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Everything posted by kraze

  1. It's a different location. Check the grass and the rear tank. On your photo it has commander's shield. Also you can clearly see they all are in different positions on the road between the two photos. So yeah it's 2 times 2 captured tanks. We just have a lot of roads like that.
  2. (She now edited the post at her IG page and disabled comments for obvious reasons) So in case you still care - a predictable continuation of that psyop, dated yesterday. "Russophobia is unacceptable. Russians shouldn't be collectively responsible for events in Ukraine. Only Putin is responsible. Live at "Che Tempo che fa" (analog of our Urgant) at Italian RAI TV channel against western sanctions. Common people are suffering from them. My disabled mom can't buy medications she needs. My daughter can't pay for dinner at school with her card. We have no sugar in shops, we are running out of cooking oil and hygienic items. it's unacceptable to kick out russian students out of international universities and forbid concerts of russian musicians and artists. Only culture can unite us in these daring times". You tell them girl. You are not responsible in particular, being a state propagandist. So time to lift those sanctions and let russians kill Ukrainians in peace. Bonus - turns out her husband works at Russia Today as well.
  3. Aerorozvidka stuff has been long integrated with the army. Nobody is using common apps The DIY drone is Leleka, it's quite fine, a lot of arty footage you see is filmed by it. Over 300 such drones are used by the army. One of the reasons counter-offensive may be "slow" is because our army is about keeping losses as low as possible - while russians simply human wave our positions again and again since they don't care about the losses. Which is why they already suffered more casualties in one month here than in all 1.5 years of the first war in Chechnya.
  4. We should remember that there's no opposition media in Russia. Thus no russian journalist can ever defy Putin because they are all basically ordered to do things by Putin. But unlike big russian state media that is watched by mostly 40+ y.o. - channels in question are watched by "more active" 20-40 y.o. and thus Putin has to provide media sources that won't be filled with old mammoths to cater to that generation. And they have to think that this media is different so they do this classic "roskomnadzor forbids" and "we do it anyway" dance to seem like "look we are rebellious and relevant just like you". And that interview was super weird too. I have no idea what Zelenskyy's game is but that interview was devoid of any critic of Russia or Putin in particular (otherwise it wouldn't be allowed to be made in the first place) and instead he offered russians to think about "resolving Donbass issue" and ignoring Crimea if they pull back troops to pre-feb24 locations, no strings attached. It was like this super weird Chamberlain moment. Maybe he wanted to call to russian empathy or something but since those "opposition" channels spent last 8 years talking about how evil and subhuman Ukrainians are and how Ukraine is nothing more but a piece of land that belongs to Russia - it's like preaching to a wall.
  5. And everybody forgot or outright dismissed the first attempted russian invasion of Ukraine in 2003..
  6. Ugh, USSR fought its part of WW2 exactly like that too, hence why USSR and Nazi Germany were allies - they found a common ground - both were full of genocidal narcissists. Heck they were such bros that they even literally traded enslaved in 1940 (Nazi Germany exchanged Baltics for more Poland) But of course their ideas of how to murder and enslave locals ended up dividing them and then Hitler got the chance at the first strike.
  7. Yep, neither you, nor any other people in this thread. But you don't understand the mentality of uncivilized. In late (almost dead) USSR there was a "satirical" movie called "to kill a dragon". Characters in it were doing absolutely wild, appalling things incl. suffering the terrible consequences of their horrible actions themselves - just to get that medal from the hands of the Dragon himself. And that alone made their ruined lives complete. Ironically the director and most of the actors in that movie ended up being exactly like their characters.
  8. he got lucky. Better get sacked than get sniped or bayraktared out of existence.
  9. Ah, but all wars they fought were mostly on friendly territory or within reach of their big base. Like Syria or Kazakhstan - they were invited by the friendly tyrant, provided everything they needed by the host so they could just drive and fly around bombing hospitals and schools and killing evil civilian nazis that committed a deadly sin of not loving getting killed. Or in Georgia, which was small enough so that murdering and looting civilian nazis in Poti and Gori was within walking distance. And Ukraine was expected to just walk into the trains to gulags with a smile, while giving away all the things to russians, so that they would kill whatever civilian nazis, that refused to board the magical train, from the comfort of their new flats in Kyiv, freshly liberated from other nazis. But it turned out there are way more nazis than russians thought. Which is surprising seeing as how the whole planet is nazi apart from russians and eritreans - should've used that cheap chinese calculator they give to their troops to make some adjustments at least.
