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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russians do the same what did "granddads" in WWII, but in reduced scale. Just where Red Army used division, they use BTG, but with the same massing of arty and armor. Ok, they added more effective CAS, then they had in WWII.
  2. @panzermartin In this case they really destrpoyed several Grads, which hide there. But this is one of rare examples of proper ISR work. In most cases their missile strikes looks like strikes on civilian objects, were "allgedly" deployed "nationalists". Or like one of the last strikes with Kalibrs - seven missiles launched, five intercepted, two hit small pig farm. kiling 150 pigs. Either incorrect ISR, or some agents gave Russian misinformation and they wasted two missiles in nowere. Here captured Russian map, using by units, atatcking Kharkiv. it was issued in 1969: https://mil.in.ua/uk/news/pered-vtorgnennyam-vijskovym-rosiyi-vydaly-zastarili-karty-ukrayiny/
  3. According to Konstantin Mashovets, the number of Russian BTGs, which were withdrew to the rear for rest and replacemnts increased on four for last days and reached 27. Last BTGs, whithdrawn to the rear: one BTG of 55th MBR, one BTG of 74th MBR (both from Kramatorsk direction), two BTGs of 102nd MRR of 150th MRD (Bakhmut axis) Also he wrote today big article about future UKR offensive and advice to all do not expect WWI or WWII scale operations with massing of armor, infantry, huge artilelry bombardments and human-wave assaults. He said this is model of past wars and despite Russia continue to stick on them, but UKR rejected this and will try to play in modern methods of warfare. He named this "gradually softening" of enemy defense, using advantage in ISR and precise striking assets. Ground operations will have tactical purpose and more mass actions will take place only in final phase, when such conditions will be created, that Russians will be forced to withdraw, like in April during expelling of Russians from the north. Russians should be put between withdraw and save own lifes or to die, trying to execute typical Russian order "Fight with shovels if no ammo! This is our land - no step back!" He also wrote, "classical" warfare with rugged defense and mass assaults happened on Donbas and Izium zxis because Russians concentrated overhelming advantage in forces there and could impose this type of war to Ukrainan forces. But I personally can add - UKR agreed to this challenge, having strong fortified lines - in this case, taking into account geographical factor, UKR troops just can't play in "flexible defense" like on the north, else Russian tanks already would came to Dnipro
  4. @sburke "Lt.colonel". He never served in army or police. I wrote about him yesterday. This is just "Russian world" influencer, which wasc born and worked in Kyiv until 2014 in coordination with Russia embassy, Ukrainian Orthodox church of Moskov Patriarchy and some pro-Russian organizations. He was elected as "ataman" (one of hundreds of theese clowns) of cossacks and was a leader of pro-Russian "Faithful Cossackship" paramilitary organization in Kyiv, also he was a chief of cadet-cossack group of teenagers. A single thing, which tied him with military - he was an assistant of Pavel Lebedev, Ukrainan minister of Defense (with Russian citizenship) in Yanukovich time.
  5. This is VERY overestimated information, coming from unknown/unreliable source. Like and completely fantastic statements about 2000 Russians in encirclement. Our General Staff issued only some hints aboute "firing control" of Olhyne - Vysokopillia area and some our accounts became to throw-in next "great victory". What really is going there, also only with some hints told in FB Volodymyr Molchanov, political scientist from Kherson (probably he evacuated from the city), maybe he has some more reliable sources. So, liberation of Olhyne village not confirmed yet, but as if vanguard UKR troops already entered to the village and seized positions along railroad. So, UKR troops now can conduct partial fire control (in some places including small arms) over logistic ways to Vysokopillia. As if Vysokopillia defends two BTGs 11th air-assaulr brigade with some arty/MLRS support, though I suppose this is 205th MRB, but no matter. One twitter account wrote, UKR troops capturd 20 wounded Russian soldiers in this area - I think, the number "2000 in encirclement" was dirived from this info %) On the alleged scheme of Molchanov, black lines - Russian positions, green lines - supply ways on field roads.
  6. The first. There is a chain of close-placed villages along the road, so UKR positions in neigbour village Rus'ki Tyshky about in 800 - 1000 m from Russians
  7. My familiar posted in own FB photos of M14 rifles, which got their TD unit, which fights somewhere in Kharkiv oblast. He said usually soldiers have not good opinion about this rifle because it more hard in mastering and firing, so they try to change it on some more useful, but he choose it because he was reenactor of Vietnam war ) Theese two rifles from different manufacturers - H&M s/n 913969 (likely 1962-63) and TRW s/n 1889492 (he can't found the year by number)
  8. On the photos, which I posted yesterday were seen soft fuel tanks near the burned canteen. Looks like explosion of the drone set fire one of theese tanks. Also at least damaged Grad (direct hit in the cabine, but no fire).
