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Everything posted by kraze

  1. A good article for people denying russians are doing genocide. The only reason they didn't kill more in Bucha, Irpin, Vorzel etc is because whole north was a constantly contested territory - so they had to do mass murders of "nazis" in between fighting and couldn't be fully dedicated to it. I'm afraid of what we will inevitably discover in the south. Remember - those videos of brave people in Kherson area protesting stopped appearing for a while. And then we also have Donetsk and Luhansk. Those are probably much much worse. A single "Isolation" example is chilling and we know about it only because it had survivors.
  2. There are two logical flaws that can be pointed out. One is - Russia may draft a million men, but what will they ride to the front, when even that "12000" tanks figure now looks more like 4000 tops, across the whole country and they need them in other places. And the other one is - there's no ideological figure for our army among politicians - like it's for russian army with putin. Zelenskyy may seem cool to you, but he has no fanatical loyalty of the army, which was reformed for 8 years to promote individual decision making. Even if russia somehow decided to offer us ceasefire on their terms - there's so much innocent blood - we would have A LOT of rogue soldiers trying to get revenge on russian troops still on our territory, disregarding orders and forcing the war to either not stop or escalate shortly after.
  3. yeah, but it isn't the only country that has it - is what I mean. Once others see there's no fallout (pun intended) - there will be no excuses not to send more
  4. It's "just" a single complex (which is a lot more generous than it sounds due to S300 being a collection of machines that can engage a lot of targets at once) - but to me it looks like a european test to see "what will putin do". So when EU sees that all those threats were bluff (e.g. Poland still not bombed) - there will be more.
  5. They are "solving the Ukrainian question" Actual graphic images: https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/04/8/7338073/
  6. https://base-garant-ru.translate.goog/10107062/b7899bcc6be7a47ef7731cae8027fc3b/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp Looting is now decriminalized in Russia.
  7. In both Napoleonic war and WW2, apart from aforementioned allies and help, russian army predominantly consisted of Ukrainians and Belarusians, who ended up suffering the greatest casualties in both wars. It's why by the time either of them got to Moscow - their armies were bled so heavily by what is basically the locals defending their homes - they couldn't realistically proceed any further. If you check history - in the past centuries russians never really fought a war on their own territory. Aggressive wars they started using their own local population ended up being stuff like Winter War or Tsushima.
  8. russians fully retreated from Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy, effectively losing 1/3 of what they gained in slightly more than a month. Can you name me a single war of theirs in the past 30 years where russians ever gave up anything they captured? Those losses do hurt.
  9. Nah. Lots of Ukrainian soldiers come from rural areas as well. Even russian pilots and artillery guys keep getting taken alive. It has to do with the lack of civilized norms. Remember in Russia according to their laws a man can beat up a woman once a year without invoking intervention from authorities. So imagine growing up in a family in a country where wife beatings are so widespread and such a norm - they had to let russians do it "within reason". Not growing up violent is an achievement.
  10. I haven't seen the video. Only heard about it and that those soldiers were killed in or near Bucha. I can believe it's true even without watching the video. I'm perfectly OK with it.
  11. Most casualties suffered during WW2, and especially on defence that grinded through germans on the russian army side weren't russian. The war was happening mostly on Ukrainian and Belarusian territory. Winter war was predominantly russians. That should give you some clues and explain why russians have troubles here. They weren't the ones adapting to hardships.
  12. Ruble couldn't collapse because prior to 1991 there was no money in USSR. There were fictitious "soviet rubles" that had zero buying power as every citizen was allowed to "buy" exactly X of something per month and not a gram more - so the exchange of paper for products was basically virtual. There were also "spetztalony" aka real money - using which (and only those) you could buy import goods - but they were not available to 99.99% of the population, only to the most equal of animals. Productivity dropped only because it was instantly replaced by import goods (soviet products were awful) - but the sole fact of soviet goods being replaced by import ones tells you that people could suddenly afford those. And even then it didn't get better in Russia even now. I mean their soldiers loot teeth crowns. Can one get any more poor than that.
  13. There were no bad times in the 90s after the collapse of USSR. In fact those were better times compared to USSR. But every new russian dictator stands on blaming his predecessor for russian never changing poverty.
  14. Their propaganda song about some chick wanting (a guy like) putin even has a line that is literally "I want a guy like putin, so he wouldn't drink" When your dictator-hero building song has a line about alcohol - you know it's bad.
  15. Ammo depot was Tochka U. Fuel depot was choppers. There were two separate attacks.
  16. Reading into and debunking russian propaganda is just as full of sense as doing the same for the ravings of a mad hobo. Not worth it.
  17. There's literally no difference between the two ideologies. Like zero. While germans were doing genocide of jews - russians did genocides of ukrainians, belarusians, moldavans, crimean tatars, chechens and ingushs. The only "difference" was that an excuse to murder people was "not aryan enough" for one and "not russian enough" for the other - but the outcome was exactly the same. USSR and Nazi Germany were so alike - they started whole WW2 together as allies.
  18. It's not "at this point". They were always like that. Everybody is so focused on evils of Nazi Germany because they lost. In the past century russians have murdered times and times more people than Germany. Ukraine alone went through three genocides. And one of those was right after WW2 (in 1946) because Ukrainians dared to resist russian re-occupation. They couldn't care less that they will look no different from people they just fought - so they murdered 300000 Ukrainians in that year (among a total million of people incl. murdered in Belarus and Moldova, that were also resisting). They never really stopped.
  19. I mean I always knew russian GDP is propaganda BS just like everything else... But I could never imagine russians are that piss poor. That's some African tribes level poverty. Looting teeth crowns. Jesus effing Christ.
  20. That's an old version of nazism. Russians have installed updates - viewing everyone as untermenschen.
  21. History knows no benevolent dictators. Simply because people have to have a mentality of serfs to want a single leader to decide everything for them and then follow his every order unconditionally. Thus such people will always choose the most malevolent person, because it has to be the one that is perfectly OK with having slaves. And every other trait like being violent and often mad comes in the very same package. It's a locked circle where a dictator has to seem strong enough for people to feel like they can stop taking responsibility for their lives, while at the same time making sure they couldn't, even if they wished to - to, again, seem strong. No benevolent person is fit to be accepted as a dictator.
  22. You mean a right wing party is pro-someone who declares outright that Ukrainians must be "reeducated" (as in somehow stop being Ukrainian) and those that will oppose "reeducation" - will be killed? Never before any right wing party in Germany ever did similar things. How indeed.
  23. Him saying "we are withdrawing our troops because everything is going according to plan", while his army runs away totally routed from the battlefield, is not because he is in touch with reality. If putin could - he'd still be ordering berserk rushes of Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy. But that order no longer could've been executed.
  24. Nicholas was dethroned by the February coup led by "elites", which itself was deposed by the military coup of commies. Actual russians played little role in the events, they didn't care who will give them something to eat in the end - they just supported da tuffest ork boi in da clan with da most teef and da biggest WAAAGH
  25. It's very true. Hence why power in Russia changes hands only through coups by the "elite" that sees an opportunity to become the ever innocent Tzar. Either through bloody-shooty coups (like start of Yeltsin's reign coup) or poisony-sneaky coups (like end of Yeltsin's reign coup) But it's always a high seat class coup. For centuries. So what will it be? I mean the only lucky guys were last few "general secretaries" of USSR - simply because they were so old they had less than a year to live biologically and nobody could even get that coup in place in time.
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