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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. FPV drones became a real scourge for vehicles and infantry of both sides. Both sides write that any movements in close tactical rear became a dangerous, because you can be attacked with high probability. TOWs of Bradleys of course used, I posted here several videos of day and night launches.
  2. Specific of this offensive - no large scale formations. Between Robotyne - Verbove not only 47th brigade is operating, but also 65th, 116th, 118th mech, 82nd air-assault, 78th special purpose air-assault regiment "Herts' ", 71st jager air-assault brigade, 14th National Guard operative brigade "Chervona Kalyna" and other units. All they didn't involved 24/7 in full composition. These brigades sending platoon and company groups, which by small parties proceed to own objectives - to defend something or attack. After some time in action this company group withdraw to rear for rest and other one substitute them. Or units of other brigade come to their area, giving them opportunity to rest or seize positions on more calm part of breakthrough area. This is answer, why since 4 month of offensive all these brigades still capable to fight, despite really big losses. Russians do in similar way, but their opportunities to make fas rotations are more limited. Throwing in the battle two full VDV divisions just temporary postponed crisis of reserves and personnel fatigue.
  3. Because of the lack of BMDs (and low tempo of newest BMD-4M producing) some units of 76th air-assault division got BMP-2M IFVs as far as in winter 2023. One on these vehiles was hit by FPV drone of 82nd air-assault brigade near Verbove UKR FFV has flown into open backdoor, causing huge detonation
  4. Meanwhile, on eve of Khuilo's birthday, Russians launched offensive (or next attempt of it) on Lyman and Kupiansk directions. Several days ago Lyman groupment was activated - it struk to Makiivka village direction (at the top of map). All what Russians could achieve - they advanced on about 200 m in grey zone. Today these photos were issued of at least two destroyed armored groups, described as "from Luhansk oblast" - more likely theн were taken from this attack on Makiivka Kupiansk groupment likely launched own attack last night. Before Russians destroyed all crossings and bridge through Oskol river in Kupiansk area, so now they rushed in decisisve advance again. From the morning Russian TGs reportd about heavy airstrikes on UKR positions and artilelry shelling of their logistic routes. Later some UKR soures became to rufute these claims - tehy confirmed Russians used cluster rockets and artilellery, but no described "armaggedon" Interesting yesterday Russian TG even posted this In Syn'kivka area we were thrown back. Out guys do all possible to return positions. Syn'kivka is key village, from where the shortest way to Petropavlivka and Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi (Kupiansk suburb on left bank of Oskol) Several hours ago UKR TG posted this: From the night on Kupiansk direction there are haevy clashes, pidors swarmed like a sh...t through the pipes. 4 tanks, 3 BMPs and 2 BTRs Russians have lost in night breakthrough attempt.
  5. Final death count - 51. This is Denys Kozyr and his wife - former serviceman of AFU, who participated in this war, but recently retired by health problems. His father went to front with him and was killed. The son, returning to home decided to move the grave of father from Dnipo city cemetry to his native village. As this costumary in out villages, many people came to memorial dinner in this cafe and around. Obviously some local taritor sent information to Russia that "funerals of "Aydar" nazi will take place and many nationalists will be expected". This is not in first time. About half year ago Russians launched Iskander at funeral procession of "Azov" fighter in Dnipropetrovksk oblast, but then Russians missed and only several people were wounded. In this time missile hit precisely. Almost all Kozyr's families (his and wife) were killed in this strike as well as almost half of current village population. Russian media and TGs initailly celebrating "perfect shot, sending many Aydar nazi to Bandera", but when cadres of dead civilans appeared, Russians as always rebooted in air and became to clame this is Ukrainians launch this missile to have arguments to get more weapon. After this and today Kharkiv strike, it's ridiculous to hear from Scholz about "escalation if we give Taurus to Ukraine" and "Taurus is very complicated for target programming" (I remember this "Western weapon is too complicated to Ukrainians, it's nees years to learn it" in first months of war)
  6. Interesting that 5th assault brigade has CV90. And looks like this is video of summer, when this brigade fought near Ivanivskem where there are many forests.
  7. In recent interview of former Chief-in-Command Viktor Muzhenko, he told in 2018 was passed a classified document of defense strategy in case of big war with Russia, but Crimea direction didn't recognized as a particularly threatened direction. According to this documnet, main threat was assumed from Donbas direction. And this document was actual on 2022 and obviously General Staff took it for base for defense planning with some changes. Before this big interview with major-general Sokolov (about several months) I've read short thread in twitetr form one of officers of "South" operative command, where he sharply criticized Sokolov and his HQ, because they on all briefings, when officers clarified their tasks for a case of invasion, told tham that all these talks about war is a Russian is blackmailing and nothing will happen. Also he hinted, that Operative Command engineer-sapper service was completely incompetent and "I will not wonder if chiefe of this service will be shot out in future". After this interview some soldiers of 59th mot.inf.brigade told that Sokolov in this intervew tries to avoid own responsibility. Really Sokolov hadn't even these 1500 men of 59th brigade on the border - all 230 km guarded slighly more that 300 marines of 137th marine battalion, part of them were young conscripts. And all fortifications on the border were several platoon strongpoints, so against Russians in first moments of invasion stood several separate platoons on strongpoints and some number of border guards.
