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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Mashovets is retired military, he is member of UKR OSINT group "Information resistanse", established in 2014. Partially he gets informatin for own articles from westren OSINTers, but I think their group has some communicatins with UKR intelligence and their informators.
  2. One more Russian armored assaults of 10th of October on northern flank of Avdiivka in Krasnohorivka area. Video of UAV unit "Lehit" of 3rd battalion of 129th TD brigade of Kryvyi Rih city. On 2:18 wounded Russian soldier falls down from BTR and through several seconds other retreating BTR runs over him
  3. Russian middle class is mostly completely indifferent. They prefer to "relocate" than to do something in Russia.
  4. First satellite images of "Askold" misisile corvette before and after strike have appeared. Decpite Russian TG claimed about 2-3 hits of SCALP missiles at the ship, she didn't look enough damaged, but maybe more quality images will come soon or photos from the ground. Image of 31st of October And 5th of October
  5. Russians issued a video of strike on Zarichne village were award сeremony of 128th and partially 65th brigades had to be. All, what could be violated was violated: - mass gathering in the village, close to frontline - no security mesures - among settlers could be Russian informators - soldiers parked own pick-ups directly near the place of ceremony - no AD cover, Russian drone was circling free around, spotting the best moment for strike. Some sources claims this was not Kh-59m but Iskander-M or Iskander-K As result 28 killed, 53 wounded. Among killed - one of best and experienced artilleriman of AFU captain Dmytro Myliutyn, who fought since 2014 and passed Debaltseve. This episode could be remained "unseen" like many others, like a strike of Tornado-G at 77th air-assualt brigade during their alignment in close rear of Bakhmut about two months ago. But several soldiers, who "dare" to take it to the public and spreading this information by known volunteers, forced authrities to move their as....s. Minister of Defense Umerov ordered to establish a commitee to investigate this incident and president Zelenskiy today made a statement that "Sovietism" and stupid soviet bureacracy in army have to be eliminated. It's too bad nobody knows how to do this if as soldiers say among 30-year old officers and even younger alot of idiots with Soviet-style command and "old good traditions" how to fu....k personnel.
  6. Recent huge flash in the Sun caused Aurora Borealis in southern latitudes, so it can be seen in Ukriane too even in Odesa oblast. Red evening sky caused many jokes about Russians used nuke %) Soldiers pose on background of such rare phenomena (though this is second Northern Light in this year in Ukraine - first was in spring)
  7. Some more videos of firework in Sedovo. Russian TG also claimed except ammo dump, repair base, were helicopters also stood was hit.
  8. In 2022 Kherson operation also was widely announced - this was most expected by Ukrainians. I think, Zaporizhzhia front operation was also mostly expected both by Ukrainians and Russians, so it's wasn't any secret about direction of our strike. All questions to our General Staff why they choose more expected way through Tokmak and Melitopol, where Russians prepared most heavy defense. Maybe after the war we will know more about foiled winter offensive, unill Russians dug up own "Surovikin line", when we expected weapon and personnel training, but received lot of discussions instead. And why allies adviced "to delay with offensive", but in May, when Russians already bult own fiortifications they became to advice "to hurry up with offensive" Also I hope, after the war we will receive an answer, why in Autumn of 2022 we conducted offensive on Kherson instead to strike on Tokmak - Melitopol, which automatically could put Russians on right bank of Dnipro and in Kherson on the edge of cutting of supply.
  9. Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) now operates on northern flank of Avdiivka Interesting, albeit this captive belongs to 114th motor-rifle brigade of DPR, he is from Russia (Kalmyk ethnicity by his name) and was a sergeant of 4th company of 2nd batatlion of this brigade. Also judging on his story he was captured by RDK fighters, when they assaulted DPR positions in slageheap area. Recently there was information UKR troops returned back several positins in that area, likely this is confirmation.
