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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. I saw that video. And other, when Russians cut off the head and hands of our soldier and put it on the fence. I post a link (GRAPHIC!): https://twitter.com/dohuyaUmnyi/status/1552738347012980736 Nation of Tolstoy and Chekhov? We at war with hordes of cruel degenerates.
  2. In our twitters I often see how people from Kherson oblast, who could escape to UKR-controlled territoty or who could to communicate with own familiars on occupied territories, write, that relatively "calm" situation only in Kherson and in towns of oblast (but anyway Russians abduct people, robber property etc) - in villages situation is terrible, almost each village is micro-Bucha. Locals in fear try to escape to disrict centers or to Kherson if they can't go to UKR-controlled territory, but Russians often deny any movement out of villages. Translation: I have spoken with some people today... And I can say this. Katsaps (Russians) will defend Kherson oblast by all means and forces, Because when it will be liberated from them - the world will tremble from what it sees.
  3. Neither Russians nor Ukrainan units don't fihgt 24/7 and don't sit in own armor 24/7 watching around through the sights, like in the games. Especially if this is not "zero line". The crew can rest in shelter or in the house nearby and in this time something falls from the sky
  4. Russians issued a video how their loiterng munition is desrtoying UKR transmitting module for Bayraktar in Kherson oblast. This is not control station, but the module which allows to expand operational area Russians used in this strike upgraded loitering munition Lantset, but I can't find it real name. This type with one big wing instead pairs of X-wings in Lantset-1 (1 kg HE) and Lantset-3 (3 kg HE) was spotted in first time in Syria in 2021. Reportedly it can carry more heavy warhead. Usual Lantsets can fly aboput 30 minutes on the range 40 km
  5. Not only famous night bombers R18 octocopters, equipped with RKG-1600 HEAT bombs now can hunt for Russian armor. UKR became use M430A1/M433 HEDP dual purpose grenades, equipping with them small DJI/AUTEL drones. In this case you can receive more chiaper solution then "specialized" bombers like DJI Martice 300 and R18 DJI Matrice 300 with revolver-type bomb-dropping device. The drone equipped with usual VOG-17, but I think HEDP version is coming soon. HEDP grenade can penetrate up to 63 (M433) - 76 mm (M430A1) of armor - ideally for dropping it on engine compartment. Russian T-80BV - got HEDP to engine, but likely just damaged This T-80BV(M?) was not so lucky
  6. The home of 1st tank brigade. And large training range around. Looks like personnel was dispersed in the forest. Russians shelled also with heavy MLRS Smerch or Tornado-S. Reportedly we have a losses. More precise information about strike north of Kyiv - military unit was hit in Liutizh area, this is training center of GUR (Intelligence Directorate of MoD). MoD claimed one Kalibr was intercepted over Bucha querry, though recently AD command said there was no interceptions. No info about losses among militaries, just abput 5 civilans wounded and two facilities destroyed.
  7. The writing "harvisting 2022" At 5:30 of morning there were two distant booms (I herad not even explosions, but some sort of vibration). Later in news I've read about two hits in Vyshhorod district north from Kyiv. Two smoke trails on horizon to this time. Reportedly Russians launched at least 20 missiles - Kalibrs from Black Sea, Kh-22 from Shaikovka airfield, Russia, Iskanders from Ziabrovka airfield, Belarus. Air Command reported they couldn't intercept theese missiles. 13 missiles hit forestry area near Honcharivske, Chernihiv oblast.
  8. A strike at Horlivka machine-building works. Probabaly DPR vehicles repaired there
  9. "Cargo 200" flies to Tyva Republic - boxes with zinc coffics in two tiers. Putin burns in mouth of war future of minor Syberian nations
  10. Famous mayor-general Marchenko, which successfully repelled Russian offensive on Mykolaiv and was moved after this on other direction, was appointed back to South. Today he arrived to Mykolaiv. Serious argument for Kherson liberation.
  11. Some strange is going on in the rear or Russian Izium grouping. - A day ago there are rumors appeared in local TG chats as if Russians are abandoning own positions in Yaremivka, Studenok and even in Lyman, Shchurove, Brusivka, telling to locals "Yours will be here soon" - Today our General Staff in evening report wrote "In area of Pasika Russian recon group tried to uncover positions of our troops, but was eliminated". According to ALL maps Pasika now is a close rear of Russians - 6...8 km - report of Military Land - Russians removed pontoon bridge on Siverskyi Donets in Yaremivka. I wonder, our troops advanced from Bohorodychne? Or from northern bank of Siverskyi Donets? King-size OpSec...
  12. UKR troops cross Inhulets by pontoon to Andriivka village, Kherson oblast. Todays report of General Staff about UKR control over Andriivka and Lozove was post-factum. Reportedly Lozove was two weeks so far under our controll and Andriivka 2-4 days. OpSec. In Andrivka area UKR troops ambushed two assault groups of 237th air-assault regiment of 76th air-assault division. Russians thouht UKR positins further and were taken by surprise. For last days Russian command moved to Kherson bridgehead several BRGs of 76th air-assault division, 98th airborne division, at least companty tactical group of 83rd air-assault brigade and 11th air-assault brigade as well as 7th air-assault brigade (mountain) were deployed there almost in full composition. Thus, now around Kherson Russians concentrated most large VDV grouping in comparison with other sectors of front. Looks like Russian have a real lack of motor infantry, so they forced to involve own elite units to prevent lossing of Kherson. In Kherson itself today resistance blew up IED on the way of the car, in which drove two local policemen, who defected to Russian service. One traitor got lost, other wounded. Also other unit of resistance probably elininated some officer and captured the table of codes and the map. It a bad quality, but it describes deployment of Russian troops in area of that part of Inhulets, where now UKR troops are expanding own bridgehead. From the code tables can derive information, that Snihurivka area keeps by elements of 205th MRB (recently there was information they are in Vysokopuillia area), 126 coastal defense MRB and 90th SAM brigade (Buk M2) of 49th CAA.