  8. They have been using it since 2014. Tornado-S, armed with 9M542 rockets with GLONASS system. Ukraine developed similar modification of Smerch - GPS (?) missile "Vil'kha". Both have worse accuracy than HIMARS in satellite guiding mode. Video of Tornado-S usage are known from recent times.
  9. It's claimed "UKR units, breaching defense of 56th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division and mop-up their positions near Verbove" As for me enough bright green as for October (or too saturated video)... Though we have very warn autumn, there was sun and +22C (71.6F) today.
  10. Russians activated again near Donetsk in Maryinka and Avdiivka area Here result if their attempt to advance toward Novomykhailivka, south from Maryinka.
  11. UKR forces probably 1-2 days ago expanded grey zone in front of Novoprokopivka, pushing Russians south-west
  12. FSB detained 65-year aviation technecian of Chkalovskiy airfield, who could carry HE inside airfield and put it in several aircraft. As result on 20th of September IL-18D, An-148 and Mi-28N were damaged. Chkalovskiy is airfield near Moscow, were special purpose transport aviation deployed ("salons" for militray top-brass). At the interrogfation FSB forced him to recognize he was enlisted by Ukrainian special services for diversion. But this man insisted he did this on his own mind, because he was strictly against the war. As result FSB now try to appoint psychiatric examinatin to "recognize" him "abnormal" to put in psychiatric clinic (known "punitive psychiatry" of late USSR times)
  13. This is not praise, but objective reality if we compare Russia in mid of 90th and Russia in 2013. Putin and his oligarchs took full advantage in situation that has developed (high prices on oil and gas, indecisiveness and softness of West, "real politic" etc). And yes, this is feature of "strong people" - to be able to use a situation. Yes, they accumulated fabuloes profits for own clanes, when many of their compatriots never had normal toilets, but they really raised Russia in world policy, economy and military. But then 2014 came and all turned out like in Russian "Fairytale about fisher and Golden Fish". Way of countries, their development and place in world order depend of ruling elites capabilities. So it was, so it is, so it will. "Democracy" indeed is a just a opportunity to raise up one of several elites, backing with some financial-industrial groups. Citizens can only guard "social agreement" between ruling elite and them (if level of the civil society allows to do this) and gradually decade by decade "nurture" their elites that they took carry properly of internal development.
  14. Russian resistance group "Skrepach" (I can't explain this game of words %) ) claimed they set on fire large storage of military uniform in Rostov-on-Don
  15. Until ATACAMS coming.... Though too few examples when these converted SAM missiles inflicted significant damage. Russian AD mosty shot down them.
  16. Heh... Is just a participation in World War "on wrong side" is equal to crime? I think, then, these two US pilots have to check their German friend before meet with him - maybe he shot out columns of refugees? Or covered bombers, striking UK cities? Or killed Allied pilots in combat? And maybe these US pilots bombed German cities and killed hundreds of civilians? About good times in Russia. I very doubt Socratos told about usual people prosperity to the last shepherd. Under strong people and good times he mostly meant ruling elites, who capable to respond adequately on inner and outer challenges, to keep own realm in strenghts - economical, political, military growth. Do you really think ruling of Putin didn't make Russia "better place" before 2014? So, judge yourself: - After two lost Chechen Wars by Yeltsyn, they could supress uprising in Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan and turned their enemy on ally (this is costly for budget, but...). And this ally now whatchdog of Cauacasus loyalty to Kremlin - Russian authorities, using high prices oт oil and gas got super-incomes, what contributed to rising of economy and population incomes, especially in big cities. Despite povtery of small towns and villages beyond Ural and to the north many Russian cities in European part got enough respectable look. Russia was in leader of luxury goods import. Not only Russian oligarchs, but many of Russian middle class were capable to buy real estate in Turkey, Bulgaria, Montenegro and even in Emirates. Russia achieved enough in "comfort life" and IT technologies, involving many educated youth, giving them opportunity to grow up to teh same middle class. Ten years before even in Moscow people stood in lines for "Bush thigs", how they called US humanitarian chicken thigs. - catching mood of most Russians "make Russia great again", they formed new ideology of expansionsm and revachism, mixed with radical orthodoxia and militarism. They created effective propaganda machine. And population liked it. Weak leader couldn't do this. - Russian received own place in Big 8 and Big 20 and became influent political force after pathetic conditions of 90th. - Russia successfully waged war in Georgia and their propaganda/diplomacy convinced many in the world that their action wasn't aggression, but "forcing to peace of agressor". And West swallowed it. - "Reboot" policy of Obama gave Russia access to many western technologies, i.e. military. So, Russia rapidly became to grow up quality of own military manufacturing and weapon. Success of diplomacy. - Russia could strengthen own influence on post Soviet space. Even in Baltic States. - Russia bought many politics and political movements on the West from different political spectres. Before 2014 Russia started consultations about visa-free trips to EU for own citizens. - All this became possible, because, it's almost coinceded - start of Western democracies strenghth declining and ramping up of Russian authocraty, masking in democracy clothes. So. this is answer why Russians either support Putin ot at least indifferent to his regime. They got comfort life and don't want change anything ("I'm out of policy, I'm just coding and get good money"). For those, who exists in dirt, povetry and semi-criminal of deep provinces, life also good in own manner, because they proud how "Putin raised Russa from knees and forced world to respect and fear our country". Strong leader and good times indeed.
