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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Damn ! I have spent a hour in Photoshop for making infographic collage for you and "Haiduk was right" Oh, well, here it...
  2. Instead to measure "degrees", you can watch all on wikimapia - http://wikimapia.org/#lang=uk&lat=48.061896&lon=37.787816&z=19&m=b&show=/26756514/uk/вул-Листопрокатників-10&search=Листопрокатчиков 10 Just click on house and you see the photos. This is THAT house. Behind it on my first photo you can see purple 9 storey building. This is Lystoprokatnykiv str. 3a. also click on building on Wikimapia and see it photo. This is obviosly that house: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=uk&lat=48.061896&lon=37.787816&z=19&m=b&show=/25827600/uk/вул-Листопрокатників-3а&search=Листопрокатчиков 10 Also compare gas pipes on photo and on wikimapia - its seen quite good. Ah, what is this ? Oh, nothing intrerest, just usual T-72B in Makiivka. This is just taxi for coalminers.
  3. T-REX and Azovets projects, alas, already dead. Or almost dead. A conflict between regiment "Azov" and design buerau "Azov" have happened. Dirt story. Now DB changed name on "Arey". But now they don't have any facilities for own works. Now other heavy IFV on base of BM Oplot introduced, but this is next utopia.
  4. @John Kettler And about yesterday shellings of Donetsk. Looks like, that not only UKR artillery shelled northern outskirts... Just one example. Direction of incoming shell, which hit building - E NE and is situates on line which cross through slageheaps between Donetsk and Makiivka, Yakovlivka, Mineralne, Yasynuvata. You will find its on Wikimapia, for example Hryhorivka ettles - locals are writing in twitters that this is traditional place of separatists artillery. This building is Lystoprokatnykiv str.10. Every can to investigate this impact http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=48.062345&lon=37.787907&z=19&m=b&search=Листопрокатчиков 10
  5. So if enemy tanks or artillery shelled our positions, we must anyway to depict "pigeons of peace" ? Enaugh Debaltsevo, where Russians have violated truce since 6 hours. Minsk is just opportunity to relative calm for us, we using this time for army improvement, "crawling offensive" and expecting - either Russia under sanction pressure will go out from Donbas or Croatian scenario. We don't want Donbas as Russian protectorate in our country. All politics, exept pro-Russians, understand, that if they will pass a law about "special status of Donbas", they will have new revolution. 3500 deaths of our soldiers for legitimization of "Russian world" on our territory ? Never.
  6. Ok, guys, since now hevay artillery and MLRS is working almost on all front except Luhansk sector and there is no large atatcks, just position skirmishes and artillery exchenges, I meanwhile stopping updates. When somethig important will happen, I will post here. For 2nd Feb we have 4 KIA 19 WIA on whole frontline. Among them in Avdiivka area - 2 KIA 7 WIA. Need to say about yesterday incident on Svitlodarsk bulge - separs knoked out by ATGM medic car marked with Red Cross, which drove to positions for injured soldier evacuation. Medic of 54th brigade Natalia Khoruzha got killed, driver was heavy wounded.
  7. This is Vorobyova street, house 15. You can read in Wikimapia - these houses have been abandoned by citizens because of it faced to frontline and, thus located in danger zone: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=uk&lat=48.129635&lon=37.756641&z=16&m=b&show=/22803059/ru/ул-Воробьёва-15. Yes, this house uses as observation post, sniper point and frontline position. Possibly some troops accomodates there. I don't understand cries of Russian media "Ukrainin tanks have come to Avdiivka !!!" Its always was there. Avdiivka is frontline city, all looks quite logical. Is there no armor in Donetsk ? Also I don't understand why our MoD started to justify itself. Damn ! Enemy is moving armor to Yasynuvata and Spartak, in 2600 m from this house is continuing fight for position, we expecting enemy assault with armor and have to justify why our tanks stay in reserve in Avdiivka ? OMG. Here the photos from Ukrainain side
  8. No, temperature only on one day have dropped to +10, but with switching on reserve scheme of cocko-chemical plant working, the heating became turning back to buildings. Now middle temperature is +15...18 inside. Though, as I have already said most of Avdiivka is individual houses with oven or gas heating.
