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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Air Force Command claimed the strike on Dnipro was conducted with Kh-101 cruise missiles, launched from Tu-95MS over Caspian Sea. Four missiles were shot down, four or five hit the city. Reportedly "industrial object" was struck (likely Yuzhmash), also there is a footage of one missile hit the street and destroyed several parked cars (likely no killed in this case). In present time knowingly about 3 dead and 15 injured. Also enemy missiles, probably form the same launch hit Kremenchuk. One missile was shot down not far from Bila Tserkva city in Kyiv oblast. Looks like a pair of Tu-95MS launched about dozen missiles. Other video of Dnipro strike
  2. The voice on video says "YuMZ is shelled" - this is famous "Yuzhmash" plant, where Soviet strategic and space missiles were developed and built. Now YuzhMash is developing ballistic missile Hrim-2 (funded by KSA) and some other projects
  3. Interview of UKR military journalist Yuriy Butusov with senior sergeant Yuriy Petroshchuk - sergeant-mayor of 1st mech.battalion of 24th mech.brigade abouth their breakthrough from encirclement in Zolote and Hirske Alas, w/o English subtitles, so I will write briefly main things of his story - Before the war began, 24th mech.brigade already 9 months was at frontline. Further 4 months more of intensive warfare without rotation. - 1st mech.battalion defended the line Orikhove - Hirske - Zolote (this is about 9 km) - intensive warfare began since 6th of March - LPR and Russians used against UKR forces almost all types of weapon, artillery and air strikes can't be counted. Russians poured so much amonuts of artillery and MLRS shells on their positions each day, so he can say it could be possible one military train of ammunition daily. But despite this UKR troops held hard, so "UKR infantry is toughest infantry in the world" - Main secret of this stedfast defense - trained young officers with strong leadership. Sergeants played significant role in this too - they shared own experience and confidense. Battalion commander with call-sign "Irys" is exellent professional, which had time both to comamnd and be present in hotest points, so soldiers and officers always have seen him nearby and this raised trust and cohesion betwwen all chains in battalion. "Irys" personally sat as driver in BMP and evacuated 9 wounded soldiers under fire. For the all time he evacuated more than 30 wounded. He also could "fly" with drone if he wanted to learn more about situation personnally. So he is "universal soldier" and this personal example inspired soldiers, even those, who came later after mobilization and had less combat experience or didn't have it. - One company strongpoint was captured by the enemy (probably this about Orikhove area), company commander was killed. "Irys" personally led counter-attack on this strongpoint. - After enemy pushed off right neighbours of 1st battalion from Toshkivka area on 19th June, the trap began to close. "Irys" and Petroshchuk tried to recon the passage and evacuate 8 wounded, but their jeeps were shelled and destroyed, though they could avoid the death and saved all wounded. - On 20th of June enemy cut off last road. The command gave the order to break through with small groups. "Irys" personally developed routes. Breakthrough began on 22nd of June. Petroshchuk was in group in 70 men. All vehiciles and heavy weapon, which can't move was destroyed. Total number of soldiers, which remained in battalion and went for a breakthough - more than 400 men. Some Territorial Defense units (I think, no more than company level) were together with them. - Despite on enemy shellings, their battaliosn succussfuly infiltrated through enemy lines with all reamained vehicles and heavy weapon. Petroshchuk told he know only about three missed and several wounded during this breakthrough (though LPR showed about four dozens on captured UKR soldiers in Hirske) - After breakthrough, on next day, battalion participated in defense of Vovchoyarivka. - Main features, on Petroshchuk's opinion, which must have good soldiers (and good climate in the unit) - psychical readiness to fight and give own life if need, desire to learn and adopt experience, respect to each other between soldiers and commanders
  4. Minister of Defense Reznicov today claimed the peak of UKR losses was in May. According to him in that month situation was too heavy and Ukrainian forces were lossing about 100 servicemen KIA for a day and 300-400 WIA. He told also, that the same number of losses, which Zelenskyi issued in June, were about May level of losses.