  17. What did you expect from former communist (1986-1989) and than repainted into "Party of democracy leftists"? (1990-1999). Looks like lustration in Slovakia was insufficient. Moscow always paid attentin for such "perspective" politicians.
  18. It's easy to judge about situation with contemporary knowledges, dividing all to white and black. As I told in Baltia and Ukraine were many grey shades and it wasn't obvious who is good guy and who is bad in conditions of war "all against all" (yes, we had more than two sides here and had even inner war inside national resistance for control). So, the choice of many, who were under Stalin's power even two years was obvious, that even Germans appeared more "civilized" (since "Distrikt Galicia" hadn't so hard occupation regime and terror, like on other part of Ukraine). Service in Waffen SS was a single chance to establish national regular armies for fight with Sovites. With future goal "when Allies will come we will uprise" or "let Soviets and Germany exsanguinate each other and we will take power and claim own existance as a state and nation". And here was main differense between OUN wing of Bandera (main social base - rural and small towns population), who were strictly against idea of UKR Waffen SS and OUN wing of Melnyk (main social base intelligentsia, students, population of cities, enterpreneurs). Latter didn't believe in capability of let even numerous, but usual partisans in forests to defeat regular armies and seize power. Balts also went by this way. The same hopes had Polish Army Krajowa, in Warsaw uprising - "to claim own rights on power after expelling of Germans", though they had own legitimate government in exile. And how to be with Finns, Romanians, Italians who initially fought for Axis, but then crossed on Allied side? They never did warcrimes?
  19. UKR artillerymen discuss this in chat and complain this is because quality of Pakistanian L15 ammunition. - L15, bi..c - Maybe RAP? - likely L15, we had the same - Is this Pakistan made this? - Pakistan is complete fu..g sh...t - from 10 shells 8 don't explode - Or they tear off barrels! On SP-gun! Iran, Pakistan on BMs [means Grad] they either don't go out or tear off packets!
  20. In additions - in comments a good video of UKR EW asset work. Operator shows on the screen frequencies, using by ZALA and Lancets in range 867 - 870 MHz, lower he shows result of supression - likely equal lines are supressed channels, but in last lines there are dots and disturbances. Operator says this is UAV tries to rebuild control channel, fighting with supression
  21. We have several different developers/manufacturers of such devices, some of them work better, some worse, but anyway amateur production lines can assemble too few of these devices to supply each squad. And not each soldier even know about these devices. MoD and defense industry as usually don't see these inventions in order to unite developers, give equipmemt and finalize product. The state thinks and makes decision too looooong time, so such drone detectors like and trench-EW still a sector of "Volunteer Research LTD"
  22. Here used play of words in UKR and RUS - "zamis"/"zamyes" - "kneading", which except bakery term means "intensive and hard fighting". This video is for multiple "armchair generals", who concerning about slow offensive, demand immediate results and give advices how to make war. Soldier bakes the same sort of bread, calling "palianytsia", which became a shibbolth in first stage of war and a meme )
  23. Importance of "horizontal communications" between units. Guys from 65th brigade called and tell they spotted two Russian BMPs, but their artillery is busy. But we have many friends - two phone calls and since 20 minutes these BMPs already burn. Location - near Kopani, west of Robotyne.
  24. Video of recently claimed Russian strikes with long-range gliding bomb-missiles "Grom-E1" (based on Kh-38 misisiles) on the pontoon and bridge through Oskol river near Kupiansk. In first case the ordnance was launched over Kherson oblast, so possibly Kh-38 missile was used, not "Grom-E1"
  25. 11th National Guard brigade hit with FPV drones Russian MT-LB with mounted naval 140 mm А-22 "Ogon' " MLRS mear Pidstepne village in Kherson oblast A-22 MLRS was designed and adopted in 1988 for "Zubr"-class LCACs (pr.1232.2, NATO-code Pomornik) Each "Zubr" had two A-22 launchers, total was planned to build 17 ships, but only 15 were completed. A-22 can use OF-45 HE and ZZh-45 incendiary rockets with 800-4500 m of range. Also new ammunitions OFD-45 with 9000 m range and turboreactive M-14OF with 10000 m of range and heavier warhead were designed. Russians use these launchers mainly like substitution of TOS-1A, using incendiary ammunitin though, this is not thermobaric weapon. Recently MT-LB with A-22 launchers were identified as belonged to 205th motor-rifle brigade of 49th CAA
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