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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russia has been moving AD assets, from St.Peterburg probably to Ukraine: https://yle.fi/news/3-12626182
  2. 155 mm SP-howitzer Zuzana-2 . Likely first combat footage
  3. On the photos markings on vehicles "oak leaves" - 4th GTD, 2 in square - 2nd GMRD. Also not on theese photos, but there are too many of tanks of 26th tank regiment of 47th GTD. Some other trophies - at least 3 BTR-80 and SNAR-10 artillery radar (soldier mistakingly called it MTLB) On other hand, I read a post of our soldier, that there is problem exists with proper distributig of captured vehciles. There is no any centralized service, which should gather this staff and distribute it in units, which has the same equipment. So, for example, captured BMD, which would be more appropriate in 25th airborne brigade, used instead in mech.infantry or captured T-80 tanks are used together with T-72 and T-64, or BTR-82A in one company with BMP. So now our units might to have complete zoo in own TO&E. Thought, I suppose this soldier can see only his "trench part of true" - I think, after the unit is went to rotation, the representatives of Central Armored Service try to make their vehicle park more appropriate to their TO&E.
  4. Ahah, English cover on the song "Arta" ) Of course, the text completely different and not so eager tempo, but the sense in almost the same )
  5. The guy, callsign Loki, from this known photo, was killed two days ago.
  6. Friendly electronic fire %) UKR serviceman: Fu...g organization! Some di...k decided to turn on some fasionable EW, of course, didn't warn nobody and all our birds, which were in the sky fu..g fell down. Thank you, bi...h
  7. Wow! This ASU-85 was allegedly took from pedestal in Poltava and probably might be used by TD. Its D-70 gun is shortened variant of D-48 85 mm towed gun, which in some number used by AFU, so they both have the same ammunition. It's a question what type of 85 mm rounds remained in proper conditions.
  8. It's claimed Russian Ka-52 was shot down near Velyka Novosilka, Donetsk oblast. Allegedly helicopter was hit with Air Defense asset (Buk or S-300), so likely no survivors
  9. I read a thread of our UAV operator, which refuted a myth that UAV operator can do without good physical training, because "he just sits and moves a joystick". He told the UAV crews (especially quadcopters) often are forced to use own UAVs either almost from "zero line" or even to sneak to "grey zone" in order to minimize interferences of Russian EW (which set like sectors). So, UAV operators have to be in good conditions to run and crawl in body armor and pulling backpack with UAV and this is good if they have small Mavic or Autel, not fixed wing UAV, which has bigger weight and packed in big containers
  10. UKR BTR-4 destroys Russian command vehicle R-149MA1
  11. Yesterday UKR troops on Lyman direction liberated villages Shchurove (by unit of 66th mech,brigade) and Dibrova (by National Guard, likely of 15th regiment) Shchurove: Dibrova:
  12. Russian army has rotted completely. Russian liberal press "Nastoyashchee vremya" ("Present Time"): In this weekend the detachment of IK-7 (correctional facility-7) from Novgorod oblast - 70 men from lowest pison hierarchy, so-called "detached", the same as "adroop" [this class of prisoners is almost the same as "untouchable" сaste in India]. I have a time to speak with one of latter and asked: "Why you go there?". He told, that better is death, than so stay in jail. From Tula oblast wrote: "They took everybody at all - lame, cross-eyed, with HIV, etc". In Saratov oblast they took a maniac, which has a cannibalism in own "achievement list". In principle, Prigozhyn says, he prefers "105th" [by crimainal codex artilce] - those, who commited murder, better non-domestic. Brigandage, robbery - also go well. But now they are taking everybody at all"
