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Everything posted by kraze

  1. You seem to be missing the key point here. Why would anyone be bothered by some country joining an exclusively defensive alliance - unless that anyone wants to attack said country?
  2. We wouldn't have such videos if that guy chose to stay home instead of getting in the tank and coming here to kill us.
  3. Misses key context. Putin was talking - then the video insta-skipped to a pro-war singer. Should probably replace those laserdisc players in their propaganda towers with something more modern. In all seriousness though - no live broadcasts in Russia.
  4. I was always wondering how those russian inbreds even get that many medals since they never took part in any real battles, mostly just one sided massacres of civilians. What military achievements can russian officers even boast about with those? Is it like... a medal for destroying a hospital or a medal for killing 100 children? Since when facing a real army that happens. Will he get another 10 medals for getting eliminated?
  5. So they just got tired or being victorious for 10 years and just decided to fold? How does that even compute?
  6. Again let me ask you the same question: 100% of Afghanistan was controlled by russians for 10 years. They controlled everything - whole government, every single airbase, every outpost. So I take it USSR won?
  7. Those things would've mattered in WW2 era - but this isn't WW2 era. Russians controlled 100% of Afghanistan. On maps. In reality Afghanistan offed USSR. Who cares if russian fleet is in Black Sea when it's doing nothing, while hundreds of russians get killed daily? Who cares if russians are 10km away from Kyiv when staying 10km away from Kyiv costs them thousands in deaths? They lost 20% of their whole invasion force in 3 weeks and for what? Taking Kherson? If they keep "advancing" like that - in 2 months they won't have any army to fight with without full mobilization of their country.
  8. This thread has tons of proof of why such map has no connection with reality. Especially in the north where they get ambushed daily non-stop and run back and forth in pockets like headless chicken. Thinking that if a russian tank drove 200km somewhere - everything must be painted red behind it - is proven wrong daily.
  9. Ugh: 1992 Moldova 1992 Azerbaijan 1993 Georgia 1994 Chechnya 1999 Chechnya again (Bonus: 1999 coup in Armenia when russian specops murdered the government) 2008 Georgia 2011 Syria 2014- Ukraine 2022 Kazakhstan Not to mention actively supporting multiple wars in Africa with troops. Seriously, they have no competition in bringing suffering to the world.
  10. Then you should read more pages which will show you how: In 3 weeks russians lost half of the troops they lost in 1.5 years in the first war in Chechnya which they lost. In 3 weeks they lost 4 major generals and dozens of other officers. They are now pulling their occupation forces from Syria, Azerbaijan and Georgia because they run out of combat-ready units Their troops thus far have abandoned over 500 vehicles incl. most modern and very expensive command stuff that costs 8 figures. In a week they haven't gained a single meter of ground, but are now losing positions. Heck, they are now pulling troops from Kurils. Ukraine is not even really using reserves yet. So does that look like an "operational pause" to you?
  11. Because they believed they were going to occupy whole country in 2 days and hold a victory parade in Kyiv on 3rd. Brought parade uniforms and prettied up parade tanks with them. Why break what is almost yours when you just need to hit the win button?
  12. That can be trusted. Multiple western sources show the same results. Posted them before. It's stable 65% on avg who are very pro war in Russia. These polls are an important example to people, who are not neighbors with Russia - for whom the sole fact of Russia being the source of almost all wars on planet Earth in the past 30 years is not enough or they don't make the connection.
  13. Radio Liberty Russia: "71% russians feel pride because of invasion in Ukraine according to independent polls" https://www.svoboda.org/a/nezavisimye-sotsiologi-71-rossiyan-ispytyvaet-gordostj-iz-za-voyny-s-ukrainoy/31757535.html
  14. There is. He's running out of cannon meat and has to pull it from areas he shouldn't.
  15. Again it's because this whole stunt was just a psyop to create an impression there are "good russians", most likely to save first channel from incoming sanctions. At the same time this whole court case was there to show to the domestic audience that she was "punished". Wouldn't be surprised if that fine was paid by her channel. Make no mistake - Ovsiannikova is one of the leading propaganda creators on the first channel, being a news editor. Her hands have been soaked in blood of the victims of her army more times than you could imagine and crafting lies is her job.
  16. Him sending those reinforcements from other occupied territories, making them less defended, means his invasion army is in a very bad shape. And those troops aren't going to be better than what already got mixed into the Ukrainian soil.
  17. It's 30000 rubles which is literally nothing for a long time state propaganda creator that was paid in thousands of dollars. So it's just a symbolic sum to report at least something and swipe the failed op under the rug.
  18. "Marina Ovsiannikova burst onto the set live" Keep believin' Looks like that psyop was indeed targeted at the West because prior to the stunt it became known that EU was voting for sanctions on the next day that included Konstantin Ernst, an owner of the First Channel, as well as the channel itself. His hope was probably that if he shows that "not all journos are pro-war" EU will not throw the hammer down on him and his biz as those "good russians" will suffer. But EU did. And that court case against Ovsiannikova, where she was accused of all the horrors with seemingly having to serve 15 years in prison, immediately ended with... her having to pay a fine of $100. That's all folks.
  19. That's perfectly normal for Russia. Throughout all of its history Russia never had a single democratically elected leader so it always was about some opportunistic group doing the coup. Sometimes the coup was silent (like a removal of Yeltsin from power), sometimes the coup was in full party mode (1917... twice). So putin either dies or gets 'died'.
  20. Good thing that previous 20 days of war haven't happened yet.
  21. It's the horrible choice of having such suffering now and securing the future of Ukraine once and for all - or having an even bigger war with even more victims some years down the line with an unpredictable outcome.
  22. Btw what's with the "WW3" thing? Russia has no allies, nobody will join the war defending it. The only 'world' in world war will be everybody in the world beating russia into mud. If you mean a nuclear war however - it's not like winds suddenly blowing radiation clouds into Poland wouldn't be exactly that.
  23. Don't worry, spalling's a bitch and half of those guys are dead
  24. The right scenario is taking back our territories and getting into NATO for protection, while isolating Russia for generations. Iron curtaining them from outside. Attacking an even stronger NATO for isolated Russia will be a one way ticket to hell. And they know it.
  25. Good news, everyone. Every country is leaving NATO as we speak - and will stay neutral to keep Russia calm and peaceful as suggested in this thread for Ukraine to do. Yes?
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