  10. Russian TGs confirm small missile corvette "Askold" was hit by Storm Shadow strike in Kerch. Allegedly two missiles hit the ship. Level of damage is unknown. "Askold" is representative of newest pr.22800 Karakurt-class corvettes. Series of 16 ships are under building or in service. 6 of them are building in Kerch and Feodosia for Black Sea fleet. One of them - "Cyclone" already in service and "Askold" was under test (but already was involved in patrol missions) and had to be comissioned in this year pr. 22800 are carriers of 8 Kalibr-NK missiles. "Askold" on the photo
  11. Dnipro city is under heavy ballistic missiles strike. Reportedly six explosions (unknown AD work or impacts), missiels were launched from Dzhankoy, Crimea. Likely ballistic missiles Iskander-M or cruise missiles Iskander-K.
  12. UKR has struck "Zaliv" shipyard and docks in Kerch likely with Storm Shadow/SCALP. Despite official information that Russian AD shot down all 12 or 18 missiles (as claimed launched from 2-4 Su-24 !!!!!) and only some fragments fell on shipyard territory, causing "small fire". Locals write they have seen four missiles headig to shipyard (see lower video - good sound of AD work or impacts). Here is a video, that shows something "not small" burns there. There are rumors this is one of missile four small misile corvettes pr.22800 Karakurt-class, which building there. By other information small missiles corvette "Askold" (of the same project), which now under tests and in limited service was hit.
  13. It's crazy, but Ukraine hasn't military justice or wartime military tribunals. All they were canceled by Yanukovich's directive in 2010. And for all this time nothing were turned back. Even establised Military Public Order Service is not equal to Military Police by own functions. So, there were and still to be many incidents, when civilian prosecutors and courts conduct cases of militaries from point of view of civilian administartive or criminal code, which not always can be applied to situations in combat zone.
  14. Damned Soviet army sh....t still to kill personnel. In honor of Artillery and missile troops Day command of 128th mountain-assault and 65th mech.brigade gathered personnel of these brigades - about 100 men for solemnly awarding reportedly in Zarichne village of Zaporizhzhia oblast. This is about 25 km from frontline. Reportedly Russian Kh-59 missile hit gathering of many people. It's unknown - either they were spotted by UAV or ELINT asset by multiple cell phones signal in one place, or some traitor from locals gave information. As result of strike 18KIA, 20 WIA (including three civilians) High-rank and mid-rank officers still roughly violate an order of General Staff about debarment of personnel gathering in one place more than platoon size. In their heads Soviet-style rules and "traditions" of "service" with endless alignments, cheking of "journal of journals accounting" still more important than reality of war, good sense and effectiveness. More worse, according to the General Staff order, soldiers and officers if they understand that higher command orders about non-combat purpose mass meeteings, which can threat their lives, these orders can and have to be contested. But this is only on paper. In real Soviet tradition "I'm chief - you are foul" still alive. And lower officers and soldiers often afraid to contradict such orders. Beacuse they are in full power of higher officer and can be punished. All "hot lines" of MoD, which should to prevent this rarely work indeed. Because after such call higher command gave an order to make investigation.. by officers of the same brigade from where they got a complaint. Guess who will be fu..d after "investigation"? By current laws officer can punish own subordinates, who reject to execute his orders. But no any responsibility for officers, whoes stupid decisions lead to death of dozen soldiers. This is maybe highest problem of UKR army, inherited from Soviet army system - absence of repect to subordinaties, considering them as supplies. And really many people in Ukraine now scare to be mobilized in first order because of such Soviet attitude from commanders.
  15. UKR troops in Krynky, left bank of Dnipro And how they reach left bank. Small river, which soldiers crossed is Konka. Meanwhile UKR troops on left bank have strong support not only with artillery, but also FPV drones of "Magyar birds". Here they destroyed three BTR-82A Geoconfirmed Russian vehicles, destroyed on left bank in recent days
  16. One of version I've read today - Russians are moving S-400 complex vehicles to substitute taken out ones after ATACAMS strike near Luhansk about week ago.
