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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russian TG confirms 810th naval infantry brigade was hastly moved to Krynky area from second line of Zaporizhzia front (brigade only some time ago was moved to more calm place after heavy battles). During this short time fighting brigade already had a time to lost own chief of the staff colonel Yan Sukhanov, he died from wounds in hospital in Moscow. PS. As addition, commander of signal company of 810th naval infantry brigade lieutenant Vladimir Toropov was killed on 29th of October. Looks like command point of brigade was hit. Interesting signal company commander is a duty for senior lieutenant as minimum, but this guy on last photo had a shoulder straps of warrant officer. Obviously a consequenses of losses in officer staff. Guy was urgently promoted to officer to got this duty
  2. UKR drone damaged Russian tank with dropped AGL grenade on full speed and likely disabled it. When other tank arrived to tow own comrade, next dropped grenade barely killed tank gunner, but probablly HEAT charge penetrated turret top armor through gunner sight and slightly wounded gunner in leg - he spent too much time to close the hatch. But gunner sight obviously was damaged by explosion
  3. It's better later than never. I glad that German authorities, gradually, which large efforts, but has been changing own attitude to war in Ukraine and to Russia, throwing away old complexes "we can't be against Russia, because we are guilty for WWII" and gradually taking out "cheap Russian gas niddle". From "we can't sell you engines for BTR-4, because this will increase victims among civilians" in 2014 and "it's no sense to help you, because Ukriane will end own existing through next 72 hours" in 24th Feb 2022 to many useful equipment, ammunition and contracts with Rheinmetal and at last this: I hope, Germany will gain courage soon and give us Taurus. Step by step. Fear of Russian bluffing should disappear.
  4. I suppose, last Russian gains are caused not so by endless zombi-infantry attacks, but that UKR troops lost good fortified positions and hold hastly-dug trenches and foxholes. Soldiers say it's mostly a myth about what tell Russian milbloggers, that as if Avdiivka encircled with heavy fortified positions "filled with concrete". This is just they explain own failed armored assaults. Indeed Avdiivka really has strong positions, but not of concrete and even on coke plant no any specially fortified positions, except some trenches and buildings itself, now mostly ruined with almost two years of airstrikes, artillery and MLRS shellings.
  5. Weekly report of SBU "Alfa" SOF unit, which detachment operates in Avdiivka area - 16 tanks, 28 light armor, 11 artillery systems, 4 MLRS, 1 AD asset, 165 of infantry were hit by their drones. Video of 53rd mech. brigade from southern flank of Avdiivka. Looks like UR-77 turned into crater (but the range is too far, alas, to understsnd what it was), several BMPs stand in teh area of this huge explosion
  6. Meanwhile situation near Avdiivka getting worse. During last 2-3 days Russians not only crossed railroad between coke plant and Stepove village, but significantly advanced north from Krasnohorivka and even entered to easten part of Stepove village (but were pushed back soon), their recon groups also make probes on coke plant territory. All attempts of UKR troops to push Russians behind railroad were failed. 47th brigade in theese attacks lost at least two Leo2 destropyed and several Bradleys were damaged and abandoned. Video of Russian advance to Stepove, which finished not very good for them Russians conducted a "Bakhmut tactic" of continuous infantry attacks with artillery support and FPV drone strikes. Usage of armor now significantly reduced, but assault groups mostly have small armor support. Some differences - their infantry coordination, training and command level significantly worse than Wagners, but they have MANY of them and Russian command doesn't interest how much of them will find own death during advance. Reportedly Russian batatlion commanders have been fu..ng out by brigade chiefs and higher for big losses in equipment, but not in personnel. From other hand I already have seen two UKR servicemen logical questions, why our command just put troops in passive defense and just "extinguish fire" with small armored fireteams - with such tactic Russians anyway will trumpling staep by step our defense. Why nothing is doing to eliminate of northern salient, for example by strike north from Krasnohorivka and along H-20 road? UKR 31st mech.brigade engages armored platoon size assault group And here southern flank of Avdiivka, where Russians havn't significant success - destroyed column of 111th mobilization reserve motor-fifle regiment of DNR One of attempts of UKR troops to supress Russians in railroad area with Leo2 and Bradley fire.