  9. MT-12 AT-guns still in action. Rare opportunity to see how it hit the target - Russian MTLB. This is in Borshchova, 12 km NE from Kharkiv, not Kherson oblast
  10. After Russian trooper, destroying abandoned S-300 with PKM point-blank shot, here the next Russian "superman", which shot PFM-1 antipersonnel mine with AK from five steps. Though, you can see the power of explosion. This is scary weapon, which hasn't enough HE to kill, but enough to tear off the foot or leg under the knee. Russians are sowing remotely big areas with different types of PFM mines, using Uragan MLRS with missiles, containing dozens of theese mines. Usually PFMs has self-destruction timer, but some types havn't it and many outdated mines this timer don't work. So, PFM clearing will be big problem in Ukriane for years. Even enemy side write, that own PFMs create a big trouble for own units and recon groups movement on captured territories - all treeplants and fields often dotted with theese mines
  11. Here the result of strike. Locals tell there were tents for personnel. Looks like one drone burned the tent with canteen. This happened several days ago - I've seen posts of locals in twitter, about some unknown mess in Russian deployment near nuclear plant and as if they suffered some losses
  12. Looks like UKR forces expanded own bridghead beyond Inhulets river. In evening report of General Staff claimed Russian troops counter attacked from Sukhyi Stavok to Andriivka, but without success. So, probably Andriivka and Lozove again under UKR control.
  13. I posted several days ago about 24th mech.brigade - 13 months on frontline (9 before a war and 4 after war began). And the same can say about at least third part of our units
  14. 115th mech.brigade. Those guys, battalion of which after first wounded conducted "council" with own company comamnders and decided to abandon positions on Siverodonetsk outskirts - as a result Russians seized "Myr" hotel and old airport area and entered to the city, which before this successfully was repelling all atatcks. Then they were confused with 115th TD brigade (who gives the same numbers to different military units! We already have 45th arty brigade and 45th air-assault, 46th sep. rifle battalion and 46th air-assult brigade, etc) Command ordered them to turn back and dig in, but battalion rejected because "we are former civilians and havn't combat experience, so we just will die there". In twitter then wrote, almost all battalion was arrested in Bakhmut. But soldiers and comamnders of this unit claimed they are not deserters, but just "saved personnel from 100 % death from Russian artillery strikes and helicopter atatcks". Fighters of volunteer unit "Legion of Svoboda", which fiercly fought without heavy weapon in Rubizhe and Siverodonetsk were very angry on this unit. Because they also were under heavy shellings and without artillery and tanks, and many of them - the same civilians, who have taken a weapon on 24th Feb. Though they also criticized the Command, which instead move unexperienced soldiers to old combat units, just created a brigade, composed mostly of unexperienced conscripts and officer-reservists, which turned out psychically not ready to fight, though they got at least three weeks training. So, I don't know whar a situation in this brigade now and what their combat capabilities and motivation now.
  15. Kolomoyskyi told he has three citizenship except Ukrainain - Israel and probably Cyprus. Kolomoyskyi is not only reach and cynical oligarch, he also influent head of Jewish community in Ukraine and Dnipro now is a center of this community, so naturally he has Israel citizenship
  16. He wasn't a traitor. He always and openly declared own pro-Russian position. Weird mix of Orthodox faith, monarchism and sovietism. He was leader of cossack organisation "Faithful cossackship" in Kyiv before Maidan. He openly provided pro-Russian activity (one of his directions was the work with teenagers) with open support of Russian embassy and many Russian organisations like "Russian house" being led by Russian political technologist Gleb Pavlovskiy . But neither in time of Yushchenko, nor in time of Yanukovich (of course!) SBU didn't want to pay attention to Selivanov's activity. Since 2014 he went to Luhansk oblast.
  17. Extended photo of Lazurne strike. Except destroyed low-altitude radar 48Ya6-K1 "Podlyot" were destroyed rest of vehicles from this complex: control vehicle and electro-generator vehicle.
