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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Russians and NBC protection? Let's be realistic here.
  2. You can't just drop a tactical nuke where you want your troops to go and especially if you want to capture it. Digging in in Red Forest already showed what radiation does to russians and that one had time to die down for 36 years. And russians don't have as many of their barbarians they can realistically sacrifice to ARS and still have an army. And dropping them on rear cities just to genocide some more Ukrainians should lead to escalation - because if it doesn't - that's a signal to the whole world to get nukes ASAP and in a few years time you'll see random nuclear armed asian countries threatening US and EU because "nuclear non-proliferation BS" will have only "BS" in its name - and it will be even worse.
  3. Because there was no defeat in Donbas. Russians paid dearly for every meter of the ground to a point they had no way to proceed much further. Donbas was as much of improvisation to them as it is to us - russians were planning an invasion to occupy whole country in 2015, due to inevitably falsified elections by Yanukovich and protests that would follow but Maidan forced their hand earlier, when they weren't ready enough. The goal of Russia is always one and the same - complete and total destruction of Ukraine. If they could they would. After all it took 8 years of preparations to launch this attack with that very same goal - and yet here we are.
  4. conscripts in russian army in Ukraine are the minority, they are almost non-existent - there were few of them even before most of them began fertilizing the ground. Russians are just poor and uneducated as is. They were eliminating intelligentsia for generations - it was bound to have consequences. Remember - every single achievement of USSR happened thanks to imprisoned and tortured guys, who got "lucky" and survived. Being smart is always on a scale from "outcast" to outright "life hazard" in russian society - depending on how much of a violent maniac their whatever czar is. Because intelligent people do what they deem is best, not what they are TOLD to do.
  5. Because Russia was never taken off SWIFT. What happened was a typical half-measure 3 weeks into the warcrimes so Ukraine would just STFU about it. 2 largest, most important russian state banks still operate using SWIFT. That means all other banks just use those as proxies and nothing really changed except for paperwork.
  6. You mean russian claims about Azov that certain press was so happy to jump on so things wouldn't seem uncomfortably one-sided. Because the only nazis on Ukrainian territory that do any kind of ethnic cleansing aren't the ones wearing yellow and blue.
  7. You come at it from a standpoint of fighting war and achieving military successes like a military commander would. But these are russians. And they aren't in it to achieve military successes. There is a screenshot of comments of one of their social network groups a few pages back. "**** your children, we will destroy you like hitler destroyed jews". That's what a perfectly average russian truly wants. Their task, since they can't grab whole country, is to kill as many Ukrainians as they can and destroy as much infrastructure as they can. To their people it will be enough if they come home with 6 figures of civilians murdered. If they can grab some more land while doing so - then that's a welcome bonus that will look good on maps to an average russian. Mariupol is a densely populated city. And it dares to resist. Bucha or whole Kyiv oblast will pale in comparison to horrors that happen there.
  8. Clearly your teacher never tried programming
  9. Clearly US biolabs in Ukraine are a real deal. Otherwise how would you explain this terror attack by a flock of mutant nazi birds dropping modified covid on a column of peaceful russian liberators?
  10. Good russians oppressed by evil putin, wish us peaceful dreams.
  11. Many people in those reserves have previous war experience since our military prioritizes such people over everybody else. Even in TD they get the priority.
  12. I like how russian cope maps went from "successes of special operation" where they captured 1/3 of Ukraine and Transnistria being there https://twitter.com/robbieburr/status/1512586971813584904?s=20&t=mzdWDRg54ZrauGmzqXnLuw To "ongoing special operation", with the "containment zone" in the north (whatever that means) and Transnistria evaporating https://twitter.com/KyleJGlen/status/1512523742009823240?s=20&t=mzdWDRg54ZrauGmzqXnLuw
  13. You think too high of that guy. He's fighting to restore russian empire that included everything from Berlin to Alaska. Of course he figured out he's not getting it because this time he has no Hitler to use as an excuse to occupy half the Europe - and the one he invented is beating his "#2" army up so bad - he will have nothing to invade even a country as small as Lithuania with.
