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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Black Sea is limited to 2017, so, alas no. But some new toys you will get 100 % Canadian plane delivered rifles, machine-guns, night vision devices, surveillance devices
  2. Estonia delivered new party of Javelins. Reportedly this Baltic country decided to give us 1/3 of their Javelin stockpile. You can open new topic for this Let here will be only about new toys for Ukrainian army. If in short, all what is going on last two days on Donbas is a new act of Putin's show "to force Ukraine to direct negotiations with "republics" with backgroud repeated demands to USA&NATO about "withdrawal to 1997 lines and security guarantees". We keep calm as tough as possible, But probably this is not apogee. Putin likes symbolic datas. Let's see 20th Feb (Maidan victory, Crimea operation) and 23th Feb (Soviet army day).
  3. But back to topic, here is amount of military aid for Ukraine from Western countries as of today:
  4. I doubt we can access to all information, which these planes are gathering. US, of course shares some information, but didn't give all picture. Maybe like that I'm in Kyiv and here enough quet. No panic, no assaults of supermarkets, no hordes of people in airports. Though oligarchs and many large businessmen flew away by private jets several days ago. Many western journalists came to Ukraine, especially to OOS zone on eve of "doomsday", but they are dissappointed and bored. They had to film reportages about scary, panic, empty stores, troops movement and pathos patriotic speeches of UKR troopers, which wiould go soon to their last stand. But... nothing of that. 7 years of war... People acustomed to such situation, especially close to frontine.
  5. But indeed Russian brigades have MT-12. You also can see in manual, that 2S1 howitzer is available only for Russians, but you can take it and for Ukrainians too. When we wrote TO&E for the game in 2012, 2S1 really were moved out to reserve from Ukrainan brigades and we threw out them. But when the game was issued, 2S1 turned back IRL, so in some of first patches they were included again for Ukraine, but manual remained old )
  6. Thanks for this spot. Obviously a bug. I will report.
  7. Stingers it's good, but we critically need in modern SAM and missile defense systems. Also we need modern SAM system for ground forces. For example, since Russia modernized in previous year own Orlan-10 UAVs with flight height in 5550 m, our SA-13 and even SA-8s, which cover brigades can't reach it.
  8. @ncc1701e The game use these vehicles very simplified. The core of COP is 1V14 - vehicle of battery comamnder. 1V14 crew can establish single main observation post or two or three observation posts - main, forward and side. Usually there are main and forward. Main located near battalion HQ. Forward - close to forward positions. Forward obserwation post usually leads control platoon commander and he is a spotter (this is FO team in unit editor). Main observation post usually deployed out of 1V14 - equipmnet allows to use it outside. 1V14 has obsolete equipment, so by experience of Donbas war used mostly as transport, than for FO missions. In real life positin of 1V14 is "zero point" for artillery battery. Relatively it current coordinates, the firing data are calculated. So, in real life you can't move 1V14 from previous position more than on several dozen meters and open fire immediately - you have to re-calculate own coordinates and this will take as miniumum 6 minutes for very rough result (and probably your firing will have big under/over shots) and about 20 minutes for more precise data. In the game you can change position and open fire simultainously. PRP-4M - this is the almost the same thing that Forward observation post, but which have own armor and this is vehicle of artillery battalion level. PRP can move on battlefield, determine coordinates of targets, transmit its to 1V14 or on higher levels etc. So, it almost similar by purpose to BRM-1K. PRP-4M has radar and even one of the first Soviet thermal sight 1PN59 (but in the game it probably has radar only). PRP-4M can conduct artillery recon in more improtant sector of artillery battalion or can be attached to one of battalion's battaries as additional recon means 1V152 is new Russian FO vehicle wich should substitute 1V14 and 1V18 (not present in the game - the same as 1V14, but on the base of BTR-60PB for towed artillery) vehicles. But it also can be used with the same purposes like PRP-4.
  9. Read at last what a difference between SS-division and Waffen der SS. And why during first enlistment 30 000 volunteers come to enlist to division "Galychyna" and come there like on holiday. Two years of Soviet occupation was enough for them to make own choiсe. Like and for citizems of Baltic states, especially Estonians.
  10. Ok, back to topic. Russia claimed they started withdrawal of some units of Western and Southern military districts, "which completed own training tasks". But looks like this is biderection movement. Some units really can withdraw back (or move to other directions?), in that time when another continue own moving to Ukrainan borders. Latest photo of arrived 10 Su-34 tactical bombers on Primorsko-Akhtarck airfield in 130 km from Mariupol Novoozerne airfield in occupied Crimea, not enough "populated" recently, now have received 70 helicopters. This is in 160 km from Nova Kakhovka, with hydro energy plant and where North-Crimean canal started. Near village Novaya Nelidovka in 11 km from Ukrainian border, Kharkiv direction newest Russian survivelance radar Kasta 2E2 was spotted. It can spotlight aerial situation on 130-140 km in the deep of Ukrainain territory.
  11. "Evil Putin" already invaded in February 2014 (Crimea, regulars), in April 2014 (Sloviansk, Strelkov band), in July-August 2014 (trans-border shellings, Ilovaisk, Luhansk, regulars), in February 2015 (Debaltsevo, regulars). There are no any obstackles for him to achive own goals again with a help of invasion - limited or full-scale. @IMHO Very sad, if you, player of WWII CM titles don't see a difference between SS-divizion and Waffen divizion der SS. No one tribunal didn't condemn "Galychyna" division in warcrimes and all personnel of division found political refuge in Allies countries - UK, Canada, USA. This is our hystory and tragedy of WWII, which we must remember despite all the ambiguity. So I understand Baltic countries, which also honored own Waffen der SS divisions, like a symbol of fight with a Soviet occupation, not a honoring of nazism.