  5. I'am concerning M270 is tracked platform with less mobility, than HIMARS. It should be moved on trailers, but this is additional time. Though, they cold conduct own missions in off-road terrain and this can increace their survivability
  6. At 3:30 of morning Russian ammo dump was HIMARSed in Stakhanov (Kadiivka). Detonations are continiung now Also yesterdays late evening three lesser ammo dumps were hit in Kherson oblast - Snihurivka, Chornobaivka area (but not airfield) and in 16 km west from Nova Mayachka on the right bank of Dnieper
  7. @sburke @Kinophile Colonel Andery Vasilyev, deputy commander of 106th Guard VDV division (Tula), VDV Command, Western Military District
  8. As retaliation on HIMARSed ammo dumps and command centers, Russia strikes on our cities. 1. Chasiv Yar town, near Bakhmut, Donetsk oblast. On 9th of July two Iskanders hit directly in dormitorium, one hit nearby. The half of building was ruined. In present time 48 dead found, 9 wounded resqued. Russians claimed "in this house were deployed 300 nationalists, which were destroyed by precision strike" 2. Mykolaiv today. At the dawn Russian shelled the city in uncommon way - with SAM S-300, which has optional cpability of the work at ground targets. I doubt this is because Russians have a real lack of missiles, probably just a "combat training" to use S-300 in such role. Reportedly several citizens were wounded On the video S-300 missiles hit school area (probably Russians thought UKR soldiers deployed there) 3. About 11:00 of morning Russian submarine launched 5 Kalibr missiles on Vinnytsia. This city is a place of UKR Air Forces HQ. But Russian missiles hit not military objects, but "Officers house" and squre near this building. "Officers house" uses long time ago as concert hall and today at 18:00 a concert was planned. Two missiles were shot down by our AD, but three struck the city. Parts of Kalibr, being shot down on approach At least one missile hit Officers House (or nearby) On the photo - one of the sections of Officers House, badly damaged by missile hit Other missile hit the parking of tall office center across the squre from Officers House, caused mass victims. Private diagnostic center NeiroMed was completely destroyed - all personnel and visitors reportedly were killed or heavy injured. Many people were kileld on parking - about 30 cars burned and more than 20 damaged. On the photo burned NeiroMed And new terrible symbol of this war - 4-year girl Liza, killed by this strike. Her mother heavy wounded, but survived (PS. already has died in hospytal). She posted in Instagram last own photo with a daughter before several minutes to death. Near the dead girl a teared off foot lays - many people were teared on parts by explosion, so only 6 dead could recognize, rest need DNA tests. Now is knowingly about 23 dead (including 3 children), 117 injured and traumatized (among them 66 hospitalized, from theese 66 - 29 are heavy and 5 critical).
  9. According to Oryx, including the last one from Lysychansk, 5 M777 were lost
  10. At the dawn 13th of July Russian ammo dump was hit, being deployed in querry near Starovirivka village and railway station. This is 15 km west from Kupiansk, Kharkiv oblast - main railway node of Russian logistic in NE Ukraine. There is no photos and videos, just FIRM report and RUMINT about huge explosion, which broke the windows in villages nearby
  11. @sburke @Kinophile He was a RAV chief (missile and artillery ammunition service) of 58th CAA. Killed in missile strike 11th or 12th July
  12. UKR M777A2 are becoming Excalibur-ready
  13. After Nova Kakhovka, there was other ammo dump hit 12/07 in Kherson oblast near Charivne village on half way from Davydiv Brid to Beryslav.
  14. @sburke @Kinophile Lt. colonel Aleksandr Sorochinskiy, 4th guard tank division. No other info.
  15. He mentioned about Krabs, but without their number. I've read in other twitter about 10 vehiciles
  16. Today our forces hit State Emergency Service base, occupied by Russians in Myrne village north from Melitopol, where Russians moved own vehicles from Melitopol airfield.
  17. Most of UKR actions are the same "local tactical steps". As minimum this is operation to push orcs further from Maryinka (or what remained from this town) On the other hand Russians have allegedly taken Bohorodychne at least two days ago.