  17. Some news from Zaporizhzia front. It's claimed TOS-1A was destroyed. I can't confirm is this new video or not, but explosion and shockwave is epic. Russian 1st battalion "Atal" of 1251st MRR of Territorial Troops was struck on the move in Zaporizhzhia oblast yesterday. Initial number was 120 men killed and wounded, today first lists have appeared, containing 19 KIA and 40 WIA. Likely this is not all, because soldiers on video say many of people burned or were teared apart, so they can be MIA. Russian EW asset Krasukha-4M was hit on Zaporizhzhia direction. This system can affect aviation/UAV/satellite radars on the range 300 km as well as control channels of UAVs In last 2-3 days UKR forces had siginficant success (in copmparison with past month), pishing back Russian troops west from Robotyne (blue zones on the map below). Reportedly Russian 108th air-assault regiment couldn't stand more and rtreated from positions toward Kopani. Some sources pointed out small advance of UKR troops toward Myrne village, in bypass of heavy fortified positions around Nesterianka (not marked on DeepState map)
  18. First three likely cought mines. Last one likely got ATGM or the shell.
  19. Avdiivka. Russians since yesterday renewed assaults, but in this time its less mass and intensive. Instead total onrush they are attacking like in Bakhmut - with small infantry or mixed infantry/armored groups, but continuosly. Also they still regrouping own forces. Our troops reported that Russian aviation and artillery work more intensive, than infantry. Though, in the mid of day messages have apperared on one sectiion of northern flank, Russians after series of endless small zerg-rushes managed to push through of our defense on railroad and now they try to expand own success, sending more troops there to breakthrough to Stepove and Berdychi. UKR forces try fight them back. Result of today's fighting there still unknoewn. Here is probably yesterday Russian armored attack on northern flank with four BTR-82A on positions of 1st tank brigade. All APCs were destroyed. Likely 15th MRBr again In Donetsk yesterday evening Russian fuel echelone was struck by MLRS on railroad station Mushketovo. This can reduce maneuver capability of Russian vehicles.
  20. If this happen, this is not short-time perspective. I think close objective will be expanding of bridgheads in depth and joining them between each other. Russian on Lost Armor discuss that likely no need to eliminate UKR bridgeheads, because they don't threaten really and even can be used with profit, attracting here UKR troops for grindering.
  21. Elimination of Russian assault group somewhere on Bakhmut direction. Video of National Police assault brigade "Liut' " (eng. Rage) Reportedly Russians now move additional reinfrcements there and again activated own counter-attacks. Russian milblogger сomplains, most of these attacks now conduct by Shtorm/Shtorm Z units, but without proper artillery support, so often these groups even can't approach to UKR positions for skirmish fight. He told the level of irrecoverable losses in Shtorm Z companies can be 40-70 % after each attack. Main reason - poor training and total dominance of UKR artilelry and mortars, which don't allow to evacuate wounded, which raise number of KIA. By the same reason more equipped and motivated "Shtorm" units also didn't have success. I can add, in last time not only convicts go to Shtorm Z. Many Russian soldiers reject to go in fight and as a punishment commanders transfer them to Shtorm Z units, which more and more turn similar to penalty units of Red Army of WWII. Main reason of refusals is moral exhausting of soldiers, who several months live in dirty trenches with short-time rest in close rear without vacations to home. Many of them hadn't vacations through 9 months. Russian milblogger told one of reason of Avdiivka fail is moral exhausting of infantry - many of them had a hope about vacations, but instead got an order to prepare for assaults. This heavily struck their moral, so there were episodes, when in first days of offensive some units just rejected to go forward despite UKR positions were destroyed by artillery and bombs and it's left onlly seize them almost withoit fight.