  18. Russians place additonal "wooden armor" in weakened zones
  19. Reportedly next strike on the Antonivskyi bridge area on left bank of Dnieper. Also strike on Chornobaivka airfield area. Locals write about strike on coastal Skadovsk town near Lazurne, being struck on Sunday. Photo of big fire "in Kherson oblast", but were exactly unknown Russian AD works in Chornobaivka area
  20. @The_Capt @Battlefront.com So, what changed from enemy side on Kherson direction according to Konstantin Mashovets info. Russian comamnd is really concerning about anounced UKR offensive on Kherson and continue to saturate this area with reinforcements. Previous reinforcements about which I wrote here about dozen days ago, played own stabillizing role - Russians could stop UKR advance in most problem zone in triangle Arkhanhelske - Vysokopillia - Novovoznesenske. In particular, they repelled attempts of UKR trrops to develop own success after liberating of Potiomkyne village in direction of Novovoznesenske to choke supply of Vysokopillia. Also enemy troops reiforced own "red thin line", defending positions from Myroliubivka along T2207 road and to Zolota Balka on the bank of Dnieper. UKR troops recently was conducting probes from Osokorivka to Zolota Balka, so this forced enemy to move additional troops and in this backwater district. Thus, in present time in this northern sector Russian troops have 7-8 BTGs of 205th MRB (almost in full composition), 34th MRB (mountain), 11th air-assault brigade, 10th Spetsnaz brigade and aditionally to this 7-8 BTGs they have here at least two rifle battalions of LDPR conscripts. Going south. This is sector of UKR attempt of Inhulets crossing: Velyka Oleksandrivka - Davydiv Brid - Snihurivka. As I've written recenty, Russians could completely stabilize situation here. Units of UKR 36th marines brigade and 28th brigade withdrew behind Inhulets back after several weeks of desperate Russian counter attacks and artillery shellings, but part of bridgehead in the bend of Inhulets between Lozove - Velyke Artakove - Bila Krynytsia - Bilohirka still under UKR control. In this place Inhulets has become shallow, so troops can cross through the fords. Our artilelry and ATGMs continue to shell enemy through the river, Russians do the same, but they didn't do any visible actions to take this remains of bridgehead. In this area Russians have now about 5-6 BTGs from 7th air-assault division (moutntain) and 1-2 "shortened" BTG, combined from different motor-rifle units of 49th CAA. Two weeks agor Russians hd here 6-8 BTGs, but two BTGs (one of them likely from "firemen team" of 11th air-assault, but I can be wrong) Russian command moved from this sector futher to the south, where due to UKR tactic now appeared new flash of UKR activity - Kyselivka area. Separately some words about southern point of this sector - Snihurivka. Small town, which plays important role, approaches to which Russians turned out in heavy fortified place. Since my previous post, no significant activity here - both sides are making probes and hammerd each other with artillery. UKR troops have not yet been able to crack Russian defense here. Next zone is Kherson-Berislav area. Russians have here 7-8 BTGs from 126th coastal defense MRB, 127th recon brigade, 33rd and 255th MRRs of 20th MRD, probably 11th air-assault brigade. + two battalions of LDRP conscripts. In this area in last days UKR troops could advance northern from Blahodante and Kyselivka, but Russian troops, using reinforcements are continuing to counter atatck from Shmidtove on Liubomyrivka - Ternovi Pody section, trying to break through here and to come in the rear to our grouping, which advance aside M-14 road. This forced our troops to slow down and to turn own left flank toward the enemy. Though, situation can turn out in such way, that Russian spearhead in Shmidtove can get our troops in own rear too and here about two weeks we canm see limited tactical actions like a game who takes the back of opponent faster. Russians have plans on Shmidtove area, because in case of success they will receive good start positiosn to jump on Posad-Pokrovske - Shevchenkove section, pumping this area with troops and repeating own offensive on Mykolaiv. Exactly on this part of own defense Russians in last several days moved almost all own reserves, concentrated recently on left bank - 2 BTGs of 4th military base (occupied Abkhazia), BTG of 429th MRR + combined tactical group of 42nd MRD (moved from Zaporizhzhia oblast), about 5 BTGs of 98th VDV division (moved from Luhansk oblast). Likely 1-2 BTGs of unknown units still in reserve on left bank. Except this Russians have been reinforcing own strike capabilities, moving here 3 tactical groups of MLRS in addition to 4 tactical groups of 944th SP-artillery regiment of 20th MRD of 8th CAA and 227th artillery brigade of 49th CAA Russian AD in this area also was reinforced - SAM battalion of S-300V and SAM battery of S-300VM were deployed in addition to SAM battalion (Buk M2) of 90th AD brigade of 49th CAA and SAM batteries of 1096th AD regiment (Osa-AKM) of 22nd Army Corps (Black Sea Fleet) and 358th AD regiment (TOR-M2) of 20th MRD Russians also conducted many engineer works along the roads and on positions. For this, additionally to sapper units of brigade/divisional level Russian comamnd moved here there tactical groups of 32nd engineer-sapper regiment of 49th CAA.
  21. Since US only now included 1000 of guided artillery ammunition in next aid batch, I still doubt we have something like this. In our twitters also many opinions, that holes on the bridge more match to artillery shells, than missiles. And this could do Caesars, for example. Or PzH2000. But locals told about missiles. Alas, no videos of impacts.
  22. Novgorodskoe is New-York now, who will see on the map. Horlivka area, after short flash at the beginning of war, and some later, when DPR seized several villages, outflanking Avdiivka - all this time was relatively quiet place. From DPR forces there 3rd and 5th MRBs should be. I almost nothing heard about their significant participation on other directions
  23. Some UKR counter-battery results Msta-S with detonation, 7 km NW from Izium Arty of 28th mech.brigade cought position of Russian 4-barrel battery of towed howitzers in Kherson oblast
  24. This depth enough to be in the range of S-300PS - 75 km, when closest distance of frontline to Nova Kahovka outskirts is about 40-45 km
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