  13. You can read FB of Volodymyr Rehesha "Santa" - comamnder of volunteer unit "Santa" and defender of Pisky: https://www.facebook.com/rehesha.volodymyr This unit in past belonged to Right Sector, but since 2015 it's independent unit, though many his fighters carry RS chevrons. He is outstanding legend of war - the man, the writer and hystorian, without any military training in 2014 gathered and established one of most effective and fearless volunteer unit in Ukraine. Pisky and "Bridge Republic" became their second home. In 2016 they also together with regular recons seized Avdiivka industrial zone (so-called Promka) and defended it tough. His unit fought in Pisky all theese 8 years and fights in present time. He never told UKR troops abandoned Bridge. According to him UKR forces also still hold several streets in Pisky "Santa"
  14. @sburke Hm... I don't know either to count them or not. From one hand they are former police officers, on other Justice Officers, non-military. Those two were eliminated today in Luhansk Prosecution Office: General of Justice Sergey Gorenko (though he was born in Ukraine and had Ukrainian citizenship, I give his name in Russian spelling), General Prosecutor of LPR. In 2014 he worked in UKR police and had a duty of chief of one of departments. Betrayed and defected to LPR. In 2019 became the chief of LPR Prosecutin Office. In February of 2022 personally on cameras shot with howitzer at UKR positions Colonel of justice Yekaterina Steglenko, deputy of General Prosecutor of LPR. Before 2014 worked in Luhansk oblast Prosecution Office. In 2014 defected to LPR. In 2016-2017 served in MGB of LPR (analog of KGB). Since 2017 appointed on the duty of General Prosecutor deputy
  15. No. This is not oligarchs or governors private troops. As I wrote yestarday, Russia hasn't independent oligarchs. All this regional battalions are usual MoD units - just all questions with enlistment and supply transfered to responsibility of local enlistment offices and local authorities. Else you can say that regulat motor-rifle brigade from Buriatia is Buriatian private troops ) Real exclusion is Chechnia with Kadyrov troops, formally subordunated to Rosgvardiya, but really they serve to Kadyrov only. Prigozhin's PMC is really potential new Putins "oprichnics", like in times of Ivan Groznyi. Prigozhyn is just a cook. But he is right hand of Putin and empowered and funded by him
  16. Originally he said "otryady" - "detachments, bands", not "divisions", but the message is clear
  17. 5th assault regiment in action - rain of grenades from pickup-mounted Mk.19 This is new-formed unit. I suppose, initailly there were a lot of separate rifle battalions, established for attaching to existing brigades. In most cases there were not enough good equipped units, which according to grim joke "were formed to catch enemy artillery round in the trenches". Though several such battalions were transformed in assault units - battalions and regimnets. I knew before only 47th assault regiment led by well-known guy in Ukraine - Valeriy Markus, former paratrooper of 25th airborne brigade, ATO participant since 2014, author of bestseller "Trails on the road" and social media influencer - his 47th rifle battalion participated in Svitlodarsk powerplant defense, and after this battalion was reirganized in assault regiment with very strict selection by phisical conditions, motivation and willing to learn. So, now we have at least two assault regiments - 5th and 47th
  18. Damn. This is not only because platoon commander had Command Skill -2, but obvious because driver's panic. Poor guy, unless MP pick him up, his comrads just will tear him apart. At least two were crushed with tracks to the death or became invalids. Though such stupid situations, which caused to needless death and injuries too much from both sides.
  19. Crown lands hystorically were only on modern Halychyna and part of Podillia - this caused several wars between Poland and Lituania in 14th century for fromer Rus' legacy. Rest (Volyn', Kyiv, Chernihiv, Bratslav, Cherkasy) belonged to Great Duchy of Lithuania. Though, in western documents as Ruthenians were called all inhabitants of former Rus' of Orthodox faith. Even Orthodox inhabitants of Vojevodstvo Rus'ke, belonged to Crown also initially in 14-15th centuries considered as Ruthenians, not Poles. In that times "nationality" mostly determined by faith and mores. Of course after Brest Union of 1569 Polish, when Polish magnats had been receiving lands in Ukraine, Lithuania influence gradually became to fade and name "litvins" became more use for modern Belarusians, though recently meant also inhabitants of novadays Ukrainain lands.
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