  22. Now turn to Kherson direction More messages that Krynky village now under full UKR control, but this is unverified yet and likely are rumors. Though even to OSINT data UKR troops expanded own bridgheads: Here is Krynky control expanding ... And here is bridgehead expanding near railway bridge in area of Pishchanivka Russians despite all their bravura claims they will clear left bank soon also recognize UKR troops presense in central part of Krynky. Russians say it's became betetr with ammunition for artillery on Kherson direction and they have a hope for proper command of new-appointed Teplinskiy, but in other TG Russians discuss about problems with elimination of UKR bridgehead: Our aviation - if they hit target with one of 10 bombs - that is good enough, but mostly they plow fields with bombs. Our artillery also 1 to 8-9. And after artillery hit at last tarhet with one shell, they stop fire. They have ammo limit of 13 shells for a day, maximum 18. From these shells 8 in fields somewhere near the target, if one at last hit tree-plant, our infantry apploud. So, comrads this is piztets, full pizdets. For one our Mavic they have full platoon of own Mavics. We hadn't Mavics with thermals, but they have. We have [in army] cheap FPV drones for 30000 Ru (approx. 320$), but they can lift a pack of cigarettes [I think they exaggregate] and we haven't [in our units here] even them, so we buy working variants for 70-80000 RU [from volunteers]. Our generals thought kamikadze drones for 30000 Ru will be effective. Lough. When this blyadstvo will end in our MoD?
  23. The weather on Avdiivka direction became better since yesterday. During last two days were mostly clashes in railroad area near coke plant. Russians also pushed off UKR troops from quarry near Vodiane on southern flank From both sides soldiers write that this is calm before next storm. Russians are finishing deployment of own main forces - units of 21st, 15th, 55th MRBrs, elements of 20th, 150th motor-rifle divisions and 90th tank division. According to Mashovets, Russian command very cleverly masked own intentions about moving reserves from Lyman and Kupiansk (more precisely Borova section) to Avdiivka. They have been replenishing units of 2nd and 41th CAAs in close rear on Lyman direction, spreading misinformation about withdrawing them to rest, substituting them on 25th CAA. Instead this Russian forces had to be moved to Avdiivka in the moment of offensive start. To this time only part of 21st MRBr was deployed there. By the plan, DPR forces had to desorganize UKR defense, demine approaches and capture areas suitable for "finishing punch" from the second echelone of regular Russian troops, which had to close encirclement in Orlivka village area by strikes from north and south. But their plan failed already in first phase, so Russians partially achived own goals, mostly on the north only after second phase, which likely had to finish encirclement. Now they will try this in third time. In this post DPR milblogegr and participant of assaults blames in the fail of first phase of operation inconsistency of units, invlved in attack plan. His 114th brigade (former 11th regiment "Vostok") did all in time, but neigbours on flanks and second echelone either delayed with attacks or even didn't attack at all. As result a plan to overload UKR artillery with number of moving columns failed and UKR arty (and FPV I must add) got opportunity to deal with reduced number of columns one by one. Here is "anti-rating of Russian forces involved on Donbas for October". I don't know source of this information and how it reliable, but let it be Upper left - KIA Lower left - WIA Upper right - vehicles losses Lower right - overall anti-rating You can see - "champions" here are units, involved near Avdiivka It's claimed 114th MRBr of DPR llost about 200 KIA/160 WIA as well as about 30 vehicles. In vehilces losses a champion is 15th MRBr of 2nd CAA - about 35, and the same brigade lost about 140 KIA and 120 WIA Top rates here hold also 21st MRBr and 1st MRBr of DPR also involved near Avdiivka
  24. SBU "Alfa" Special force destroyed TOS-1A on Avdiivka direction (more precisely on northern flank, near Novoselivka Druha village, in rear of Krasnohorivka) This is second TOS-1A destroyed here. Became knowingly, 10th CBRN regimnent of 41st CAA was deployed here. First destroyed TOS-1A belonged the them. Likely this one too. CBRN regiment has three TOS-1A in heavy flamethrowers company.
  25. Video of 3rd assault brigade squad, holding own position under intensive mortar fire - several shells hit almost on breastwork of the trench. Soldiers fire at recon Mavic and say this was second shot down drone. Then FPV attacks them, but missed. Soldiers fire at some invisible target in the trees and one cries "Look out FPV!". At the end M113 has arrived to change them on position with other squad
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