  9. No any Tochka-U didn't income on the city, do not write delirium. Detonation of ammunition happened and was big explosion Holy s... ! One man have told me ATO HQ really sanctioned heavy fire on enemy bases, stores and possible firing positions inside Donetsk and Makiivka. I hope, citizens have time to cover in cellars. Now such looks northern part of Donetsk (red circles - zone of shellings). In that place enemy batteries have own positions on slagehips.
  10. Yes. T-84 and BM Oplot are different tanks. BM Oplot is deeply improved T-84. Now all BM Oplots are building for Thailand in number less of 10 tanks per year. Malyshev's tank factory have old machine-tools and tecnilogies and lack of state funding, so we can't produce Oplots in enough quantity. Also cost of one Oplot for Ukrainina army is equal to cost of 20-30 stored T-64BV repair or 10 T-64 modrnization. In oor comditions better to have a company of old tanks, then 1 Oplot. On 2017 state as if gave the money for 10 Oplots building for Ukraine, but this we were hearing every year since 2009... Really we have 6 T-84, which in this year was repaired and partially upgraded and directed in army, but I don't know in which brigade. 4 tanks were sold to USA many years ago.
  11. There is no any direct attacks today, only low intensity artillery/mortar/MLRS exchenges, but to the evening according to twitters of citizens and servicemen real armageddon have started. Looks like Ukrainain artillery have received permission to suppress enemy batteries in the cities Donetsk, Makiivka and Yasynuvata. In previous days happened only single impacts on northern districts of Donetsk, but now dozens of shells is falling from the sky. Two hours ago huge explosion have stressed Donetsk - in some buildings windows were knocked out and repercussion of shockwawe felt itself even in Dokuchayevsk town in 30 km. Locals say this was possibly detonation of huge ammunition store on territory of former military unit of Internal troops. Also to nort form military unity on territory of motel's parking is situates enemy armor and other vehicles base. Cause of explosion unclear. Here the place of detonation (writing in yellow: directorate of territorial command "East" (m/u 2240) of National Guard of Ukraine /really Internal troops on spring of 2014/) - this is almost central part of the city. Separs now very angry and have raised intensity of own artillery/MLRS. Reportedly tanks and light armor now driving from Donetsk and Makiivka to Avdiivka direction. Now enemy heavy shelling Avdiivka - 20 minutes ago two Grad missiles hit humanitarian aid camp, where citizens could receive hot meal and get warm. To this time knowingly about two killed serviceman of State Emergency Service - a rocket directly hit their vehicle. For this day (to 18-00) 52 damaged houses in Avdiivka, 1 civilian killed, 8 wounded. Our losses in Avdiivka for 1 Feb 2 KIA, 14 WIA (company commander of 72nd brigade killed on "promka" and soldier of 80th air-assault brigade was killed in Tonen'ke village some westward from Avdiivka). Intelligense again didn't isuue report about enemy losses.
  12. After today's morning attacks, in 10-30 a truce mode at last has been established. Especially was a silence, when in Avdiivka arrived pro-Russian politics of "Opposition bloc" - on eve the member of this party Nestor Shufrich was telling on Russian TV show that Ukrainian troops shelled Avdiivka and Poroshenko is initiator of escalation. I really don't undestand this strange tolerance from side of authorities to this political force, especially in conditions of war... Sides agreed about truce up to 17-00, but as "Opposition bloc" men have went away, shellings were renewed, though with small intensity. Repair team which walked to hi-voltage pile to recover broken wires turned out under fire and couldn't complete own work again. After 16-00 shellings intensity were rising. For this day we have in Avdiivka area 2 KIA and 6 WIA on 18-00. Also 25 artillery and 2 Grad shells hit different areas of Avdiivka, 5 houses comletely destroyed, 4 heavy damaged, 1 civilian killed, 1 heavy wounded. Preliminary enemy losses in morning attacks 6 KIA 12 WIA, also further separatists source wrote about 120 mm shell hit DNR checkpoint on Yasynuvata fork - 2KIA and 2 WIA. But there is no complete report. Enemy long-range artillery is periodically shelling close rear - Krasnohorivka town and Tonen'ke village. Also this artillery conduct harrassing fire on the road Krasnohorivka - Avdiivka. This is alarming sign, because this shortest way to Avdiivka from the north and main supply traffic realized exactly by this road. There is no intelligence report about enemy losses for 31.01. Our losses in thay day in Avdiivka area 15 WIA. Also one killed in close rear of Avdiivka in Tonen'ke
  13. Since the night enemy four time was attacking own lost position "Almaz" with forces in 30-40 men, all attacks were repelled. Between attacks positions shelled with full spectre of heavy weapon - from mortars to "Grads" (5-10 rockets in salvo). Sniper group of 3rd special force regiment with western rifles is supporting. Probably yesterday exactly they have destroyed Russian sniper from Ulyanovsk - Alexandr Cheberov (callsign Skif) - on photo below. Alas, I have no time to translate the post from some Russian social network about this. For 31.01 we have 1 KIA and 18 WIA, but this information for whole frontline, not only for Avdiivka.
