enclave. Both Azerbaijanian and Armenian armies move troops to the border. Interesting that Azerbaijanian forces use Z and V symbols, but crossed out. Also intersting that now Russia on background of cooling of relations with Armenia, will be likely unofficially support Azerbaijan. Armenian authorities, disappointed by reaction of Russia and ODKB alliance on Azerbaijanian offensive in Nagornyi Karabakh, now more and more turn to USA, claim intentions to leave ODKB. But more inetersting likely now Armenia has found new ally - Iran! Iran and Turkey exchanged with sharp statements - Iran warned Turkey Azerbaijan and... Israel agaisnt invasion to Armenia. In own turn Turkey warned Iran that if their forces entere to Azerbaijan, Turkey armed foces will react immediately.
  15. Leo2 as I know, doesn't use "pure" HEAT, but DM12 MPAT (in our classification fragmental-HEAT) Also it can use DM11 HE shell, and there were evidences of their supply to Ukraine: https://sundries.com.ua/zsu-pochaly-zastosovuvaty-snariady-dm11-z-prohramovanym-pidryvom-video/
  16. Rare footage of tank vs. tank fight. Reportedly this is June - the beginning of UKR offensive. One Leopard 2 against two Russian tanks. Distance 1500+ m. After Russian tank was hit and damaged, both Russian tanks rolled back. UKR Leo likely used HE shell. But maybe ERA on Russian tank saved the vehicle from penetration
  17. RPO-A and thermobaric grenades substitute them. Soldier-flamethrower of 704th CBRN regiment, attached to some mech.infantry unit shoots at Russians in tree-plant with RPO-A near Robotyne Since Feb 24th in 704th CBRN regiment reportedly was established flamethrowers battalion. Likely they can have captured RPO-A (Ukraine had too short number of them even in 2014) and own design RPV-16 (almost copy of RPO-A, but as soldiers told more worse quality). Maybe this battalion got captured TOS-1A, but it's known only usage of one captured TOS-1A by "Da Vinci wolves" battalion of 67th mech.brigade.
  18. No. Each UKR soldier will tell you, that BTR-70 is a piece of sh...t in comarison with M-113/YPR-765 BTR-60/70/80 have too weak side hull armor, which can't maintain proper protection from 7.62 and often against 5.45 AP from close range, when M113 protects. Inner compartment of BTRs is too narrow for soldiers in modern equipment and body armor, because both and BTR and BMP series were designed in ColdWar era, when soldiers haven't such equipment and in design was put an avarage height of Soviet soldier in 1960-1970 as about 160-165 sm, this is one more answer, why RUS and UKR soldiers ride on the top of armor. Not only because if it hit, all will burn alive (it's enough exaggregation if it not 125 mm HE), but because of full squad of troops will waste value time, trying to disembark from narrow compartment under fire. So, UKR soldiers always ride inside M113 to enemy positions, because it much safer, and disembark time is much shorter, than from inside BTR-70 Enclosed turret of BTRs doesn't give enough protection, but instead strict natural LOS of gunner. M113/HMMMWV guneer can better to observe battlefield, when he gets targeting from comamnder or spot the target himself. One guy from "Azov" NG brigade wrote brigade try to get at least several dozens of M113 and he amazed, why it so hard. Even 3rd assault briagade "Azov", using M113/YPR, as he told indeed have very small of them and all M113, which you can see in their videos are the same several APC.
  19. Longer version https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1700513523682406879
  20. Some effect fireballs UKR FPV drone destroyed Russian SP-howitzer east from Vesela Dolyna village (SE from Bakhmut). It's about 9 km from frontline It's claimed TOS-1A was coocked by UKR R18 drone of 27th brigade of National Guard, but vehicles is under trees, so unclear what exactly was hit UKR FPV drone hit directly at 240 mm shell, prepared to charge, of 2S4 SP-mortar, causing nice fireball. Lacation Popivka village 5 km SW from Svatove and about 10 km from frontline
  21. Some talks from UKR around-military TGs: - UKR troops repelled Russian counter-attacks on Robotyne and slightly expanded zone of control west from Robotyne to Kopani direction - Some success was in southern direction toward Novoprokopivka. There are meetening engagements in this area. - UKR troops several days have been fighting for important height SE of Novoprokopivka, but Russian resistance too hard, so without success for now - Actions west from Verbove now "on pause". UKR forces couldn't seize height on this direction - but instead of this UKR troops achieved significant success north and north-west from Verbove as well as pushed Russian troops eastern to Novopokrovka
  22. Ukrainian General Staff in first time officially confirmed UKR forces are present on left bank of Dnipro and hold bidgehead On Kherson direction our defensers continue to hold seized positions on left bank of Dnipro, conduct counter-battery fire, eliminate ammo dumps and sucessfully strike enemy rears Russians moved to Kozachi Laheri some new unit - 28th motor-rifle (?) regiment. I couldn't find anything about it, presumably it can belong to X motor-rifle division of new-formed 18th CAA of Southern military district. This Russian regiment have been deploying month ago, but can't do anything with UKR bridhead west from village. Here they write: 28th regiment RF in Kozachi Laheri area was fu...g butt kicked. As they tried to assault our positions from their two companies only 26 orcs remained. This regiment was formed recently and have been conducting combat running-in. At this pace it will be soon necessary to form again. And Russian text below the photo: Sodiers of 28th regiment have been seeking from commanders at least one EW system a month so far, but all to not avail. As a result - "Baba Yaga" [Russian name of UKR R18 night bomber octocopters] has flew and destroyed single KAMAZ, which supplied with food, water, ammunition and helped our artillerymen.
  23. Year ago, Kherson oblast. But yes, good hit of whole battery with field ammo dump
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