  14. Except right now the message is - if you are a despot and have a nuke - you can invade, occupy, do horrible war crimes in a whatever non-nuclear (protected) country you wish. Better yet - if you also have oil and gas - other countries will keep supporting your warcrimes with hard cash
  15. Add to that the fact that Russia doesn't even have a veto power as per UN, USSR does. Which doesn't exist. But the sole fact that UN decided to consider Russia as USSR and be perfectly OK with it instead of forgetting there ever was USSR, which abused its veto power to start wars - is what made it such a failure in the first place. Russia invaded Moldova less than a year after USSR was over.
  16. It's not N Korea at all. Russians still have a ton of freedoms. From leaving the country (in NK three generations of your relatives get sent to jail for that) to actually voicing opinions with FSB bothering to only make examples of very few. Russia is more like a Nazi Germany in mid30s. Just like Nazi Germany of the era - russians genuinely support what's happening. Putin doesn't need to gag anyone.
  17. Pretty sure UK would get stuck in some bureaucracy and heavy opposition from Germany, Hungary and Italy that they had to fight through before any NLAW would've landed in Ukraine. They had to maneuver around half a Europe to land a plane with weapons here as it is, certainly would've wasted time maneuvering in other ways too.
  18. Remember how everybody thought that Brexit was a terrible thing that was helped in no small part by russians? Wonder how many russian FSB guys went to jail when putin realized UK can do whatever it wants with its NLAWs and sanctions without asking another 20 countries if it can.
  19. You mean you are not OK when we are doing it. But have no fear - our war propaganda will never be as good at it as your soldiers are.
  20. This is an example of why I treat "good" russians like I do. (racist! racist!) They make snarky comments about their warcrimes like it's nothing. See - russian invasion and occupation are OK, their warcrimes are OK, but showing russian murderers and rapists or even discussing it is BAD. "Russian army murdered thousands of innocent people, destroyed thousands of their homes, deported dozens of thousands of Ukrainians into nowhere - but they didn't rape 78 y o woman so stop saying like our army is bad". Jesus effing Christ. "We, in Russia, are getting stupid things like dead bodies of soldiers". Could've been worse, you leave most of those rot on our land.
  21. In 1941 when retreating they blew up Kyiv dam - which caused massive amount, thousands of civilian deaths in the resulting flood. It didn't stop Germans. Then they blew up the historical center of Kyiv, not only destroying lots of architecture that was there since before Russia even existed - but killing thousands of civilians. It didn't stop Germans. But it did encourage a lot of Ukrainian resistance they had to fight up until 1954. This is the kind of atrocities they commit on territories they consider their own (and why it was always a Russian occupation), so don't be surprised.
  22. Nope. Those are agricultural lands. So by doing this they try to prevent Ukrainians to be able to sow anything. Whether Melitopol will be liberated or not. Artificial famines are russian classic.
  23. The problem with this is that russia already committed the best men they could with the best tech they had. And now imagine mobilizing scared, unmotivated, inexperienced russians to fight here, while armed with little more than an AK and a cold war era helmet. Russia doesn't have much more in terms of armor than what's already involved. If you think their motivation can come from "attack on the homeland with many victims" - you are most likely wrong. The value of life in there is rock bottom. Russia is an extremely violent society with little regard for people. Only so so different from muslim countries surrounding Israel. If mass murder of children in their very own Beslan by their own army motivated zero russians to dethrone putin when he was a lot weaker - similar stuff will only result in another Belgorod panic and putin's macho image getting hit. His throne stands on russians (both literally and figuratively) never suffering the consequences of their misdeeds. Because otherwise putin would have already ordered the thing. And he'd have hundreds willing to execute it - don't even doubt it for a second.
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