  10. Very few that didn't escape were arrested but later were exchanged for our POWs. Most of the escapees are now serving in russian OMON
  11. "Brutally sent to war" If only those poor guys armed with tanks could do something about their situation. Like resisting, deserting, surrendering, not going to army in the first place. But instead they were forced by evil EVIL generals to murder, rape and loot civilians.
  12. Because russians were "fighting" mostly civilians. It doesn't matter what quality of your troops or their gear is when they get medals for literally massacring unarmed folk.
  13. Whatever scenario happens - in the aftermath the West should send an ultimatum that any sanctions go away only after complete nuclear disarmament of Russia. Because anything less than that will mean another big war very soon - as Russia will keep threatening the world with a nuclear war and remain an ever present threat. And if they refuse - then they should become an isolated backwards country with ever rotting nukes. But who am I kidding.
  14. Pretty sure it sinking or not means little for the future of this ship from now on
  15. Evidence is that Lukashenko is in power for 28 years. Belarusians never got stomped hard. Because they never ever opposed Lukashenko. They were just walking around and applauding cops that murdered them while talking down on Maidan and claiming they aren't anything like those Ukrainian nazis in 2013-2014. My personal boiling point was when I saw Belarusian IT guys, a middle class of all people, talking in telegram groups about how people in Kherson have it easy compared to their "suffering"
  16. Eh, the majority of belarusians fully support Lukashenko and this war. Sure there are very few of them that covertly oppose the war unlike russians that have no opposition to war at all - but it doesn't matter when there's zero overt opposition. When missiles and planes that murder our people fly from the territory of Belarus and they aren't exploding before launch - that means belarusians might as well be launching/flying those themselves.
  17. Guess he really wants to speed it all up. Tbh we should've completely severed any diplomatic ties with Belarus as well. It's an enemy country, which levels our cities and it doesn't matter if their ground troops aren't in the meat grinder yet.
  18. No, that's literally how Russia TV has been all the time. The "let's nuke the West" screaming goes as far as war in Iraq
  19. You version is doctored, this is the original from the same comparison in https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_a_Flag_over_the_Reichstag
  20. He is wrong in calling them "minorities" though. For minorities to be there - Russia has to have a majority. And there's none. It's an empire that consists of about 30 countries that have absolutely different ethnicities, none is dominant enough in population. So their army quite literally represents a generic composition of all ethnicities in Russia. It's not that Russia is sparing slavs - it's just that they are a minority just like everyone else.
  21. On occupied territories Soviet soldiers committed atrocities that were no different from German. They mass-murdered, raped, tortured, looted same as their Nazi counterparts. In fact that famous photo of a soviet soldier putting red flag over Reichstag has his buddy wear multiple watches he just looted somewhere. Comprehending another, very uncivilized and violent culture, that is very different from yours is incredibly tough. It makes it very hard to believe that what seems so evil to you - can be an absolute norm somewhere else. That's why it's easier to ignore it as long as it has no effect on you. Which brings us here once again.
  22. Because like with all the things in life - a knockoff is always a knockoff, especially when it's a cheap one.
  23. That would've been somewhat true in a reality where USSR wasn't an ally of Nazi Germany and didn't start WW2 together with Hitler. Pretty sure Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland could chime in about all the "sacrifice". Being the cause of so much suffering and then pretending you are the victim, when things inevitably go wrong, is the russian classic. You can even see it in every line to buy sugar today. USSR may have sent the first man into space, but they tortured and broke the chin of the man who did it.
  24. Akhmetov, much like most other Ukrainian oligarchs, was never pro-russian, he was pro-himself. It's just that the West is anti-corruption and russia is corruption itself - so keeping Ukraine under russian influence meant that any oligarch has the freedom to do as he pleases. Naturally when russian threat started to quickly outweigh the threat of EU - Akhmetov put on blue-yellow colors.
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