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Everything posted by kraze

  1. What putin wants and what he is able to achieve became two very different things after Feb24. Also we are getting back Crimea too and some soldiers joke about getting back Cuban as well after Russia's collapse. But that's just a harmless joke.
  2. Hence why they are the most fanatic subscribers of the Daily Ambush
  3. I didn't know The Guardian is now ran by our DoD. How about checking actual official source? https://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2022/03/10/vtrati-rosijskih-okupantiv-stanovlyat-ponad-12-000-osib-znishheno-majzhe-2400-odinicz-vorozhogo-ozbroennya-i-vijskovoi-tehniki-–-generalnij-shtab-zs-ukraini/ Втрата translates to loss, not 'death' Our DoD doesn't calculate dead or wounded because that's impossible. But press is uneducated in milspeak. So again, check actual sources
  4. Oh I agree about the bubble. A comfort bubble is created by all of us in one way or another, but using a comfort bubble as an excuse in an information age no longer works. Today a person can get educated if that person only chooses to do so. But most importantly - let's not fool ourselves thinking that when a russian "conscript" calls his girlfriend and happily boasts to her about how his fellow invader raped a woman in a town they captured, after robbing her and then ended up killing her - and then his gf tells him "kill, rob, just don't rape them yourself or I'll be angry" - that's because they live in a comfort bubble.
  5. And yet Ukrainians aren't maximizing anything. OSINT efforts calculated more than 1100 destroyed vehicles based just on photo/video evidence (meaning there are times more than that) If you calculate losses just based on that - it easily adds up to 12k casualties at the least. Press is uneducated in milspeak and think "casualty" means death. But we in CM community certainly know what it means. Being that average dead/wounded ratio is 1:3 - US numbers are the same at the least and considerably higher at the most. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/ukraine-russia-death-toll-invasion/
  6. There never was any jar. They always had access to the internet and information, as well as communications with people from any country in the world. But better yet - communications with Ukrainians who can also speak their language. So it has nothing to do with any kind of propaganda and isolation. They are coming here purely by choice. It's just that a civilized, western mind cannot comprehend how violence and hatred can exist as a cause, not consequence.
  7. That's a big mistake. Don't fall for that kind of propaganda about "conscripts". Those "kids" murder, rob and rape no different from "non-kids". They can choose to riot, they can choose to surrender, they can choose to go to jail, they can choose to cut their trigger finger off. Instead they choose to kill innocent people.
  8. Latest US DoD estimate is 5k-6k dead Ukrainian estimate is 12k casualties. Meaning US numbers are much higher than ours
  9. In an ideal world he should be forcibly sent back to Russia. Those cockroaches, that ruined their own country, will now start making brighton beaches all around the world again and bring their violent "russian world" with them
  10. Hence constant force recon missions. Especially you gotta give it to heroic guys of Azov, who, being completely encircled, keep going out and killing russians. Not to mention constant harassing of logistics making russians literally starve to a point where looting is now an official order.
  11. Those are russian troops, they wear russian camo and we don't use BTR82 although we now have a few. Those aren't yellow but white armbands with what looks to be yellowish lining - that video compression blows up, but you can see them clearly in close ups. Ukrainians wear yellow and blue, russians wear white and red.
  12. russian military is not very smart. Simply because there's 100km between CNPP and Kyiv. 100 km of heavily wooded areas that TD knows like the back of its hand. Their problem isn't with the fact that their junk food is too far, their problem is that it doesn't get to the front line for a myriad of angry reasons.
  13. He probably means russians are mass getting rid of soviet junk and violent maniacs but there are better ways to do such operations without having to feed stray dogs with one's dead soldiers and turning your army into test subjects for western weapons.
  14. I meant Mearshmier & co position, just misworded the argument. Kotkin is right of course
  15. So basically the greatest russian expert is completely clueless and if true - that explains why the West was literally blind for so many years. Before NATO even accepted any single new member after USSR dissolution - Russia attacked Moldova in 1992, Azerbaijan in 1992, Georgia in 1993 and Ichkeriya in 1994. That's FOUR wars russia started in just its first three years past USSR. So, naturally, when future NATO members saw what Russia does to its formerly occupied territories - they rushed to join NATO - which is damn hard as it is. You have to work your ass to be accepted into NATO, it takes almost a decade for an average country. So that "scholar" is either blind or stupid.
  16. I didn't watch the video because of one single statement - "NATO expansion". That's how you know it's a complete and utter BS. NATO doesn't expand. It is joined willingly.
  17. Without watching some stupid video on YouTube that tries to excuse russian wars and warcrimes let me post a list of countries Russia invaded in the past 30 years: Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Yugoslavia, Ichkeriya, Syria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. None of these countries were in NATO. Some of these countries were in ODKB. Gee, I wonder why countries join a defensive alliance called NATO that never invaded a single country and never ever fought in a single war? And most importantly why Russia is so upset about countries getting protection? Can you help me with that?
  18. Probably ambushing another convoy and then sniper-picking dismounts - nice
  19. Random City People's Republic™ Original work do not steal or we smash food with our tractors.
  20. Are we going on about this **** again? Do you even know how medical research works? Does your country have medicine or just pours snake oil over open wounds? That's before you actually read an article you posted yourself.
  21. It really doesn't matter what russians lie about. Like at all. It works only for russians and various kinds of nutjobs abroad that made up their mind about their love for USSR long time ago.
  22. It wouldn't really matter where they hit to disable the launcher - but it was of absolute importance to kill human filth that crewed it.
  23. It's not just putin, putin is a mere representation of his people. It absolutely doesn't matter who russians put in power - every single leader of theirs is an absolutely violent maniac. Unless russians themselves suffer the consequences of this (and many other) war they started - nothing will change. So the most realistic progression of this war will be AFU gradually grinding through russian army until the most combat hardened BTG are replaced with (shadow-)mobilized nobodies while at the same time russian people suffer from maximum poverty until Russia collapses sooner or later - and then - the most important part - the West must not repeat the mistake of 1991 when it ran head over heels saving russians from consequences - as they brought an absolutely insane dictator Yeltsin into power, who immediately started wars all around Russia. Somebody mentioned Iran as an example of surviving similar economical pressure - but Iran is culturally monolithic, it doesn't consist of 20-30 ethnicities that despise each other and it isn't fighting several very expensive wars, while trying to keep several of its regions tame through applying constant force and terror (for example Chechnya is in a state of a permanent "counter terrorist operation" since 2000).
  24. russians won't stop until Ukraine is no more. Any "cease fire" and "concessions" mean they will just come back later. So yes - it's either us or them. Russians made it very clear. As for "anything resembling a genocide" - just look at what they do to cities they aren't in - but better yet - look at what they did in captured regions of Donbass: Mass deportations, mass killings, mass graves (that they themselves filmed trying to pretend like they were done by "neonazis" and then russians just "discovered" them) - and that's just in the "compliant" regions. Where they had an overwhelming support and no resistance. Furthermore - just look at what they were doing in Chechnya, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Syria, as well at what they were doing in Yugoslavia before the West intervened militarily to see what happens when "concessions are made".
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