  14. Epicenter of fighting is about 3 km by front (and "promka" itself about 1,5 km). About two+ companies from both sides and mass of artillery back. Where did Strelkov see "Debaltsevo scale" ?
  15. 1. I have renewed video of Grad salvos from Donetsk residental areas. 2. This topic was created by Kinophile, I think, only with purpose to know more about features of warfare of Ukrainian side for its reflection in CMBS scenarios. Not for political discussions. So, I will ignore any politic posts and lament about "crucified boys", "nazis battalions, exterminating women, oldsters and children", "cookies of Nuland on Maidan" and other marasmus. 3. Back to frontline. Update for 30.01 Detachment of 79th air-assault brigade (I think, company-size) have arrived on "promka". For that day we have 2 KIA (1 of 72nd brigade, 1 of 79th air-assault) and 20 WIA there. Intelligence reports about 10 KIA and 25 WIA from enemy side. 31.01 @John KettlerFortunately, enemy MLRS crews have bad training or they have an order just make panic in Avdiivka - most of Grad rockets hit wastelands sout-west and south-east from the city, though several rockets hit old Avdiivka part, damaged several individual houses (no direct hits) and also damaged an uninhabited building on territory of city hospital in south-west part. Also territory of hospital was shelled by 2B9 mortar. Three shells have impacted in the hospital's yard. Last cassete of Grad hit northern wasteland bihind of Avdiivka coko-chemical plant, but one rocket hit multi-storey building. Reportedly all of these impzcts have caused to several people were wounded. There is no electricity and very bad cell/CDMA communication level in Avdiivka now, so almost no any photos from local twiter users. Enemy also threw reinforcement in the battle - a company of assault "Somali" battalion. About 8-00 of morning enemy have requested a truce, but used in for regrouping and approx in 9-00 troopers of "Somali" have attacked our positions. During the hour+ fighting, enemy lost 2 KIA (among them company commander "Consul") and retreated. Some later enemy D-30 howitzers hit with friendly fire own position on market "Hospodar" near Yasynuvata fork. In 10-30 Russian side as if have sent guarantee letter that DNR forces will cease fire to 17-00 in order to repair teams can start works on electricity network. But separs were continuing fire, only in 12-00 a truce took effect. But it was continuing only a hour. Since 13-00 enemy throug each 30-50 minutes was launching per 10 "Grad" rockets from Donetsk and Makiivka in direction of Avdiivka. Because of this repar works wasn't conducted in full volume. Our artillery in the morning also shelled enemy positions and rarely fired on Spartak and Putilovka groove area in northern outskirt of Donetsk. And yes, some shells also hit in residental areas. Looks like during such impact was slightly wounded "Givi" - commander of "Somali" battalion. During this two days our troops also have crossed E50 hightway and approached to Spartak- norther gate of Donetsk. Reportedly enemy fortifications on Yasynuvata fork are badly damaged by artillery and enemy troops have moved under estacade. Also enemy placed tank company in Spartak - tanks are shelling Butivka mine and Opytne. Also reportedly tank company have arrived in Yasynuvata. On the map current positions of sides: I translating some slavic writings - "промзона" - Avdiivka industrial zone also known as "promka", "ДФС" - Donetsk water filtering station, "OП" - strongpoint, OП "Алмаз" - strongpoint "Almaz", "ЯБП" - "Yasynuvata checkpoint" - heavy fortified position @kinophile this is just arrows, for why its so much need ask at author ) 4. Next hot point of this days - Mariupol sector. Enemy is intensively shelling Shyrokyne-Lebedynske area. Our marines were trying to capture height 73 in order to come in Kominternove, but both probes were repelled by enemy. Reportedly we have several wounded and one damaged light armor (enemy say about 27 KIA, but this is pure delirium - all UAnet would know about such losses during hour after this %) ) On the map with red circle marked height 37 ("Derzkaya", eng."daring"). Kominternove (after liberation will be name Pikuzy) situates in 3 km to the north from this height.
