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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Heli attack was Ukrainian. Their whole tzar's holy / divine figure stands on Russia being invincible and never facing any retribution for all the evils they do. So that's why they covered up two attacks on their airbases and an attack on ammo depot in Belgorod a day before. Since those were missile attacks and thus couldn't be filmed by the populace like choppers wrecking havoc on their delusions. Fuel depot attack resulted in panic. Some literally started to question if their army knows what it's doing if "khokhols" are now bombing their stuff with air forces that were obliterated 3 times over according to their army.
  2. Doesn't look like shelling victims to me https://censor.net/ua/photo_news/3330918/vulytsi_vsiyani_tilamy_u_buchi_v_bratskiyi_mogyli_pohovaly_280_lyudeyi_mer_fedoruk_fotoreportaj_18
  3. Ok last "racist" reply for you and I'm done. Typing "collective responsibility" is literally referring to the whole group. It's the same thing. Whole group is responsible. Every single one of them has to be held accountable or they won't stop. Denazification wasn't about "opening eyes". Germans knew full well what their army was doing. They knew it all. Denazification was about punishing those that didn't want to change. Germany has punishment for even drawing swastika to this very day. So why won't you try to explain that "fundamental humanity" thing to russians, because they clearly have no such concept? Because telling me about it when I see streets filled with dead bodies of human beings tortured, raped and killed by "humane" russians - is a waste of your time, honestly. That's about it.
  4. Are you seriously saying that there are good russian invaders? Are you really telling me only some russian soldiers who came here to kill and occupy us are bad people? Are you serious?
  5. No, what I'm saying is that all russians have to be held collectively responsible for actions of army they themselves feed. Holding russians collectively responsible is just as "racist" as denazifying Germany in 1945. I can guarantee you there were absolutely anti-nazi germans who were forced to bury the victims of their army even if they disliked Hitler and his supporters. So were american soldiers forcing them to do it - racist? Why "it's all Hitler's fault" didn't fly?
  6. So again I'm racist because I don't like seeing my friends getting killed by russians? I'm racist because I don't feel like russians raping underage girls in my country is OK? I'm racist because I'm shocked they are robbing my people of what those people worked so hard for years? What does race have to do with any of it? Maybe I just don't find a fluffy position of "it's only Putin who's at fault" (that, granted, has changed into "it's only Putin and his army who is at fault" from "those innocent 18 y o kids who were sent here by the evil putin") good enough? That army of rapists, robbers and murderers is armed by someone, is catered to by someone, dressed up by someone, fed by someone. And that someone is dozens of millions of russians. Who all keep feeding that army, keep catering to that army, keep dressing up that army. And keep supporting the war machine. While nobody there is trying to stop it. So if me not being amused by some civilian Ivan somewhere cooking food for sergeant Vova who just finished raping another 14 y o girl in Mariupol makes me a nazi, who mistreats poor russians - I have no more arguments.
  7. We are not an exception. Whole EU got to where it is through very bloody tyrant dethroning revolutions. They weren't successful by luck, they succeeded by people fighting and sacrificing a lot. Bloody revolutions are what made EU democratic and not them somehow lucking into benevolent politicians. USA too, being a prime example, of a mere colony sticking it up to a huge empire that controlled 25% of planetary landmass at one point - and becoming what it is today by people never being afraid to voice their concerns. A revolution, like that in Syria or Kazakhstan, may fail, however, due to way more powerful outside force (or to be precisely - russian invasion in this case) - but it didn't fail because people didn't do well enough. Both aforementioned cases would've been a sure win if not for russians. But when you are just walking around for months and literally applaud your murderers, while claiming you don't want to end up being like Ukraine - that's not doing it well enough.
  8. Most of the time Maidan had only 5 digit number of people staying there tops, with it becoming 4 digit number at night. That's way way less than the amount of police Yanukovich had... in the whole country. But he didn't have that amount in Kyiv. Just like Putin doesn't have anything close to that in Moscow. Yanukovich had to pull the police from other regions which utterly exposed them and allowed for local protests to rise up and snow ball from there. The level of violence from police during Maidan? From broken bones to dead people with as far as police cutting off head of one of protesters so he couldn't be recognized. Furthermore Maidan had no central political leadership whatsoever. It was literally people bunching up into separate groups that fought wherever the fight was. Yanukovich got dethroned by 1%. In Belarus and Russia people have not tried to dethrone their dictator even once.
  9. Every single russian knows full well this is a real war. It's just not war legally for obvious reasons - because if they called it a "war" officially - that would mean curfews, draft and totally obliterated economics. Sociology is science and even in Ukraine polls always represented a real state of things. In fact you could compare the results of "non-free" state polls with reality in the country and see they don't need to falsify those. Russia is a 140 mln pop country and even 1% of those being anti-war would've been enough to completely dethrone putin and eliminate his regime. Yet you don't see anyone opposing the war. And yes - being apathetic is literally the same as supporting the war. For reasons pretty obvious.
  10. It's not the first one. For example at the very start of the full scale invasion we bombed russian military airport with Tochka U near Rostov.
