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Everything posted by kraze

  1. Yes russian nazis that want to see us dead, but are also smart, unlike their dumb brothers running the show, is exactly what we need here. Being smart in Russia is hazardous to life anyway - so let them do their own brain draining, just don't let that **** drain here, we are not in the market for sewage. Also "half Ukrainians having ties" is total BS. Even most of the minority that had ties - have severed them after facing the reality of their "ties" genuinely wanting to kill them. The ones that should be looking over their shoulders are the ones who are trying to earn an "ethic cleansing". E.g. flying a russian flag should certainly warrant a light beating and a friendly interrogation to make sure a guy didn't just lost his way and knows where he is. You know, much like flying a flag of Nazi Germany in Israel.
  2. Problem is - no border state of Russia is nuclear. Russia is nuclear. If an alliance had at least one (ideally - more) nuclear countries - MAD would mean Russia committing suicide, while, obviously, taking everybody with them. And, ironically, the chance of that is way way lower than Russia attacking the non-nuclear new alliance. And let's be realistic - Baltics and Poland will never leave nuclear NATO, while Finland will join it this summer without issues. Which means that Ukraine will have nobody to form that alliance with.
  3. What I'm saying is that while Russia exists nearby - there will be no peace. And if there's no Russia - there's no conflict or issues in Donbass and Crimea. It doesn't really matter if Russia has larger or smaller borders - as long as they have borders with us. The only way it works is if Russia goes deep down into some kinda civil war and we get a really really fast track into NATO and by the time Russia is ready to come back and start a new war - article 5 makes it being too late.
  4. This won't work like that. Disregarding the fact that we will never be in NATO while France, Germany and, especially, Hungary are there as they are - Russia is hell bent on destroying Ukraine. Do you really think russians care about occupied Crimea and Donbas? It's just what they managed to capture. Until their troops are on polish border - they will not stop. And it doesn't matter which czar russians elect. They keep putin in power only because he is currently the alpha male. If he becomes weak - russians will just replace him with any other putin. Russia will stop only when they have no army to attack with anymore and/or are too busy killing each other - but at that point Crimea and occupied Donbas territories will be easy pickings anyway - with no Russia to support any pro-russian movement in there.
  5. https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2022/04/18/7340423/ seems to be true, our journos already grabbed a few screencaps
  6. Ah but key thing here is that russians don't consider Crimea their land. Sure, they believe they own the rights to it (just like any area on planet Earth they invade and occupy) - but they don't feel it's theirs. This is why russians gradually turn any place they steal into a grey, dystopian garbage dump (especially well seen in the formerly russian occupied parts of EU to people in EU as an example). They don't feel the connection. Especially when they live in a place where one half of towns has Greek names and the other half has Tatar names. Crimea is alien to them in every way but "we just want to have it".
  7. Best part in that video is one of the orcs pushing grenade towards his own, effectively helping our guys kill them all. Also how casually Azov fighter walks away after throwing that grenade.
  8. There won't be any, russian mentality is about invading something, looting it and ruining it - but it's never about defending own rights. russians have been legit trying to instigate civil war in Crimea since 1991, they even had a large military base there all this time - but, apart from an occasional murder by their own soldiers stationed there, nothing ever happened. Only literal invasion and occupation "helped" russians to get what they want. In fact whole post-USSR is a proof that russians will never try to launch any separatist movement, no matter how "oppressed" they think they are (and oppression to russians equals to anyone else but russians existing in the universe). There has never been a single civil war in post-USSR in 31 years. Every single war was started by russian army just coming somewhere and grabbing the land.
  9. money is no excuse for torturing and killing your own.
  10. Of course nobody talks about the same methods - hence why "non-citizenship". Allowing anyone in there to vote after 8 years of occupation is a recipe for disaster. People will either be genuinely anti-Ukraine or too psychologically traumatized to make adequate choices. Even on free territories we will have to deal with people with a Stockholm syndrome that will try to find anything good in russian occupiers after the war's over.