  16. In this night enemy have launched 160 "Grad" rockets on Avdiivka. Also artillery are shelling the city. There are reports about houses destructions and damages, but number of victims still unclear. Avdiivka is mostly built up by individual houses. Military-civil administration of Donetsk region is preparing to evacuation of civilians - in first order about 8000 from southern part of city. Now in Avdiivla still about 25000 of population. On video enemy Grad firing on Avdiivka direction from residental area of Donetsk. Of course, we can't fire back. And at last became knowingly where our troops have seized enemy positions. There are "Almaz" and "Almaz-2" some SW from "promka"
  17. 1V14/15 ACRV now is using mostly as armored carrier for artillery recon groups, but not by own direct purpose. Almost all its equipment now substituted by PDAs, merged in network and portable laser range finder. Only PAB-2 artillery compass from old equipment still in use. So, on battlefieild spotters are moving by foot or on armor of that unit, which their batery supports. Sometime they are using specially equipped Humvees or civil jeeps.
  18. This is Zurab Chikhelidze, commander of "Georgian legion" platoon. They are part of 25th motorized battalion of 54th mech.brigade. Platoon consists of Georgian volunteers, mostly former servicemen, which participated in war with Russia in 2008 and now want to revenge. I don't know what his rank in Ukrainain army, but in Georgian army he was a captain.
  19. Too cold in Donbas in that days... -22 C at the night and 10..12 at the day. Some additional information about yesterday's battle. Total lenghth of fighting was 19 hours from 4-30 of the morning, when artillery and mortar shelling have began. Except Avdiivka industrial zone (slang name "promka") enemy have conducted false attacks on our positions between Kamyanka and Kruta Balka villages near Donetsk water filtering station - DFS (4 km NE from "promka") approx. in 6-00 and on Butivka coal mine (3 km SW from "promka") in 13-00. In assault actions on "promka" enemy was using about tank platoon or less, but only for distant direct fire support. During our counter attacks we seized two enemy positions, but not clear where (there is some information that first near DFS or 1st pound and second in vineyards in cottadge settlement south from "promka"). Our artillery hit enemy fortified position on Yasynuvata fork. Our yesterday's losses 4 KIA and 13 WIA. Three of them were killed by one 120 mm mortar shell. Alas among them got killed talented young officer Andriy Kyzylo, in own 23 years he already was a captain and deputy of battalion commander. In 2014 in his 20 he has graduated National Ground forces academy and went on front as lieutenent. Since year he already was awarded as best comapny commander in Mariupol sector. Here his last photo on position several days ago... Intelligence have reported that yesterday's enemy losses 15 KIA, 24 WIA, one captured - he is local from Makiivka, was ATGM operator. Ineed our troops captured three separs, but two of them were badly wounded and have died. Today actions. 30.01. From early morning enemy was continuing artillery, mortar and tank shelling of our positions, Especially heavy strikes were on vineyards. Our troops even were forced to abandon own forward position there, but enemy also didn't risk to advance and seize its. After enemy fire became more calm our troops turned back. Shelling conducted up to 10-30 of morning and then after 12-00 renewed. But in this time enemy heavy shelled mostly our close rear - possibly want to hit artillery positions and reserves. 152 mm Giztsynt-B guns was spotted. As result, electrical supply of Avdiivka coke-chemical plant - an industrial giant, which maintains heating for Avdiivka was broken. The city with 35 000 of population (before war) remain without light and heating in -20 frosts. Also enemy shell hit water filtering station. Director of it assumed a decision to stop work of DFS. Now nearby villages, settlements, Avdiivka and partially Donetsk and Makiivka remained also witout water. Our artillery heavy shelled Putilovka - northern outskirt of Donetsk, traditional place of enemy artillery and troops. Also again was hit enemy fortifications on Yasynuvata fork. For this day up to 18-00 our losses is 3 KIA, 17 WIA (but this is on all frontline, up to 12-00 in Avdiivka sector was known about 2 KIA and 5 WIA) Finally, screen of post of "Ol'khon" - well known in DNR Russian volunteer, commandr of recon unit in Debaltsevo operation in 2015. Special for DMS in order to solve a question "who attacked first". Though for me is not important. If an enemy invade, he must be expelled out in any ways. Translate: About situation in Avdiivka area and in "promka" area. The situation is expected and quite ordinary. An attempt to show by servicemen of 11th separate motor-rifle regiment (always smiled to use anyway a word "separate" in LDNR army), how they are have trained on the range tactical action "battalion in offensive" and how they can execute this action indeed in conditions of real battle, - so, this attempt was initially doomed to failure. There are many cases, but I say about one main - complete absence of real combat readyness of 3rd battalion of 11 regiment.