  18. Some narratives about Russian artillery Roman Donik (civil volunteer, assist to 93rd/92nd brigades) This is became a system when the enemy simply wiped off the face of the earth what could probably and quite tentatively be used by our military. From abandoned buildings to small tree-plants, which were also plowed by MLRS. Everything that can be used as observation points, or positions, is simply blown to pieces. Everything that could in any way interfere with the advance of their troops is simply erased into dust. When a tank methodically "takes apart" a building. Just putting it together. Room by room, wall by wall. Simply making it impossible for people to occupie and use it. What's more, regardless of how much ammunition was spent there. Everything that is on the heights, and everything that sticks out above the horizon line - is erased by arty. "Fire shaft", in the Russian performance, are beautiful words and terminology, which is beautiful in theory and cinema, but does not work in reality. Completely. In fact - just a massive and stupid destruction of everything on their path. Because in theory and in words, artillery fire begins to hit forward positions, then gradually moves 10-50 meters deep and goes further, all the way to command posts and close rears. And close to this fire shaft, the infantry should go under the cover of armored vehicles. And the movement of fire occurs every few minutes, during which the infantry must pass from one intermediate line to another. But the Russians are not able to implement this in practice, even at the stage of the transfer of strikes to the depth. Either worn barrels or obsolete ammunition whether it is unproper training of crews. Or maybe just using this method in Russian. With the condition of the barbaric mentality of the destroyers. Because there is no gradual transfer of fire into the depth, no infantry and armored vehicles that should follow closely behind the "fire shaft" in practice. There are simply hundreds, thousands of tons of iron falling from the sky on grids, erasing everything it hits. Then, when everything is dusted, armored vehicles approach, which are concentrated somewhere nearby. And then, from somewhere, our infantry climbs out and, with the support of artillery, f...s and burns that armored vehicle. And everything starts again. Thousands of tons of shells and mines. And so until there is nowhere to hide from shelling in anticipation of an attack. Serviceman of SOF As practice shows, the enemy's advantage in artillery and heavy assets of destruction is very demoralizing. So that you understand, they did not stop the shelling in principle. They just constantly shell as f...ck. From Lysychansk, when there was literally only one road left, this motherf...s didn't spare anything. F..ck out whole package of Grad at two guys with drone? And maybe even four packages? Or to shot 40 artillery shells for some pick-up? That's how they work.
  19. There are several hints for two days UKR troops push off DPR troops from eastern outskirts of Maryinka and even seized "zero positions" in front of next Olexandrivka village (occupied since 2014), this is already almost SW suburb of Donetsk. Reportedly inhabitants of Oleksandrivka began to flee. On this picture the smoke between Maryinka and Olexandrivka
  20. It's necessary to consider this statement not as an anouncement of imminent couter-offensive. Pay attantion - this statement made not military of UKR General Staff, not president as Supreme Commander. But Minister of defense, which in current terms more negotiation figure. Though, Reznikov said "President had ordered to prepare plans of liberation of South". So, don't expect any offnsive in next weeks. This statement is political message for Russia, which threaten to escalate warfare if UKR and West don't agree for peace talks in order to "fix current reality". Russian started new effort to influence of western politics by natural gas question and hints of war escalation (Lithuania, official declaration of war to Ukraine, nukes etc.) -Putin said about Special military operation developing: "we havn't started nothing serious yet". So, the statement of Reznikov about South liberation is a message to Russia - "we are threwing out your ultimatums and will fight further". This is message to West "even don't think to deal with Russia, we will not go for concessions, better give more weapon" And about "million army gathering for South liberation". Looks like wrong interpretation. Reznikov just said in present time Ukriane is defended by about million servicemen, but not about this million will be thrown to South. He issued such numbers: Armed Forces - 700 000 National Guard - 90 000 State Border Guard Service - 60 000 Police - 100 000 Of course, theese 700 000 not all are "line infantry". About 120-140 000 are Territorial Defense. Many in Air Forces, Naval forces (except marines), rear, logistic, maintanance units, civilian personnel. Many of mobilized are training now or awaiting of training queue and this is also a problem - we have a "bottle neck" with capability of personnel training
  21. Yeah... Trukha in own stupid style - "behind the emeny lines"...
  22. Russians involved three raiway troops brigades in Ukraine. They can relatively quickly restore railways - HIMARS or Tochka-U can wipe out one or two sections of rails. This is nothing - just wasting of missiles.
  23. UKR representative claimed UKR forces has about 7000 of missed, most of them are allegedly POWs. From this number 2700 are from Armed Forces, rest - National Guard, State Border Guard, police etc. Russian side very slowly gives confirmation about POWs names, so without this captured servicemen still considered as missed.
  24. Not at first time. In Shakhtarsk and some town in Luhansk oblast also was "potassum nitrate" Looks like this new word in Russian neo-language, when no "exlosion", but "clap". So, not "ammunition" but "potassum nitrate" (well it's anyway in composition of powder or HE) A notice for translations - if you see in UKR twitter posts about next ammo dump explosion the word "бавовна" (bavovna) which google-translator translated like "cotton" you should know this is mockery on this Russian neo-language by play of words and emphasis - russian "хлопок" (clap) and "хлопок" (cotton), so in UKR mockery mean "cotton" is "explosion of ammo" )
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