  7. Russia is blocking POW exchanges. Last one took place more than three months ago. Total during public exchanges (I think here weren't included unofficial exhanges with Wagners and on units level during first phase of war) were libereated 2420 of servicemen and 138 civilians Recently Ukrainian authorities made a statments a whole colony for convicts in Vinnytsia oblast will be provided for Russian POWs, because their number already significantly exceeded capabilities of other places of their keeping
  8. UKR troops activated on Hola Prystan' direction (SW from Kherson) - they set control over Bilohrudove village on Bilohrudnyi island. Likley this happened sevaral days or even week ago, and changes was spotted due to footage of Russian drones. No official information from UKR General Staff. About week ago they strictly rejected to comment any info about Dnipro-crossing operaton. Russian milbloggers complain UKR troops on bridgeheads, especially in Krynky area have just "unlimited number" of FPV drones, which inflicted heavy losses for armor and logistic vehicles. Also they say UKR trops use multiple recon Mavics, so almost each squad can call artillery fire from right bank in short time. UKR troops defended by probably new EW assets which Russian bloggers called "EW cupola" - by their words Russian have severe problems with own drones and communications, Russian troops suffered a lack of own EW assets, so UKR drones fly impudent and "khokhols became so insolent that use extreme low altitude helicopter strikes at our positions with S-8 rockets and even deploy SHORAD AD assets in 1-2 km from the river on right bank, shooting down most of our drones, which try to spot artillery". Our units also have huge support of "Magyar Birds" unit, which likely already became independent UCAV unit maybe regiment of higer subordination. Russians say "some very known personage (Magyar) set in Kherson on residental building powerful transmitter, which allows his unit reach too far and breakthrough our week EW defense". During last 10 days Russians launched two Kh-31P anti-radar missiles on Kherson, very likely against Madyar's radio equipment.
  9. Some activity of Russian territory: - diversion on railroad in Ryazan' oblast. 19 freight cars and locomotive were derailed. Loclas claim they heard explosions in time of crash. Locomotive's machinist was injured. - UKR UAV attacked Machinebuilding Design Bureau in Kolomna, Moscow oblast. This institution has been participating in developing of many different missile systems - ATGMs, SAMs, Iskander ballistic missiles etc. Result of attack in unknown, the local on video says about large "mashroom", which he hadn't time to film, but now a fire in the building, though nothing visible on the video. Also reportedly explosions were heard in Krasnogorsk and Strogino cities of Moscow oblast. - one of workshops of gunpowder factory in Kotovsk, Tambov oblast was exploded this night by unknown reason
  10. GUR updated information about yeterday strike on harbor in Chornomorske. Previously was claimed two pr.11700 small landing crafts were sunk, now after study of received video GUR made a statement these were small landing crafts pr.1176 and pr.11700. The first one allegedly has sunk very quiclky, the latter one some time left on surface, but also lay down on ground. On one of landing crafts BTR-82A was deployed, which cought fire and its ammo exploded inside. On the photo - comparison of superstructure details from the video and from the photo of pr. 1176 Russian divers conduct works of investigation of vessels conditions to lift them up. The harbor of Chornomorske is very shallow, so it will be easy, but all question is the level of damage, which can make repair works senseless, especially for old pr.1176 Here is satellite image aftermath of attack, not quite detailed Location of Chornomorske. This is northern part of Tarkhankut cape. Chornomoprske never hadn't special naval base, but in it harbor light vessels can be deployed if needed. Here is suitable short route for some elements of supplying of garrisons of sea shore of Kherson oblast from Zaliznyi Port to Skadovsk - delivering of repaired vehicles, limited replacing of personnel, food/ammo supply etc. Before the war BSF had two pr.1170 Serna-class (D-144, D-199) and one pr.1176 Akula-class/ NATO Ondatra-class (D-106) small landing crafts. All they based in Novorossiysk and were attached to 170th minesweeping divizion of 184th Novorossiysk coastal defense brigade. Likely for operational purpose they were moved to western shore of Crimea. First pr.1170 D-199 was sunk near Zmiinyi in May 2022, so now Russia lost last landing boats from BSF composition, if they din't send here the same vessels from Kaspian flotilia - they deployed some pr.1170 crafts before the war, but still unknown either they still in Black or Azov sea or moved back to Kaspian sea. Last known photo of D-106 pr.1176 for June 2023. This small landing craft has 24 m of length and can carry up to 50 tons of cargo (or 1 tank/two light trucks, or 20 men in full equipment) And here presumably last remained before 9th of November D-144 of pr.1170. She has 25.6 m of length, can carry the same 50 tons of cargo or one tank/two light armor/two light trucks, but unlike pr.1176 can take onboard up to 90 infantry. Last known photo of D-144, 22nd of September 2022
  11. UKR artillery or HIMARS has struck Russian supply convoy in Hladkivka village, 25 km south from Kherson, this is Hola Prystan' direction - relatively calm area, distant from Krynky. Russians got too much relax and... Claimed losses 8 trucks destroyed and damaged, up to 25 killed and up to 30 wounded. Judging on angry posts among Russian milbloggers, these losses can be close to the true.