  20. Looks like FB and twitter again overestimated scale of figting. Our General staff says the enemy have attacked on two directions with two reinforced platoons and heavy infantry weapon support (some reports about few armor from both sides), though artillery fire was really very intensive. There are several impacts in old part of Avdiiivka, several indiviadual houses destroyed or damaged, two civilians wounded. Also from our side several shells hit outskirts of Donetsk. Locals say in social networks, some DNR artillery works from positions near with residential areas in Donetsk and Makiivka. Enemy losses still exactly unknown. I have seen 2 KIA 13 WIA, 8 KIA 24 WIA, 9 KIA 23 WIA (last one from capitan of 72nd brigade which is defending that area). I think, results of battle will be more clear in next several days.
  21. Next enemy attack was in 13-45. Repelled. Further were position skirmishes and low intensity artillery/mortar duels. To this time our losses 4 KIA 5 WIA.
  22. Сегодня утром он лично повел подкрепление на уничтожаемую позицию. Today's morning he personally has led reinforcement on position, which was been destroyed. Yes, this is just not lost, but position under our fire control - I don't think this is real escalation. Just another local operation like Maryinka in 2015 or Svitlodarsk bulge in December 2016 Next hot point today - near Kominternove on Mariupol direction our trops is attacking enemy position height 73 ("Derzkiy"). But no any information yet
  23. So "unsuccessful", that Khodakovskyi says about lost positions %) In 5-50 of morning enemy have opened intensive artillery and mortar fire on our positions in Avdiivka industrial zone area and Donetsk water filtering station (DFS) some eastern. In 7-00 enemy troops have conducted attempt of large scale assault by forces of 3rd battalion of 11th motorized regiment "Vostok". During several hours of clashes enemy have retreated, our troops counter attacked in area of 1st pound of DFS and either heavy shelled or seized enemy positions there. Separatists threw in the battle reserve, which have led 1st battalion commander with callsign "Greek", one of fundators of "Vostok" battalion in 2014. In the battle "Greek" was killed. Battle now is continuing. Avdiivka remained without electricity. From our size 3 lost (1 KIA, 2 died from heavy wounds) 1 WIA. No exactly information about enemy losses, just Khodakovskyi, former commander of 11th regiment say about known 11 WIA and killed battalion commander. On photo UAV shot of lost separs positions (position "Almaz") by words of Khodakovskyi ... and location on map (Avdiivka industyrial zone in west direction throug the road). Blue arrows - possible directions of UKR advance.
  24. This was true for 2014-2015. Now each brigade has own sector of front. Of course brigade represented with 1-2 battalions and support, not in full strenghth. Rest are on rotations. There is no such situation like in 2014, when one battalion in sector A, second - in sector M, third - divided with volunterrs battalions.
  25. No. This is just a consequences of chose strategy. We can't now to offense with large forces, because there is a risk of large-scale Russian response like in 2014. All "small step" operations are conducting on relatively small front and as a rule in vicinity of one nearby strongpoint area. So in action can be involved also neighbour troops as fire supoprt or strenghthening. In battle for "Kikimora" only 54th brigade participated (less of two companies of two battalions, which hold positions there). Toitske-Popasna is a place, where Svitlodarsk bulge ends and other other zone of responsibility with other units begins. So, naturally that many units (platoons) from different brigades turned out invloved. But main work anyway have made "Georgian legion" of 25th motorized battalion. Other were as support only. Joint operations of several battalions from several brigades or whole brigade are successfully training on maneuvers.
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