  11. Those aren't "republics", but occupied areas by russians where they did a lot of cleansing and a lot of russian soldiers got to live there as a "payment" for taking part in an occupation* - a prospect promised to the rest of them upon occupying Ukraine. So naturally soldiers and traitors supporting them will be treated like criminals. Everybody else should be legally forbidden to take part in any kind of political decisions (even local elections) for at least 10 years. Should be no different for Crimea as well. At least 10 years of "non-citizenship" for everybody with prosecution of russian soldiers and traitors. *As an example - that lovely pair, where a chick asked her husband to rape our women - came to Crimea from Russia upon occupation and live in an apartment that formerly belonged to a Ukrainian that had to escape.
  12. Through deportations into far east and mass murder russians made sure only pro-russians remain a vast majority on occupied territories of Donbass. And yeah, we can't even imagine what sort of mass graves will eventually be found there after 8 years of occupation. Not to mention that they mass brought in their broke ass looters they call an "army" to live in "vacated" homes over those 8 years. So much like Crimea those territories should be retaken using a complete set of sanctions banning russian oil and gas so that Russia is so unstable - caring about occupied areas will be its last priority. If those sanctions will ever happen. Losing thousands of soldiers just to take areas too mentally infested with "russian world" - is not worth it. It's important to save people in newly occupied territories though.
  13. They send them to the front so they can try to steal ours.
  14. The related joke is that "we have an IFF codeword that our enemy knows but cannot use". In fact a lot of saboteurs were caught literally like that by TD, not kidding.
  15. soviet pioneers travel in a sub called "Neptune" pioneer #1: "hmmm, I see - it's a fascist cruiser" pioneer #2: "how do you know?" pioneer #1: "I've read about it. Fascist cruisers were marked with Z" For some reason upset russians seem to be mass reporting any uploads of this soviet cartoon on YT to ban them.
  16. The mentality of any serf is such that a serf is very aggressive due to being constantly subdued, but needs to vent that aggression somewhere and will agree in large numbers to vent that aggression in any war a tyrant starts - which is the reason you see such degree of atrocities committed by russians. Them being so xenophobic is also tied to that very reason - somebody, anybody has to be blamed for everything. Germans picked jews for that in their time, russians picked us. However, being a serf, also means one is scared of someone stronger than him - so if that strength suddenly comes from the enemy, overwhelming and overshadowing the power projected by the tyrant - he becomes lost and scared. Which, I think, is the reason for such low morale even among elite troops. Now soldiers are one thing. People, that just glue big Z on their cars and feel good about all the murder by their compatriots from the cozy comfort of their wooden barracks - are another the moment they are forced to hold a gun. They may break, dragging whole damned country with them to hell. Because if putin could announce full mobilization to crush Ukraine - he would do it without hesitation. But apparently right now the risk of that is way more threatening to his very existence than losing this war.
  17. Bonus russian corruption points if people responsible were assigned responsible by the actual culprits.
  18. They are not being brainwashed or oppressed. They are the oppressors. You just have a western mindset that tries to make sense of what you see and hear according to your own world view. To you it seems wild or unbelievable. But there's a reason Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland are at the very front of helping Ukraine. They all share borders with russians. And they understand.
  19. sadly that's just a tip of the iceberg. That rabbit hole of absolute evil goes way way way deeper in there.
  20. I didn't realize disliking politicians with double standards is racism. Is the likes of Orban or Merkel a race? You mean pointing out that warming refugees with russian gas, buying which is why they were made refugees in the first place is me being a nazi? Oh noes! As for Odin and Thor - I suggest you talk about them to upcoming nazis of Sweden and Finland.
  21. The only reason anyone would use russian accusations of Ukraine being "nazi" is only to promote his own position. Be it on a political level (e.g. refusing to impose sanctions for russian occupation so money can be made with russians), on media level (only one side being so uncomfortably evil making those generic bad guys in movies look tame by comparison), on whatever level. No other reason. Because for any sane person a country that shoots people in basements and rapes children in suburbs of another country accusing somebody else of being a nazi would just not fly.
  22. You do know we did that a very long time ago? Like literally in 1996 when our Constitution was written? Any nazi symbols haven't stopped being a criminal offense for a second. Granted we included commies in there only 2015. Sadly.
  23. Dude you serious? Have you missed at least the last 8 years? Russian definition of being nazi is speaking Ukrainian. Literally. It's literally written by putin's own personal ideologist in that RIAN article like that. Nazis speak Ukrainian. Nazi ideology is having a Ukrainian passport. And their demands are for Ukrainians to cease existing - which is literally what "denazification" means.
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