  11. Looks like it's not just "civilian" fuel that's burning. Russian social networks are full of rage over Belgorod. They are all like "we were told those damn village khohols are done for but they are bombing our cities now WHAT IS THIS". Those poor good anti-war russians.
  12. Here are a few key arguments: Any invasion force keeps its resources as close to the border as safely possible so it can quickly resupply. Russians suck at logistics horribly so that "as safely possible" is turned into simply "as possible". Russia amassed an invasion force and attacked Kharkiv from Belgorod among other routes. If they kept their invasion ammo depot in Belgorod (because, again, russians are horrible at logistics as proven by this whole war) - why wouldn't they keep the fuel there too? As a bonus argument you can also add the "nothing could ever go wrong in soviet union" mentality and modus operandi of people in charge. Which, as this war proves, is a real thing to this day.
  13. Belgorod is one of the key staging grounds (and supply routes) for an invasion. You can be absolutely sure that's an invasion fuel burning.
  14. So according to this - even if we take the aforementioned 'minimum' 40 mSv per hour as the maximum dosage a Russian soldier gets in Red Forest, especially if dug in, and they were digging in and staying there for 30 days - the math shows that they had a very dangerous level of exposure and ARS seems to be a very real thing. Good.
  15. 83% russians supporting the war is genuine. The support grew considerably since the start of the war. In Russia people aren't arrested for saying stuff in anonymous polls. Again you keep misunderstanding how dictatorships work: In democracies governments do what people want. In dictatorships governments do what people want literally. No government can exist without the support of the population, especially dictatorship. Dictatorship stands on an absolute support of the people otherwise it will be quickly overthrown. Hence all those 70-80% results you see are very real and perfectly normal. A dictator has to constantly make his people happy* - hence why losing this war and making people unhappy means the death of putin and he knows it. *your definition of happiness may differ from the kind of people who choose to give an absolute power to a single guy.
  16. The radiation is lower in Chernobyl also because the huge chunk of the ground around CNPP was effectively turned upside down to bury radioactive reactor elements that escaped the fire sight via air and fell on the ground all around the plant. Does anyone even account for russians digging in in the most contaminated places? And breathing in, say, core's graphite dust? If this area was so safe that it takes 57 years to get a lethal dose - why was it a no go? Guarding a safe 30 km radius area would be a waste of money.
  17. Oh yes - it's almost as if putin exists in a spacetime bubble separate from at least last 300 years of human history and russian history in particular. This article forgets to mention that after a month our army having more tanks than it had at at the start of the war is just a part of that cunning putin's plan. Him throwing his most elite units to take Kyiv and having them wiped out was done so he could take a few more villages in Donbass. I also like the bit about putin's demands of neutrality. Ukraine was constitutionally neutral in February 2014 with only 18% people wanting to join NATO. The neutral status was cancelled more than 3 years after the war and occupation began. I have a suspicion this author is absolutely clueless.
  18. Am I though? Maybe our asian neighbors that come here to murder, rape and kill my fellow Ukrainians for the sole reason of considering us "untermenschen" that for some reason live on their god-given land - are grossly misunderstood by me. Pretty sure they are all good people who mean us no harm. Thanks for opening my eyes to such possibility. The next time a russian missile lands in a nearby district, killing some more civilians - I'll remember to love thy neighbor to heal my soul.
  19. For russians the problem is that their largely falsified history is based on their whole country coming from Kyiv. So Kyiv to them is like a sacred, holy site without which their empire will not exist because it itself starts to seem like a lie. Kyiv to russians is literally like Jerusalem for any medieval empire. They are hell bent on having it for centuries now. Granted in the last 8 years they tried to heavily refalsify their mythology and make Novgorod be all end all, while making Kyiv seem like an unimportant town at an edge of nothing. Like "hey we own Novgorod, which was there before Kyiv so that must mean something". For example it is forbidden to use the name "Kyivan Rus" in russian schools, it is "Ancient Rus" now. But, as you can see in people's rage in official russian channels, that doesn't work because Novgorod is a real backwards hole nobody wants to live in, while Kyiv is a big geopolitical center.
  20. Any of that was true if Russia was a civilized country you could adequately work with. But russians want Europe. As in if nothing (e.g. NATO) was stopping them - their soldiers would be happily raping women on ruins of Portugal and France right now. Trading with someone who wants to see you dead is a very bad idea - as we in Ukraine learned the hard way (once again, sigh). And remember - natural gas was already $2000 per 1000 cubic meters for months prior to large scale attack as means to force EU to do Russia's bidding once again. Anything never gets better if russians know they can get away with that anything.
  21. A more realistic reason is that it's better to pretend it's a planned withdrawal and all is well, rather than their warmongering nation suddenly finding out that their forces, that should've taken Kyiv in 2 days, as was promised, simply ceased being alive.
  22. You'd think the video would first be posted by Ukrainian soldiers and then spread from there finally reaching russian propagandists. But for some reason it's a russian ministry of "defense" exclusive. Where "Ukrainian" soldiers wear no insignia and speak perfect russian.
  23. If russians say that some school, hospital, nursery or elderly home is Azov's main base - you know it must be legit.
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