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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Again it's because this whole stunt was just a psyop to create an impression there are "good russians", most likely to save first channel from incoming sanctions. At the same time this whole court case was there to show to the domestic audience that she was "punished". Wouldn't be surprised if that fine was paid by her channel. Make no mistake - Ovsiannikova is one of the leading propaganda creators on the first channel, being a news editor. Her hands have been soaked in blood of the victims of her army more times than you could imagine and crafting lies is her job.
  2. Him sending those reinforcements from other occupied territories, making them less defended, means his invasion army is in a very bad shape. And those troops aren't going to be better than what already got mixed into the Ukrainian soil.
  3. It's 30000 rubles which is literally nothing for a long time state propaganda creator that was paid in thousands of dollars. So it's just a symbolic sum to report at least something and swipe the failed op under the rug.
  4. "Marina Ovsiannikova burst onto the set live" Keep believin' Looks like that psyop was indeed targeted at the West because prior to the stunt it became known that EU was voting for sanctions on the next day that included Konstantin Ernst, an owner of the First Channel, as well as the channel itself. His hope was probably that if he shows that "not all journos are pro-war" EU will not throw the hammer down on him and his biz as those "good russians" will suffer. But EU did. And that court case against Ovsiannikova, where she was accused of all the horrors with seemingly having to serve 15 years in prison, immediately ended with... her having to pay a fine of $100. That's all folks.
  5. That's perfectly normal for Russia. Throughout all of its history Russia never had a single democratically elected leader so it always was about some opportunistic group doing the coup. Sometimes the coup was silent (like a removal of Yeltsin from power), sometimes the coup was in full party mode (1917... twice). So putin either dies or gets 'died'.
  6. Good thing that previous 20 days of war haven't happened yet.
  7. It's the horrible choice of having such suffering now and securing the future of Ukraine once and for all - or having an even bigger war with even more victims some years down the line with an unpredictable outcome.
  8. Btw what's with the "WW3" thing? Russia has no allies, nobody will join the war defending it. The only 'world' in world war will be everybody in the world beating russia into mud. If you mean a nuclear war however - it's not like winds suddenly blowing radiation clouds into Poland wouldn't be exactly that.
  9. Don't worry, spalling's a bitch and half of those guys are dead
  10. The right scenario is taking back our territories and getting into NATO for protection, while isolating Russia for generations. Iron curtaining them from outside. Attacking an even stronger NATO for isolated Russia will be a one way ticket to hell. And they know it.
  11. Good news, everyone. Every country is leaving NATO as we speak - and will stay neutral to keep Russia calm and peaceful as suggested in this thread for Ukraine to do. Yes?
  12. It doesn't matter what capabilities of Russia is. Like at all. Even with their godawful army of inbreds they still dropped a bomb on a civilian shelter with a thousand civilians. So who cares if next time their army turns into sunflowers before Kherson, not after? This is Russia. There always will be the next time unless they know they are going against not one, but ten strongest armies and it will be an end of Russia scenario.
  13. So they will invade us in 5 years again. And it will be even worse because they will learn. Why do you think the demand to not join a defensive alliance is there? It's so that they can invade and occupy us. Isn't it obvious? Russia got humiliating defeat in Chechnya. Yeltsin lost the throne because if it. In 5 years Chechnya burned again under the next guy.
  14. Nobody cares what Russia wants. Just like nobody wants to have another goddamn war with those pieces of **** in another 5 years. And any agreement with russians means war again, again and again until Ukraine is no more and we get another 100 years of slavery. So if it gets to coup (and I seriously hope it won't) in order for our nation to survive - then I'll be there on Bankova street supporting it.
  15. Ok, I'll repeat it once again - Russia doesn't care if we get in NATO or EU. Russia attacked Ukraine in 2014 when it was predominantly AGAINST NATO (65%) and bordering on 50% for EU and having neutral status in Constitution. Russia wants to fully occupy Ukraine. There's nothing else that will ever "play well" with Russia.