  12. Training of Russian MiG-31K, Kinzhal carriers, with inflight refueling, caused probably longest air raid alarm in Ukraine, lasted 3,5 hours. During this time in one scholl bomb shelter in Kyiv %)
  13. As you know, during a week UKR forces have been striking some important targets in Russian rear: 1. UAV operators school of DNR forces in Donetsk. Russian milbloggers tell valuable equipment was lost, also losses among personnel (unknown how much, likely about dozen). One of most painful losses for DNRs - old very experienced sapper, veteran of Afganistan, who fought since 2014, separs called him "sapper genuius" 2. Strike on Russian HQ in Strilkove on Arabatska spit in Kherson oblast. By contraversal information VDV general Teplinskiy either was wounded or still intact. Now appeared first news about losses - UKR really hit HQ of "Dnepr" groupmemt, when lilely their operative planning department had a meeting From left to right: Colonel Vadim Dobriakov, operative duty - deputy of the chief of VDV Command control center Colonel Aleksei Kiblov - chief of department of fire missions planning of VDV HQ Colonel Aleksandr Galkin - operative duty - deputy of the chief of VDV Command control center Obviously killing of high-ranked palnning department officers and wounding of unknown number will affect control capabilities of Russian troops in Dnipro area. 3. Strike of 9th of November on Skadovsk, sea-town of Kherson oblast. A building was hit, where 126th military investigation department of Investigation Committee of Russian Federation and Rosgvardiya station was deployed. Russian TGs claimed 8-10-11 servicemen were killed (different sources), 10 wounded. In present time five bodies are recognized, three of five more still on recognizing. Among killed - acting chief of 126th miliatry investigation department Dmitriy Katsuba, two officers-interrogators, forwarder and driver. Among wounded also Dagestanian servicemen of Rosgvardiya and Miliatry Police 4. Except today's maritime drone attack on Chornomorske in Crimea, reportedly barracks of border guards and naval forces in this town were hit with missiles. No information about losses yet.
  14. Several days ago Russian Spetsnaz group ambushed and killed five soldiers of Territorial Defense unit in border area of Sumy oblast. NE borderland is bipartisan diversion raids, short mortar and sometime artilelry barrages etc.
  15. About these upgraded Lancets with LIDARs and over-target HEAT activation - here presumably the first documented video of it's attack on Bradley near Avdiivka. Looks like HEAT charge was reduced by ERA and didn't make serious damage to IFV, but situation is not good Also reportedly new footage has appeared with Lancets or their cheaper version Skalpel, equipped with thermal camera, allowing it night usage. Sanctions are working...
  16. Russian troops have some gains on Kupiansk sector on Pershotravneve - Pertropavlivske direction, but pay the high price - on eof their armored columnes was defeated by UKR 14th mech.brigade
  17. Bradley of 47th brigade shells Russians in tree-plant west from railroad near Stepove village. In recent days Russian troops could push back our troops here and seize tree-plant behind railways.
  18. Russian column in Maryinka area didn't live too much time...
  19. This is version of his wife. He opened a pack with gift, not a metal box. Anyway those, who gave to him this pack should be his familiar. I doubt, adjutant of Chief-in-Command would be take gifts from unknown man. I hope, gifter will be arrested soon. https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2023/11/6/7427515/
  20. By the last information it was assasination, not inproper handling. Major Hennadiy Chystiakov celebrated his birthday and brough to home a gift - metal box with alcohole and glasses, made as hand grenades - such sort of souvenirs very popular now in Ukraine and even on the West. When officer opened thу box it was exploded and killed him. His 13 y.o. son got heavy wounds. Zaluzhyi made a statement that this is heavy loss personally for him, because Hennadiy Chystiakov was more than adjutant, he was real assistant and support for him. Assasination of Chystiakov is obvious next step of Russian game, throwing inside of UKR society a thread of "withstanding between President's Administration and Zaluzhnyi". This message, alas joyfully was picked up by Poroshenko followers. His bot-farms and social media influencers already long time "keep gradus", developing new and new conspiracies, how "Zaluzhnyi foil plans of Yermak and Zelenskiy to give up Ukraine to Russia", so "ZeRmak" want to remove Zaluzhnyi. Already now in UKR social media started mass bot attack - one part blaims Zelenskiy in assasination, other part - Poroshenko. Divide and rule. Recent provocative deafitist articles in western media, interview of Zaluzhnyi to "Economist" and nervous reaction on this from Yermak's deputy and oponing of Zelenskiy to some of his statements, strange retirement of SOF chief, tense situation in Avdiivka, uncertainty about US support, fakes about elections in 2024 from Poroshenko folowers - all this siginficantly shake situation inside society, which by old Ukrianian tradition now can "search the traitors".
  21. Russian milblogger Romanov92 issued a screen how UKR PTS-2 amphibious carrier delivers some armor on UKR-held bridgehead on left bank of Dnipro
  22. One Russian TG claims bow part was hit and missile launcher inside superstructure taken out On 27th of November a ceremony of comissioning of this ship was planned. "Askold" had to be part of 41st missile ships and boats brigade and join her sistership "Cyclone", which already in service. Two more 22800 corvettes still under building in Kerch and two other in Feodosia
  23. Russian FAB-250 with UMPK gliding kit fell down and didn't explode. For yesterday Russians set new record 87 gliding bombs were launched on Kherson oblast. Alas, we havn't "antodot" for this weapon and command likely didn't wan't to risk, moving here Patriot battery. By the rumors there were two attempts to reinforce AD with some coplexes, presumably S-300, but they probably were hit I can't understand, why we have so small number of JDAMs and why we to this time didn't produce these gliding kits for our dumb bombs. As far as long before the war some our developers offered similar system, but it didn't interest MoD.
  24. Number of Wagner troops around the world. Our SOF will have a lot of work even after the war
  25. Video of "Askold" is being hit with three missiles
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