  13. Former comamnder of 46th special purpose battalion "Donbas-Ukraina" told in FB that HIMARS launchers usually drive without missile packages - containers with missiles are placed beforehand in points of firing. When HIMARS arrives to this point it mounts the packedge, launches it and drives away to the next. So, one launcher, moving on high speed from package to package have a time to shot several targets during the night.
  14. Avdiivka - the look from Donetsk. Two hours of artillery shelling from almost all artillery/MLRS systems, including 240 mm SP-mortars. Several sorties of Russian aviations - maybe in first time they attacked not by single jets or pairs, but by groups in 4-6 planes and used toss-bombing/rockets firing. Enemy shelled not only Avdiivka, but also Pisky, Meryinka and Krasnohorivka. After this DPR and partially Russian units launched direcr assault, but without visible success. On the eve of attacks artillery moving throug Donetsl was spotted - 5 2S7 on 25th of July and today 20 2A36 Giatsynt-B/ 2S5 Giatsynt-S Yesterday UKR artillery or HIMARS hit oil depot on railroad in Donetsk
  15. Yesterday UKR lost Su-25. The pilot, 28 y.o mayor, chief of reckon of 299th tactical aviation brigade, Hero of Ukraine (awarded 14th April) Olekasndr Kukurba got lost. Since 24th of Feb he has conducted more 100 sorties According to Orix UKR visually lost 8 Su-25. This is 9th.
  16. No official info. I read an info that DPR/Russian group, already came to close rears not only power plant, but also close to Semyhirya, so withrawal was a question of nearest days. Looks like our command didn't want to bring the situation as it was in Zolote - Hirske.
  17. 23th of July became the black day for 28th mech,brigade. In result of Russian missile strike on Mykolaiv, brigade HQ was hit. Commander of the brigade, colonel Vitaliy Huliayev and three lt.colonels Oleksandr Dayneko, Valentyn Serhiyenko, Vitaliy Bonderev were killed. On the photo - colonel Vitalyi Huliayev.
  18. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Aleksandr Savelyev, flight commander, pilot of Mi-28N of 487th separate helicopter regiment (Budyonovsk airfield, Stavropol region), 4th AF/AD Army, Southern military district Mayor Roman Grovich, flight commander, was shot down in Mi-35 on 24th Feb over Kyiv reservoir during approach to Hostomel. In his crew also were lost with him mayor Nikolay Buhai (already posted here) and captain Alexey Bel'kov Mayor Sergey Gorin, VDV
  19. Russian 2S7M Malka with teared off barrel
  20. Allegidly situation around Novoluhanske and power plant. There is opinion that Russians are so desperately assaulting the power plant, because can't to breakthrough to Semyhirya from M03 road. Their attacks constantly repel near Vershyna village. The coming to Semyhirya can open to Russians minor, but useful road, leading to the road on Bakhmut Russians are attacking this 11 km front in Novoluhanske area from the south and from the east by forces of DPR (elements of 5th MRB "Oplot", 11th MRR "Vostok", tank battalion "Dizel" and artillery brigade "Kolchuga" (former "Kalmius")). Russians represented with BTGs of 127th MRD, 57th MRB, 40th naval infantry brigade and 336th naval infantry brigades. Also the sat photo of power plant - in blue arrow hi-voltage substation, main task of Russian attacks of last two weeks
  21. Russians are setting pontoon bridge near damaged Daryivka bridge through Inhulets On the photo you can see old road approaches to the place where in 90th years only pontoon bridge existed instead capital bridge
  22. On Donbas now most heavy clashes in Novoluhanske area - Russian/LPR troops assault local power plant. Novoluhanske is in the grey zone, but Ukraianin army periodically enters to part of town. Several times Russians managed to take somne part of th e plant, but each time our troops counter-attacked and threw them out. Today Russians could seiz hi-voltage sudtation of the plant. The battle is continue
  23. Russia unpacks 2S7 Poin stores in artillery base in Omsk. And here some Pions are on the way to Ukraine. I supose, Russians want to use them in counter-battery fire against western howitzers, which often have positions out of the range of Russian artillery
  24. Russians claim they created in Kherson oblast whole volunteer brigade from "true ukrainians, which will clear own land from nazi-scumm". I think, their "brigade" should be battalion-level indeed. The man, who speaks on the video is Igor Markov, former deputy of parliament, whith active pro-Russian position. He lived in Odesa, in 2006 established pro-Russian party "Rodina" ("Motherland" in Russian). In 2013 he entered in parliament fraction of "Party of Regions", but in his active pro-Russian activity and charisma Yanukovich have seen potential rival and Markov was arrested in October 2013 before Maidan in an old case of 2007, when he participated in beaten of pro-Ukrainain activists in Odesa, but the court "didn't find corpus delicti". Pro-Russian followers of Markov, using the chaos in Odesa after Maidan on 25th Feb 2014 forced the court to free Markov and he escaped to Moscow. Later in 2015 he was detained in Italy by Interpol, but court of Milan rejected to give him to Ukraine. Now this scum appeared here.
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