  16. Is that why Putin is sending syrians to the frontlines and pulling his troops from as far as Vladivostok?
  17. Again - this is an example of why Zelenskyy does not decide anything for Ukraine. There is too much blood spilled. If whatever paper he signs does not fly with people, especially soldiers, he will get kicked out immediately. Probably in a very quick military coup too. And that's agreeing to anything short of total russian capitulation, freeing Crimea and Donbass with reparations paid.
  18. He talks about himself literally. He's panic-evacuating his yachts back to Russia as we speak
  19. Yeltsin wasn't considered weak by anyone. He was a very strong and ruthless tyrant who took power from Gorbachev, managed to completely fool the West, while launching 4 very violent and bloody wars in just his first few years and doing a complete crackdown on whatever small freedom that people got during "perestroika". However after horribly losing the war in Chechnya and de facto leaving it independent - he lost support among elites and was gradually poisoned by FSB (which is why he suddenly started to look like a "drunkard"), that wanted to take power for itself and after dethroning him - launched propaganda about how bad bad Yeltsin was. In fact this is standard russian modus operandi - every previous leader is bad bad. As for isolating Russia and changing its people or not with your examples: Cuba, Iran and North Korea are incapable of invading other countries. Sure - they can piss in someone's boots - but a major threat to neighbors they are not. And it's made very clear to their people that if they want to live better - they have to change. If they don't want to change - they will stay backwards and get nothing from the rest of the world. Is it possible to change russian people? I don't know, at least nowhere near as fast as Germany. But it's of utmost importance to disable Russia. Russia is a major threat to whole planet and right now most wars on the planet are started by Russia. Coming back to start of the reply - Yeltsin fooled the West by playing nice and millions of people suffer for it for 30 years. That "money faucet" should be closed and stay closed for good, ideally for at least a generation.
  20. According to Radio Liberty Belarus - only from Gomel oblast Russians have transported 2500 dead soldiers back home. https://www.svaboda.org/a/31755796.html
  21. Trostyanets is in Sumy oblast. NE. Probably made an error with coords when putting that bomb symbol onto the map
  22. The problem is that people in those formerly USSR-occupied countries weren't having a predator mentality for generations. They didn't need to be occupied and de-somethingfied because their people already didn't feel like ever attacking any neighbor. In fact people in some of those wanted to have even smaller borders of their own - e.g. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Thing is - there will be no reason for russian people to change if that financial faucet is reopened again once one putin is replaced with another putin. Even if the most agreeable politician is put in power (which is fantasy) - he will quickly get spoiled by russians themselves propagating corruption and demanding USSR is restored once again (which is reality). And we will quickly have another big war. Russians must be isolated if they are to change. Because if that "money faucet" is open again - russians will learn nothing. It will be literally 1991 all over again.
  23. https://censor.net/ua/video_news/3325480/polonenyyi_okupant_rozpoviv_scho_na_viyinu_v_ukrayinu_vidpravyly_navit_viyiskovyyi_orkestr_video Translation: "captured invader spoke about an orchestra being sent to fight in Ukraine" From the video: POW: there were orchestra guys, musicians guarding that UKR: what orchestra? POW: an orchestra attached to a company
  24. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/not-just-putin-most-russians-support-the-war-in-ukraine/ And yes I did. In fact I did as far back as 2008 when I was shocked at how many russians supported invasion and occupation of Georgia. And yes I also watched other people do it and film it over the past 8 years. From mere bloggers to higher profile journos from Radio Liberty. It was always the same - "Ukraine is not a country, they gained independence illegally, we must take it back", just in different variations. Furthermore - it's 20th day of the war and warcrimes by their country and they do literally nothing about it. Not doing anything equals agreeing with how things are.
  25. Belarus should have invaded right from the get go, that was the initial plan - but belarussian soldiers riot and also sabotage railroads and trains. Lukashenko has ordered an invasion multiple times already but his soldiers refuse to comply. Belarus already joined the war on Feb24
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