  12. Russians so long time have an image of Ukrainians as mild "khokhols", "younger brother of Great Russians" that any tough postition in defending of own country consider like manifestation on nazism, aggression and war crimes. Oh, I forgot. How much Russian passports got these "compatriots" in last two years? Especially among "republic authorities". Part of them already are members of "United Russia". If they Russian citizens, with which "compatriots" we should speak?
  13. Russian Duma passed a law about recognition of LNR/DNR. Interesting fact - there were two bills. The one from Communist party, which offers to direct the passed low to Putin for final decision immediately and the other from ruling party "United Russia", which offers to direct the law in first order to MFA, MoD and already later, after those approvals to Putin. I thought, Duma would vote for second bill, because recently Kremlin issued very moderate reaction on Communists bill and named it "undesirable in current situation". But looks like Putin, having fiasco with own demands to the West and on Normandy 4 negotiantion in Berlin, where Ukraine didn't give up on pressure, laid out last trump card for trading. If Putin approves this law quickly, this just will show his full defeat. But I think he will play for time and blackmail Ukraine "either you accept our terms, or I recognize DNR/LNR, so Minsk will be disrupted and Ukraine never turn back Donbas except war. Do you want make war with nuclear state? Welcome. And pray that I recognize them in current frontline boudaries, and not in administrative boundaries of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine!"
  14. Since "compatriots" cried "Putin, enter the troops!", "Donbas is Russia!", since they and Russian proxies have attacked our force structures, seized their weapon and later bagan to receive heavy weapons, ammunition, fuel from Russia, since their "people militia" became proxy-forces under command of Russian generals of 12th Reserve Corps, they are no more "compatriots", they are enemies, elements of Russian hybride war. Ukrainain Constitution, like and Constitutions of any country clearly tells what the state must do in case of territorial integrity threats. And with whom we should have to negoitiate? With Russian citizen Strelkov, which seized Sloviansk?
  15. I think, in the case of large-scale invasion, Russia will use BTGs, but as a part of brigade/divsion level operations. Also number of BTGs, I suppose, is just more conditional amount of troops like "conditional divisions" in WWII/Cold War calculations. It's hard to say either can Russian brigade or regiment to establish three BTGs from own battalions or only one or two.
  16. Pure whataboutism. On 2.06 the war had been going already 1,5 of months. Several Ukrainian cities were under control of the enemy. Su-25 in that day had a mission attack SBU building, but mistakingly hit Luhansk Oblast Administration building nearby, using by separs "authorities". Buildings, which used by occupation authorities are legitimate military target. Civilians, which collaborate with occupants or insurgents in this buildings must understand all risks.
  17. What a brilliant example of Russian curved reality! Comparing us with Germany and Japan, is equal to assertion that Ukraine is aggressor. But reality is other. Russia is internationally recognized aggressor and occupant. Because Russia started the war with occupation of Crimea, hybrid attemts to ruine our state with so-called "people republics" with creating of so-called Novorossia, and finally, with Strelkov band, which started military phase. So, we as a recognized victim of aggression, have full right do not execute any agreements "under gunpoint", according to article 52 of Viena Convention of the laws and treaties. Occupied part of Donbas never be incorporated back to Ukraine on Russian terms like a lever of influence. Any Ukrainian politician, which dare to do that, will fly to Rostov, like Yanukovich. If he has a time to fly, of course..
  18. Fourth in 2021 with a part 7,1 %. First three are China, Poland and Germany.
  19. How? Mighty Russian GRU, SVR, satellites, spies, hosts of EU politics, corrupted with Gazprom money didn't take any info? There are no huge military maneuvers near Estonia, there are no statements "you deployed nukes in Narva, take them back immediately!" So, maybe there are no any nukes in Baltic states.
  20. And how much nukes were deployed in Baltic countries, bordering with Russia throughout years of their NATO membership?
  21. Another "alarmist report" - Chechen SOBR unit "Terek", subordinated personaly to Kadyrov, spotted in Valuyki, 10 km from the border, Kharkiv direction https://theins.ru/news/248536
  22. Pacification? Ahaha! An armed bandit robs you and threaten to shot you to the death if you want to turn back own property, and more, after that warns you "even don't think to buy a gun or call to police"
  23. Ahaha! We are discussing this already five pages. But I can repeat for you. Ultimatim for West - USA must withdraw all troops and military infrastructure from NATO countries, which joined after 1997, no membership for Ukraine and Georgia, security guaranties - else "military&technical counter-measures". For Ukraine and West (Zakharova several days ago): "de-escalation is possible, if NATO stop support, weapon supply and training of Ukrainan army, if NATO withdraw all servicemen from Ukraine, if NATO take bake all wepon, recently delivered for Ukrainian army. https://ria.ru/20220209/deeskalatsiya-1771925278.html About TV. There is a difference between opposition TV and TV as propaganda weapon in hybride war, controlled by Russia. If these TV channels continuosly provide Russian propaganda narratives about "civil war", dividing of Ukraine, when showmens and guests allow themeselve to pour mud on own country, language, culture, these channels must be closed. This is already not about free speech, especially in conditions of undeclared war. And my forecast. Nothing happenes. Russian Duma passes tomorrow a law about recognition of LNR/DNR. Russian TV trumpets about Putin saved Donbas and defeated everyone, part of troops go home, part remained near thge borders until next time, when Putin will demand from us something else.
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